What is your biggest concern heading into Training Camp?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    For Jets fans out there, what is the deal within the organization and their loyalty to Wayne Hunter? He was the worst RT in the league, and they didn't draft anyone or sign anyone. Not only that, but they guaranteed his salary and are not even staging an open competition or giving Ducasse reps there.

    I know Sparano is coming in, but is that really it? That Sparano thinks he's salvageable?

    I would think that even if they think they can turn him around, they would at least bring someone in from the outside just in case. So, what's the deal?
  2. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Gotta be the O-line. Count me in the group concerned that we will be a ground and pound team with a questionable group of RB's behind a very shaky O-line that the organization seemingly did NOTHING to improve.
  3. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Honestly, I dont think anyone can give you the true answer... We did bring in two vet RT’s a few weeks ago (and actually cut one of them today), but they are only here for depth.

    RT was definitely a weakness in the draft, not a strength, so I understand to some point why they wouldn’t draft one. But I continuously think about the Chiefs signing Eric Winston for 5 mil a year and how we are paying Wayne Hunter about half of that... One of the best RT’s in the game being cut like that was a Jets fan’s dream, but I guess the FO thought otherwise. (yes we were tight with the cap, but Im sure Tanny could’ve made it happen)

    I guess at this point they are just hoping for him to be just average with a change in scheme/coaching and that after this year they can find a long term solution (assuming Ducasse doesnt step up).
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Having the OL at 100% and a change in scheme/coaching could prove to be a big improvement...
  5. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I'm not worried at all about our RT. Hunter said he's gonna be better.
  6. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    And Jets said they were improving - for the past 40 some years. That turned out pretty good, didn't it?
  7. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    To be fair Dbrick was AWFUL too last year

    So maybe its some kind of anomaly, or Sanchez holding the ball, the OL scheme, playcalling, god knows

    Far as the draft, we got some major talent and went BPA

    Guess they figured that for how cheap we got hunter back, vs how much more money an upgrade would cost that this wasa just more cost efficent.

    Who knows, worst case scenario w ere infused with young talent and will have cap space to make any needed changes after this year
  8. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    They obviously feel a switch to man blocking scheme and rededication to run game will make for different results with Wayne Hunter. It is possible, I guess.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's not possible. Wayne Hunter was a backup tackle for a bunch of years because he wasn't good enough to start. If he was good enough he'd have been starting for somebody because it's hard to find good 300lb+ players.

    Giving him a starter's contract and putting him out there at 30 and now 31 is just a fool's errand and it indicates very sloppy thinking on the part of the talent evaluators and procurers in the Jets organization.

    The sloppy thinking can be broken down neatly into three areas:

    1. What is Hunter's talent level based on his NFL career?

    2. What is likely to happen to that established talent level as he moves past 30, which is old for an NFL starter and positively ancient for an NFL backup?

    3. What is the appropriate cap-value to spend on a player governed by cases 1 and 2?

    The answers from the casual point of view of a long-time non-professional NFL observer are:

    1. Wayne Hunter is a backup tackle/blocking tightend.

    2. He's very likely to decline to the point that he can no longer perform adequately in the role above.

    3. His cap value should be zero.
  10. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I cannot believe this guy is still our starting RT ,,,,,,this is mind blowing :sad:
    As others have said he filled in when someone else got hurt and played well,,,that said he has been a carreer backup,,,,,,,,,this amazes me. Sometimes I think Tanny and company think they are smarter than everyone else,,,,,I hope they are right but most of us just don't see it
  11. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Eh. I'd throw him $10 for a cab ride out a here :beer:
  12. 1. How can there be continuity if he can't stay on the field due to his knee issues? How can he be justified long term w/ all the locker room issues people are bitching about withOUT him on last year's team?Afterall, he is well known as being a "me first" guy.

    2. I find this statement cliche & off base. Sure the Jets could & should upgrade Hunter. But how can you continue to shun the impact of Moore's hip issue, Slauson's numerous injuries, Brick's back issue/ lousy 2nd half of the year)Mangold being out for 3 games? Really?None of those things played any part?It's all on Wayne Hunter? I guess in your eyes 1 guy really does make the difference. And how can you say the OL can't possibly be improved if he's still in the line-up? A change of scheme will make no difference? A return to the run first philosophy won't help? The fact that the OT's won't be isolated in pass pro 99% of the time like under Schotty...that makes no difference? ALL that matters is "WFH". Forget me...you're the genius.

    3. I wasn't targeting you and I'm not sure how you got that impression. I was speaking generically regarding this fan base that wants to release everyone, proclaim people as busts, fire personnel at the first sign of adversity.

    Truthfully I have no issue w/ you. I don't agree with your assessments but you are entitled to your opinion.
  13. I'll be at Lake Cayuga which according to Mapquest is just under an hour drive to Cortland. I'm excited about it.First time going to TC since 08 at Hoftstra.
  14. RochesterJet

    RochesterJet Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    Cayuga Lake is nice and probably is about an hour to Cortland. Have a blast, bring some wine home ( good white wines in the area). Seneca lake by far has the best red wines in the state if Vino is your thing.
  15. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    This is what I've always said about an OL..... In the salary cap age you have to make changes at times - You have to know when to let go of a Faneca... It's a calculated risk - BUT, that risk relies on the new Guy being held up by the rest of the OL!!!!!!!

    When Slausson stepped in, the drop off from Faneca IMO was Minute - Why?? Well 1st off Faneca was a shell of himself but mainly Because they had the best C in the game healthy - 2 Tackles playing well and a RG playing well all covering for him and holding his hand....

    If this OL stayed healthy last year I don't think we talk much about Hunter..

    BUT, when the Center goes down in the critical early season learning phase for the RT and some guy off the street replaces him and then BOTH your Guards are playing injured an at a fraction of their capabilities - then no one is left to hold the hand of the new RT!!!!! **** TO THE EXTENT THAT EVEN BRICK LOOKS MEDIOCRE****** THE OL WORKS AS A GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Add in a lockout and little offseason prep to 2 banged up guards and a missing center at times plus the pressure, scrutiny and in house frustration that followed an dthis OL never got off the matt last year.

    I think Hunter can be a decent OL if the rest of the OL is healthy and solid..

    What I want to see is depth behind these guys though - The Pats lost OL - You can't have a situation where 1 or 2 OL goes down and you are screwed....

    I'm fine with Hunter - Just get me 2 guys at least as good as Hunter behind him as insurance who know the system and can step right in...

    Also, hopefully Sparano's system will allow someone to step in easier with a simplified Man blocking system and less thinking..... Hopefully Hunter, Ducasse and any Free agent can learn and play this system much easier and with less transition that was the cluster#### of the past.
  16. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    High waters of Cayuga? What are you doing here!?
  17. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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  18. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I feel really good about the defense.

    The offense, i'm holding my breath and just hoping for something good.

    Sanchez absolutely needs to step up, protect the ball, and do a better job at moving the chains. He also needs to hold off the Tebow chants, by playing well early.
    The Oline has questionable starters, and virtually no quality depth.
    We have no blocking TE.
    The WR's are largely unproven, and led by a selfish arse. Holmes needs to get his shite together, and support the team when things are down.
    The running game doesn't scare anyone, and we want to play on the ground.
    Where is it all heading on offense? I don't know.
    Like i said though, Sanchez stepping up could mask a lot of other problems. Also curious to see if Sparano's new system has a lot of effect or not. These are big unknowns that we are all banking on as Jet fans.

  19. Fantastic post & spot on. I feel the exact same way. Now I don't think this unit will be the best in NFL like it was from 08-10...but I think they will be top 10 & will get back to the ground & pound. Even so, despite all the nagetive press..this unit did have some plus performances including Hunter. San Diego, KC, & Washington were all pretty impressive games. The ability is still there.

    I still believe the X factor is Ducasse. We're gonna know real early in TC what he is. If he is still shaky w/ the blocking scheme/technique..I think we need to move on. However, if he is playing w/ more maturity,I think they need to plug him in front of Hunter. He's been a big time blocker since he stepped foot into Florham park. He WILL get this team back to G&P. It's all about the pass pro...can he make pre snap reads, react to defensive shifts & execute his assignment?
  20. Flyboy

    Flyboy Active Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    That is so fucking true. Let's hope they took care of this problem, or we could be looking at another no playoff appearance.

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