Weight loss tips for men

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by deerow84, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I would suggest then, that you start blackmailing BigPharma, and make your fortune now.

    (Oh, and Btw..so you are suggesting that the body breaks down fat, before muscle, or equal;y or something...but I digress)

    As I said. If you're so correct...bring Big Pharma and the weight loss industry to it's knees.

    simple proposition.....for you at least..

    (you probably buy into BMI too)
  2. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    ?????? Blackmailing big pharma ?? wth are you talking about dude.

    I got news for you its not easy for most people to cut calories or exercise more.

    Go find some dude who is 300 pounds and is used to eating anything he wants at any time of the day. Then tell him he can only eat 2000 calories a day, and has to go to the gym 3-4 times a week... And do this for the rest of his life.

    Its not that simple when people are used to eating processed garbage that isnt filling and is loaded with calories.

    And I didnt suggest anything about the body breaking down muscle before fat or vice versa. (I have absolutely no idea how you came to that conclusion). Obviously there are different variables that would be involved in that, but generally speaking most people who lose weight lose fat AND muscle at the same time. There are ways to reduce muscle mass (ie high protein, + lifting weights) but I have no interest in getting into that.

    And bring them to their knees how ? You realize that the entire weight loss industry is built on the simple premise of decrease calories ingested, or increase calories burn.

    Exercise programs all built around increasing calories burned.

    Diet programs (ie atkins, weight watchers) built around reducing peoples caloric intakes. They all go about it different ways (high fiber, high protein, high fat, low carb etc) but the end goal is simple. Make people lose weight by reducing their caloric intake, by having them buy your stupid ass weight loss product.

    You act like this is some big secret that would devastate the industry, whereas its the simple premise that the entire industry is built on.

    Id say the #1 rule of the weight loss industry is profitability (which is why not everything they do actually works to make you lose weight), then #2 is based on Calories in < Calories out

    And oh yeah I base my entire life around BMI, theres nothing more precious to me. Im glad you picked up on that.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Atkins, built around caloric intake?


    So weight loss guru..... get back to me, when you've cured the obesity ills.....:rofl2:

    Because, If you were as correct as you think you are...You'd be rich, and the world would be thin, no?
    #143 Hobbes3259, Jul 27, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  4. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    The original atkins diet had people eating around 1700 calories. You may think the magic pof ketosis is causing the weight loss but it all boils down to the energy balance equation.

    All diets start out telling you that you don't have to cut calories then proceed to trick you into cutting calories.
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Are you guys like sisters or something?
  6. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I said this at the beginning of the thread, but the simple equation of calories in < calories out is not quite so simple. It is a true equation, yes... if you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. This is a physiological fact. But what people tend to ignore is the fact that the body changes the efficiency of the "calorie out" side of the equation based on both the amount and type of calorie it is receiving (along with other factors).

    That "energy balance equation" is not static. Spend a week eating 1700 calories of pure sugar vs. 1700 calories of pure protein if you want a drastic example of how calories differ. Spend a week in severe caloric deficit and watch your body go into starvation mode. This is not a static system.

    For 90% of people trying to lose some weight, yes, cutting calories alone will make a serious dent in any extra pounds... because they just flat-out eat too much. For the rest, it is most definitely worth considering what you eat. A calorie is not a calorie.
  7. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Directly from Atkins website

    All of those are copy pasted directly from Atkins own website, absolutely no third party websites forums etc are included.

    So congratulations on going on a diet program that you know or understand absolutely nothing about
  8. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I do agree with you. For fat/obese people wanting to lose weight/fat its as simple as calories in calories out.

    HOWEVER for overall health and or body composition a calorie is not a calorie.

    So yes a calorie is a calorie, but a calorie is not a calorie.
  9. silent scream

    silent scream Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Hah what can i say dcm knows his stuff.

    Im a little dismayed that you buy into so much t-nation gary taubes nonsense. Always considered you one of the smartest guys on this site. Still do though.
  10. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    And I agree with this part too. But starvation mode doesnt change the calories in calories out formula, it just changes the numbers (specifically it significantly reduces the calories out #)

    Makes it a helluva lot harder to lose weight, but doesnt change anything
  11. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You're not parroting, anything I've not already said, except...that it's NEVER as simple as calories in, calories out.

    But hey... You've just solved the American Obesity Epidemic. I tip my hat sir, and only ask that you send me a signed photo of you and the large posterior married to the President that tells the rest of us how we need to eat.
  12. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I do enjoy TNation good pick up but Ive never read Taubes....(confession, I don't get there much lately)
  13. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    That's all true, but it's semantics. If we define the "formula" by the net rate of calorie burn, then the formula has changed.

    But we seem to agree on the bigger point -- that it's not a static system. Your body will alter the output side of the equation depending on what you put in and how much.
  14. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    This thread has really derailed haha

    Anyway, just an update: as of yesterday I had lost 10.5lbs. Pretty good for two weeks IMO. More importantly starting to find more healthy foods that the wife and I enjoy so we can make it more of a permanent lifestyle change and not just a one off type thing. Although, to be honest, we did have McDonalds on Friday (cheat day!)
  15. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Something that ive experimented with lately which is REALLY awesome

    I buy a pound of ground bison, make a full pound burger, blot it with papertowels (like you would fried chicken, this absorbs a ton of fat you can taste the difference) and toss it on some kinda really low cal bread (ie http://www.josephsbakery.com/p-10222-Flax-Oat-Bran-and-Omega-3-Square-Lavash you can put a full pound of meat on one and its 100 calories)

    Comes out to like 700-800 ~ calories total for a full pound burger incredibly filling, over 100g of protein and 6g of fiber.

    Definitely the new staple in my diet and beats having a cheat day at like mcdonalds or something.

    Also something ive really been wanting to try


    ultra lean burgers

    No better way to lose weight than eating tons of burgers !
  16. MURDR

    MURDR Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Anyways, since this kinda turned into a health thread, what are peoples' thoughts on steroids for non-athletes? It seems like there's sort sort of 'taboo' on doing steroids, but I really don't see why. Most of the side effects are extremely overexaggerated, and there has never once been a case of death from steroid use. Really, I kinda of admire non-athletes who do steroids. Obviously, athletes who do it nowadays are cheaters, but non-athletes are so motivated and driven to get better that they try and help push their natural limits.

    What's the big deal with people criticizing steroid use for non-athletes?

    I got into this argument with one of my friends when we watched some YT documentary on steroids and I said I'd probably start taking them after I'm done playing sports. It has very few noticeable side effects (I know about 60-70 HS football players who have taken/take steroids), it can help you grow a few inches with years of use, it helps you push past your natural limit in regards to muscle gain, and it even helps heal injuries (and I'm injury-prone).
    #156 MURDR, Jul 30, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2012
  17. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'm all for it because from my own experience, the ones taking the roids are also the ones working the hardest. For some people, the fight against your own genetics is one that is damn near impossible to win. If you are an endomorph it is damn near impossible to have the body of a god without extra test.

    Plus the drug has been demonized by the media. For males the side effects are almost always reversible and roid rage is basically a myth. Caffeine and alcohol are far worse than steroids as far as I'm concerned
  18. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I think Roids are awesome, HOWEVER theres tons of problems with them.

    The biggest is availability of good shit. If I could get shit legit from a doctor I would 100000% be taking them. And when youre on the shit you gotta be smart, which means regular blood work. So if people could get roids from their doctor, and take them under a smart plan of care its a terrific thing.

    But the reality is nothing like that.

    The BIGGEST problem is getting the shit. The overwhelming majority of roids on the street are fucking shit. First off MOST of them either come from some third world country where youre getting fucked up garbage, or its stolen from a vet. And the kind from a vet arent made for humans, theyre made for animals.

    Then the people you got handling this shit are usually pretty shady at best. And since the drug trade (roids included) is all about money what do they do. they cut the shit down and now youre getting roids mixed with some other fucking garbage that you have no idea what is. Not to mention with some roids the likelyhood of them being COMPLETELY counterfeit is greater than the chances of them being legit. So you have no idea what youre taking.

    Plusss you got so many people out there who are afraid of fucking up the injections (you do an injection wrong you can either kill yourself, or hit a nerve and lose function/feeling in an area of your body) so they turn to orals. And orals are the WORST shit for you. The side effects are massive, and if you fuck up even a little (either dosing or say go out drinking) you could completely fuck your body, especially your liver. Hell even if you dont fuck up, you could still completely fuck your liver.

    So basically in an ideal world where you could get good shit under professional supervision I think theyre a tremendous thing. Unfortunately thats not the case at all
  19. MURDR

    MURDR Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Yeah, that's always been my only fear, getting it supplied (and administered) from a reputable source.
  20. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    From what I have researched injections are really not that difficult to be honest you'd hafta be a complete idiot to screw it up. That is much safer than fucking up your liver

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