It's 49ers third string RB Brandon Jacobs!
The 24-carat phony, gum-flappin' hypocrite is at it again. Trashed Jets & Rex....but then while shopping for a team as a free agent suddenly wants to play for Ryan....finds new team (49'ers), back to trashing Jets. Paper-thin credibility. Brandon Jacobs, who bitched and moaned in the press about Tom Coughlin (like many NYG fans) and his share-the-wealth with Bradshaw role, now waxes nostalgic for "the old man?" A phony. Brandon Jacobs, who flamed Rex Ryan calling him a "big mouth, big bellied coach" and yet when he was testing the waters expressed a $udden interest in playing for the "2nd team" Jets and Ryan. A hypocrite. He's a steaming, disengenuous piece of dog shit (apologies to any piles of offended dog shit).
There was some truth to his comments but you have to sort through his nonsense to find it. 1 - Jets were proud of back-to-back AFCCG but the Giants responded by winning the SB. Giants fans/organization should feel like they "one-upped" the Jets. 2 - Signing Tebow did turn the Jets into even more of a media circus & it's one reason why many people were against the trade. It's believable that even in SF he's tired of hearing about the Jets. === The rest of his comments are just nonsense. Dissing Rex and then publicly campaigning for the Jets to sign him. He hates Rex personality is fine but who gives a damn that he's a fat coach? Also, it's stupid to bring up the drama between Buddy & Gilbride when he wasn't there to experience wtf was the tensions on that team to begin with. As a 3rd string back on SF, the only way he was gonna get some page space was by talking about the Jets ... so it wouldn't surprise if he did it on purpose just for the attention.
I thought this was going to be a Francesa thread. Jacobs must be auditioning for his gig when the NFL finally wants nothing more to do with him.
Jacobs thinks the Jets get too much press so he goes to the press to lambast the Jets for getting too much press... and the circle continues. What an idiot. Same thing for Giants fans. I keep hearing my Giants fans friends complaining to me about the coverage the Jets get while the Giants, who won the SB, get very little. Uh, guys, I don't work for the media. I didn't do it. Its not my fault as a fan.
Doesn't it suck when someone so undeserving can talk shit and you cant really say much because he's a champion. I have always gotten shit from my two older brothers because there Giants fans. My whole damn life ; posters getting ripped down, The smirk time after time when ever we came up short. Win a championship and all that goes away!
Not that I care about his opinion, but this is the one positive thing I got from his interview. He loves to stir the pot but I guess not when it comes to the QB "controversy".
The guy who was begging us for a job a few months ago? The man that is completely irrelevant and is talking just so people remember who he is?
Topping 9-7 with the 27th ranked defense, 29th D against the pass, 32nd ranked rushing attack, negative pf pa diffferential doesn't seem like an impossible task to me.
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Giants have 2 Super Bowl titles in the last 4 years. That's what you need to top to be considered relevant.
The Vagiants combined record in those 2 super bowl seasons? 19-13. Last year they beat us because of a miracle 99 yd touchdown fluke, plus a game in arizona where the refs literally handed it to them. They had no business being in the playoffs. Get a cucpcake team in the 1st rd, a miracle hail mary against the packers, the 49ers rookie handing them the game on special teams...welkers and about a dozen other patriots dropping balls out of nowhere, ANOTHER miracle super bowl grab The 2010 jets were better than both the 07 and 11 giants. Whats the difference? We dont get hail marys that stick to our players helmets, we dont win divisions at 9-7. We go into pittsburgh and play peyton for championship games...not fucking alex smith and some special teams assbag who literally kicks you the game. We dont have brett favre throwing us gift interceptions. So sick of the giants flukey bullshit. I sincerely hope this team turns into the new detroit lions of the nfl