coples looks pretty impressive, vlads improvement is clear as day, we are without our starting right tackle and shonne greene showed some power in his running. mcknight is looking good as well. and tebow is showing he can run with the best of them, so somehow that is going to help us, not in any way a wasgte of a uniform. theres more but i want to watch mcelroy run the offense a bit so we can see some pass plays stay pass plays haha
SO let's see, this guy who gets mentioned on ESPN more than any other athlete by far, who is a backup, manage 3 points, no TDs and an INT against 2nd and 3rd stringers. Enough said.
Somebody earlier stated that Te-(blow)me should be auditioned in a rb role. That's not a bad idea. Maybe as a full-back........!
TT a man running for his life or throws to no one under no pressure ,still we have 3 weeks to go ....
I'm not saying that Mac should be the starting QB, but it's clear he's got a better arm than Tebow or Sanchez. But there's more to QB than an arm.
I'm sure Rex will share with us how quickly he'll "get this fixed" considering he's the greatest defensive mind in football today..
He has a weaker arm than Pennington. His arm is the weakest part of his play. He's really smart though.
Great play by Coples, but he needs to improve his endurance. Someone should have recovered that fumble though :/