17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    GMC, I know this is the kind of topic that will get people charged up on both sides, but the direct profane attacks won't fly here.

    I've already mentioned to 337 about egging you on, but you're going a step too far.


    And the fact is, supply and demand rules the roost here. The price of the supply was raised, they got what they could at that price, now they're offering what they didn't sell for less.

    It may make those who paid a higher price feel scammed, but it's just smart business.

    Btw, 337, is that your section at Giants Stadium or Metlife? I sat in 337, top row at the old place. I've since upgraded to 247A, right under the Pepsi jumbotron.
  2. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Is this the same geniuses that came up with the PSL prices that had to be cut many times over? Or the original prices for the clubs and upper deck that had to be cut? I think you are giving them too much credit...

    To think they'd screw all these other things up but have a "definite, mathematical formula and solid go date..." might be a stretch.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Bullhorn boy attacked me personally first, go back and read the posts. Direct profane attacks hurled his way only after he drew first blood.

    Im not here to attack anyone but when im attacked I bite back.

    I never ridiculed anyone who sits in the UD I ridiculed the UD seating and the new stadium and the ticket sales how they transpired.

    Sorry to offend anyone who feels offended by it.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I miss my Jets Tailgate family. Can't wait to see them soon
  5. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I can't wait to receive that oh so popular email from the Jets which has the FedEx tracking number for my tickets.
  6. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Bought 3 Jets/Giants tickets for 83 bucks. Not to bad.
  7. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Ha ha giving them away now.........:beer:
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't think I'm giving them "way too much credit," I think you're grossly underestimating their thought process. Woody is like a heat-seeking missile looking for increased revenue.

    With a join date of 2009 perhaps you never followed the history of price increases under Woody Johnson. I not only follwed them, I was the guy receiving the invoices and paying them.

    In Woody's first 8 years of ownership, Woody decided to raise prices by 10% per year in the "premium" sections (at the time,) my Mezz Section being one of them.

    As such, 10% per year equated to a doubling of tickets in that period of time. Do the math... take any principle and apply a consistent 10% add-on to it for 7.5 years. The result is that you've doubled the principle.

    So no one can argue with Woody's history... it's a fact. He went after what he saw as his premium seats and doubled the ticket prices on them in that period of time. He did it because he could. And with no qualms whatsoever.

    Fast forward to 2013. Does Woody have any "premium seats" in the new stadium? Seats that people would hesitate to leave or (now) find it impossible to leave because of the PSL financial commitment? And was Woody forced to cut ticket prices in those premium seats in order to sell the cockamamie PSL associated with those ticket prices? Don't you think that urked and even embarrassed him to have to do that and that he needs to recoup that "loss" (in his mind) and prestige among his peers as soon as is practicable? If for no other reason than to show them that he was right and that his plan was indeed brilliant after all? Lower the prices in order to set the PSL hook and now that it's set, raise the hell out of them thereby demonstrating what an outstanding business mind he has?

    Come on now. Let's not underestimate this owner and his Ticket Office Henchmen one single iota. There has got to be a timetable in place right now, sitting in a filing cabinet in his office, that maps out the exact tipping point of PSL payments... the "point of no return," where his financial experts can predict a reasonably comfortable time to commence the 10% Add-On Attack. And re-examination of this timetable is becoming very necessary now, because embarassingly (again), he has to cut prices in the Upper Deck. This makes him feel small and somewhat of a laughing stock among his peers. And this cannot be allowed to continue. And it effects teh very value of his NY Jets franchise, for goodness sake.

    So, what to do? Where can I increase ticket revenue elsewhere? And do it quickly, to make up for these God-Damned Upper Deck cheapskates? Hmmm... let's see.
  10. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I was never offended, you did not attack me, its just you made yourself clear over 100 times about the UD. Everyone on this site knows how you feel. You don't need to repeat it. And because fof you, I have repeated myself a 100 times, I love sitiing in 340. So lets just call it quits and find something else to cheer or bitch about. PLEASE!!!
  11. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    2009 is my join date for TGG, not when I started going to games. I am aware of the price increases Woody has given. I too was paying the invoices. When he initially took over ticket prices were under priced by NFL standards for a NY team (even with the Jets not being so great for most of those years) so he raised prices quickly. Even with the doubling of prices, people were still able to sell tickets for twice face.

    I know people are probably going to mention how you couldn't give away tickets to a December game against the Bills when the Jets are 3-10. That is true....if you wait until December to try to unload it. In my experience if you sell your games at the beginning of the season before games are played, then you can do well. You may lose out on making some more money if the Jets are doing well and have some very meaningful games late in the season with mild weather, but it's a risk I have found that isn't worth taking. Do the exchange before the season starts even if it's for face value to someone you know.

    Regarding that map in his file cabinet of the tipping point of PSL payments and the point of no return, I'm sure there is one of some sort. But given their history with this new stadium, I don't believe it's the least bit accurate. I also go back to what I originally posted some time ago. At some point the PSL money paid by a STH becomes pointless in keeping the STH. If someone paid $5,000 for a PSL and ticket prices jump to $200 (in about 5 years using 10%)...is it really worth that person sending in $2,000 so he doesn't "lose" the $5,000? Why throw good money after bad money? And if they can't keep someone who paid $5,000 in that seat, how the heck can they get a new person to do it?

    Now, if the Jets win a Superbowl or two then all bets are off on ticket prices. Then of course anything can happen, but that's not very likely.
  12. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Yes 337 was my spot in the old stadium. I was in row 7. It was great there. I still see umbrella/towel man.

    Funny thing I have a friend from 337 who moved to 246 and he told me he met a couple old people from 337 higher rows than us near him too.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    3 years is hardly a history and a tiger doesn't change his stripes. This guy will return to his old patterns just as soon as he can. It's extremely naive to think he won't. And telling yourself he won't raise prices on PSL tickets because he's had a difficult time of doing so the first 3 years is dillusional, quite frankly, and probably supports my position that the 10% Add-On Dildo is still in his closet waiting to be used again.

    You grossly underestimate the power of a strong deposit. You might walk away from one, but the average person won't. And we're not talking about average people, we're talking about Jets fans (the term comes from the words "fanatic") who were committed enough originally to sign up for this nonsense in the first place. "What's a few 10% hikes? He won't keep on doing this, sureley, so I'll just hang on and pay this year's invoice again." Besides, the guy has taken his girlfriend and all her family and friends to the games to show off his seats. Now he won't walk away for two reasons... money already spent and the need to save face. And "what's a few more dollars? And it'll all be paid off soon, so why walk away now, now that Woody is givning me a 10% increase? 10% for this year isn't so bad.".... Same logic he applied to the insiduous payment plan in the first place. So no, he's not walking away.

    They don't need to get many new people to do it because won't have that many defections. People don't realize how insiduous the Woody 10% Add-On Plan is. It sneaks up on you. You pay the first 10% increase without a sqeak. The next one comes and you go, "Well, okay, whatever." After a while the invoices keep coming with the same 10% and you're thinking, "well, I'll still pay, but we had a lousy season, so maybe next year it won't be 10%." Pretty soon the PSL is all paid off, so now you don't want to walk away from the total outlay, and again the 6th, 7th and 8th year invoices arrive and lo and behold, even with a 1-15 season, it's still a 10% increase. By then it's totally too late to do squat. And besides, at that point, if a PSL guy walks away, they'll simply put the seats on the open market without the PSL. They've already collected it from the first sucker. Or maybe with a good season or two, they can re-sell the PSL to some new sucker.
  14. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Just got the email that tickets will be received by August 10th. When the tickets arrive I'm like a kid on Christmas morning.
  15. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    I wasn't inferring that he wouldn't raise ticket prices on PSL seats. Of course he will. I am saying that the price increase will be $5-$7.50 for the next 5 years or so. Once they get closer to $200 then the $10 increases will start. So that puts the increases from 3-5% a year.

    I was trying to say that the ticket price increases when Woody first started where higher because the tickets were below market for a NY NFL team. With the new stadium he's already gotten his 25%-70% increase when they changed the prices from $65-$115 in the old stadium to $95-$150 (not including club seats) in the new stadium.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I understand your need for reassuring yourself that the increases will be minimal. No one wants to feel taken. But 3-5% is not happening, IMO. In his mind, he's already "lost" money on many of these sections by having to lower prices to move the cockamamie PSLs. Now he'll need to "make that back again" and then some.

    I am telling you this is the biggest Ponzi Scheme NY has ever seen and that Woody makes Bernie Madoff look like a rank amateur.
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Better start googling the internet now for anto depression pills when this year again turns into another losing year to go with all the years since 01/12/69
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    many people really dont keep track of their finances very well either. they may not even realize its been jacked up other than hearing about it in the paper, the sports talk radio or here on tgg.

    and i think you are correct they will pay and pay until they finally reach their breaking point. then they will have to make the decisions your talking about i think your right their pride and the fact that its only an extra 10 bucks a game from last year will do them in for quite some time.
  19. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    No need to reassure myself, nor do I feel taken. If the increases escalate too quickly, I'd have no problem walking. To me a PSL is a sunk cost. Once the check is written, it's gone. If I wanted to bail, I'd try to sell it. If that wasn't possible then, oh well. I had fun while I went to the games. If I feel that way then I am sure there are many others who feel the same. I don't see why anyone would throw good money after bad money. I'd walk and just go to a couple games a year via stubhub or some other route.
  20. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    I'm sure there are many people like this as well. $10 a game while prices are $100 is a big 10% bump. Now 7-10 years when ticket prices are near $200 a $10 hike is 5%. That's my only point. Ticket prices will rise, no doubt. I'm just saying they won't rise at 10% per year.

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