What? So you think that a team that was incapable of winning their own Division and own Conference championship was a better team that actually WON the Super Bowl?????? Where do you come up with this stuff?
Relevant yes. Dominant no. They were a play and epic choke away from 7-9 or 8-8. The way they talk we're supposed to be in awe of their greatness, something the Jets shouldn't dream of achieving. I think the '09 Jets were a better all-around team than the 2011 Giants same record but with the #1 D & #1 rushing attack.
Giants owner John Mara nailed it: "That other stuff we see, I do find it amusing; they do have personalities on that team. But more than a commentary on the Jets or any of us in football, it's a commentary more on the media, isn't it?
I'm not sure we were better in '07 but our '10 team was w/o a doubt better than their '11 team. #1: The Giants don't have the Pats in their division, yes they beat them head to head but against other teams the Pats dominate so the Giants wouldn't have made the playoffs in the AFC East. #2: we beat a better Pats team on the ROAD in the playoffs in 2010 than the injured Grink Pats the Giants beat in 2011. #3: they got the falcons at home in the WC rd, we beat Peyton at Indy. Div rd we both beat big time teams except we didn't need a Hail Mary to gain an edge. #4: we had to play at Pitt in the title game, they played at SF w/ Alex Smith and still needed 2 fumbles on punts and a blown whistle on a Bradshaw fumble to win. I'm not taking credit away from the Giants, they did what they had to do but to act like their teams are so much better than ours is silly. In BOTH of their title game wins they got TOs deep in opp territory to set up GW FGs for the wins. In their 2 runs they faced great fantasy QBs but chokers outside of Rodgers- Garcia, Romo, favre, Ryan. Sometimes luck does play a role.
might want to take your head out of your butt. As much as i loved the 2010 season, we had a lot of lucky games in the regular season. The giants played very well in the playoffs last year, you don't take down 3 good teams on the playoffs with just luck.
the 2010 Patriots team was better than last years patriots team, which got an amazing gift miracle just to be in the SB. No way they should've won that game against baltimore
the 49ers and patriots was pure luck. The patriots dropped like 87 passes that day. The giants fumbled a bunch of times and recovered each one.
For the record, the Pats 2 dropped passes that day according to the statistics. One by Hernandez and one by Welker. Who dropped the other 85 passes?
I partially agree w/ that but getting a fumble blown dead, having 2 potential INts dropped b/c 2 SF DBs collide each time, missing a chip shot FG(NE vs. Bal) are not examples of making your own luck.
It's funny how low PatsFanTX has sunk on this board. Defending the team that his own just lost the last two Super Bowls to simply because he has an obsession with hating the Jets. Hey PatsFanTX, how many posts combined are you going to make on here and jetsinsider today? What's happening on the Pats board these days? You know, the one you never actually post on despite you actually being a Pats fan?
How about last year when Victor Cruz literally gives up the football, untouched, in arizona...while jerome booger claims he was "down" hands the ball and the game back to the giants they don't even sniff the playoffs if that doesn't happen
he never gets banned on jetsinsider, that board is unreadable because of his trolling. now he's brought it here. all he does is insult the jets over and over again, hourly. The mods here need to do something. we can't let this board get brought down into the toilet because of him like that other board If I pull the same shit on a patriots board...I get banned within the hour.
Good poster? When did this happen? He's a troll who does nothing but post backhanded insults about the Jets at every opportunity while over-inflating his own team. He generates controversy and conflict in virtually every thread he posts in, even when it has nothing to do with the Patriots.
I don't want any digs at us from fanatical jets haters on a jets board...if I want jets hate I'd go to a Patriots board. Jets fans can be critical of a team, but daily...almost hourly anti jets venom is against the rules. Do those rules apply to patsfantx?
they took advantage by not having the turnovers but they didn't do anything w/ those drives. If you give good teams enough breaks they should be able to win and again I'm not trying to take credit from them. They did what they had to do to win but there is not some huge gap btw the jets title game teams and the Giants SB teams. Sometimes you just have to relax and have fun, his team has mostly been better than ours. he has the upper hand right now.