Dan Marino: "Proven" Mark Sanchez will remain the Jets' starter

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by VanderbiltJets, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Its been said, just because you say it has not does not make it true. for yoo to deny that this stuff was said is to show how little football you watch.
  2. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Phaytal you are the definition of a blind Tebow hater . You have rarely been right about anything Tebow, here are some good gems, these are but a sampling from the Broncos message baords.

    Quinn has worst stats than Tebow with the exact same amount of passes thrown by miles , at the end fo the season (career wise they had each thrown 352 passes and Tebow destroyed him in wins, and passing stats and running stats) . Not only were you wrong on the proverbial nail in the coffin comment, Tebow helped turn around a team that was the worst in the NFL in the previous 31 games before he started , so You were wrong on the following quote :

    Orton was a joke with a 6-22 record and Tebow helped bail out the Broncos after 1-4 not Orton and when Tebow started winning it was only because of the running and defense? LOL you cant have it both ways . You were wrong on the following quote :

    I guess the team going 8-5 with a playoff win for the first time in 6 years (after team was 7-24, the worst record in the NFL ) and Tebow helping by scoring 32 Tds (end of season and start of the next) in 16 starts and appearances in other games that amounted to 40 snaps is not successful. IN YOUR MIND . You were wrong on the following quote :

    The running game went from dead last to...you guess it...NUMBER ONE in the NFL when Tebow was inserted at QB....

    Have you ever been right about anything with Tebow?

    I could do this ALL DAY. You are a predictable hater .
    #102 CowboysFan, Jun 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
  3. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Hey Mortal/Phaytal surprised it took so long for you to find your way over here.

    ^^^ This guy is an epic detractor.

    Didja bring NeckBeard with ya too?
  4. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    The Love for Teebow is sickening he is a great player and all but I'll say it again. It's a team game he won't save us. Everyone has to do their jobs
  5. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Can you point to even 1 post where it says he will save the jets? You guys all mistake someone saying they like him for this wierdo unadulterated love...which is all made up.

    I like sanchez as much as I like Tebow as an example. So where is the sickening love? I think it comes from the over media saturation. media exposure gets mistaken for love for some reason. 80% of all media exposure on tebow is analyst and fans hating on him by the way.
  6. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    No way. Everything about Tebow right now in the media is how he is going to take the job from Sanchez or Sanchez is fighting a stacked deck with Tebow as his backup. Why the media is even having this discussion in June I don't know, but they are.

    It is like 40% love, 30% hate, 30% random article name dropping Tebow for no reason.
  7. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Tebow takes a pounding when he runs the ball. He does not side step people he lowers his shoulder. Yes he does start five to seven yards backs

    It is true separation in the NFL is a lot less than in college. You can believe what you want but facts are facts. What is considered open in the pros may not be in college

    Throwing with "anticipation"? Is this a technical term? A "sight" thrower again I have no idea what this means?

    In the NFL you have throw people open, lead receivers or throw to a spot if this is what you are talking about with anticipation you cannot play in any offense in the NFL without being able to do this.

    I am not really sure what you mean by "sight" thrower but if you mean being able to get the ball to the receiver in tight window when you see that he is open? This all depends on arm strength and release. If you can get the ball there faster you can hold the ball longer and make the throw. Pennington had to throw to a spot ore often than say favre because he could get the ball there as quick.

    I'm not saying that Tebow doesn't need to LEARN how to throw with anticipation, but that also is something that can be developed over time.

    Again, throwing to spots is something that you have to do to play QB in the NFL every NFL QB does it. If you cant you are not long for this league. This is where accuracy comes into play.

    This is very hard to fix over time as he has tried and failed miserably. There is a reason strong arm QBs are not built like FBs it is not conducive to throwing the ball. 1/10th or whatever the number his release is slow and long which makes it easy to strip by defense of ends running by.

    Tebow has enough money and access to enough coaches and has tried to fix his mechanics they have not been successful in 3+ years why do you see magic happening in his release?

    Can Tebow play in the NFL sure he has already proven that. Can he play the way he plays and be a long term solution for a team I do not think so even if a team revamps their offense for Tebow it is 3-5 year stint at best before he starts to break down.
  8. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    so you're telling me that somebody said tebow can't play high school qb?

    and even if they did who gives a fuck he is an nfl qb now
  9. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    What's more pathetic than Tebow fanbois following him to his new team to stir up crap...?
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Most of the time, Tebow is either on a designed QB draw or running out of the option. In both cases, LBs are kind of frozen in the secondary waiting to see where he goes and whether or not he has the ball. That's one of the things that makes him such an effective runner. Yes, he lowers his shoulder when contact is made, but as I said, that's often because he closes the space between himself and the defender.

    It's actually somewhat comparatively rare for a defender to make a "crushing" tackle on Tebow when he's running the ball.

    Saying that "true separation in the NFL is a lot less than in college" is not the same as saying that receivers won't be wide open. What you would be talking about mostly is very good cover corners blanketing a receiver (think Revis). That doesn't always happen. You often have LBs and safeties trying to cover 3rd recievers, or TEs, or RBs coming out of the backfield. You also often have recievers finding and sitting on holes in defensive zones.

    Throwing with anticipation is when the QB throws the ball even though the receiver might be covered, knowing that he will get open at the point where the ball is thrown. There's a number of ways this is done. Take a slant with the defender being squared up. As the receiver runs down the field, the DB has him covered. BUT, as soon as he breaks inside, he'll be open for a couple of steps. QB has to understand when that opening will be and has to throw the ball to that spot BEFORE the receiver actually breaks.

    Sight thrower is exactly as the name implies. QB looks, sees receiver is open, so he throws the ball to that receiver. Basically, it's what Tebow (and lots of other young QBs) does a lot of right now. A QB has to have developed timing with his receivers AND he really has to understand reading defenses in order to throw with anticipation.

    An example would be Aaron Rodgers. There was an article where they talked about how Rodgers doesn't go through progressions looking to see which receiver is open. He reads the defense, knows where defenders WON'T be and that's where he throws the ball, knowing that his receivers will read the same and be there to catch it.

    Again, it's something that QBs learn how to do over time. Not that many come into the league and can do it from day 1.

    It is hard to fix, but, if you look at some of his passes last year, you can clearly see that he has managed it. What he lacked was consistency with it. Sometimes he'd throw with his "new" motion, other times, he'd revert back to his old ways, yet other times, it seemed to be some combination of the two. Time and repetitions will go a long ways in fixing that. As for his "slow" delivery, you do understand AVERAGES, right ? If he is 1/10th of a second slower than the AVERAGE, that means his delivery is probably actually faster than other QBs in the NFL.

    Because you really can't replicate game time situations, no matter how hard you try ? He needs to put in tens of thousands of more reps in practice, BUT, this past season was his first real chance to do it during game time. You know, when the pressure is on. When you have defenders coming from anywhere and everywhere.

    If we are talking about Tebow being the starter somewhere, I'd vote for them switching to the Spread Option, similar to what is being run in Carolina. Do that for a couple of years while Tebow gets more accustomed to working from the pocket.
  11. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Correct. He had to switch high schools to play quarterback. His coach would not put him at the position.
  12. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    And you, my friend, are a prototypical Tebow cock-gobbler. 'Leading the league in fumbles is OK'. 'Completing 2 passes in a 60 minute game isn't that bad.' 'Shitting the bed for the first 55 minutes of every game is OK because he is clutch! Ignore the defense that has been on the field for 40 minutes and kept the Broncos in the game. Tebow led the comeback!'

    You're all the same. Can't wait to wrap you lips tightly around the proverbial Tebow cock.

    Nice job quoting me after a preseason game, when Orton was clearly better than Tebow. Hell, even Quinn was better than Tebow in camp and most of the preseason.

    Of course Tebow was the sole reason we went from last to first. It had nothing to do with our extremely young line starting to gel, or that one guy named McGahee who went beast mode after recovering from an early season injury.

    I've credited Tebow with helping the running game many times. But saying he was the sole reason for the turnaround is idiotic.

    The day he was drafted he said he wouldn't be a Bronco in 2 years. Got that one right. :) I doubt he'll be in the league in another 3. I guess we'll see. In the meantime you can continue to swing on a career backup's nuts.
  13. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Phaytal you are the George Constanza of Tebow haters...every thought you have had about Tebow has been incorrect therefore the exact opposite must be true.

    Jets fans your best hope for a superbowl is for Phaytal to predict a total Jets implosion.

    By the way Mr. Constanza , I am a Sanchez supporter , I am just not a blind Tebow hater like you.

    #113 CowboysFan, Jun 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
  14. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    so you guys are in the business of collecting statements that different individuals said about Tebow


    I could look on the internet and find the exact same things stated about every QB in this league
  15. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Yes you could. Every QB has been slighted except maybe Peyton Manning. But I bet there was stuff from reporters and fans after his rookie year saying he wouldn't amount to anything. Oh that he was a reulgar season QB only. That he couldn't beat the Pats. That he can't win a Super Bowl. That he can't come back from a neck injury. You could make a list for every QB.

    And just because Tebow did something in the past doesn't mean or prove that he will do it in the future. Nobody thought Sanchez was ready for the NFL. Nobody thought he could make the playoffs. Nobody thought he could beat CIN/SD. Nobody thought he could do it again. Nobody thought he could beat Peyton in Indy and Tom in Foxboro. So if I say because of all of that Sanchez can win a super bowl since people say he can't, that doesn't mean he will.

    That list was nice and all, but that list can be made for 99% of all athletes from the 53rd guy on the NFL roster to Michael Jordan who dominated a sport like no other.
  16. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    It is called an ESPN special back in 2005 and it is not about collecting it is about being a football fan and actually being exposed to ...well....football. I have been in a fantasy football league since 1989 when we had to score the players with news papers and calculators. Stop hating people that are ten times more knowledgeable than you are on past history ...and I am not saying you do not know football ..you probably do...but you know jack **** about Tebow and that is obvious by your comments.
    #116 CowboysFan, Jun 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
  17. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I think I found the answer I was looking for right here
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Good to know. I am glad you got educated today and by underlining that I have been wathcing football since before you were born, you actually made my point.

    next time, step aside while the adults talk it out.
  19. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    brb compiling a list of shit people said Tom Brady couldn't do

    brb compiling a list of shit people said Tyler Thigpen couldn't do

    whats the basis of comparison here?

    the fact that shit people say about a qb has no bearing on what they will or will not do
  20. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Correct -- one cannot reason that any particular thing is more likely or less likely just because of what people say or predict.

    But it gets interesting when a lot of people are wrong about one person, over and over. In this case, Tebow. People get drawn in just to see if he can prove the next round of doubters wrong.

    But I understand -- some people, like yourself, do not think Tebow has had any more doubters than the next guy. To that I say, you're out of your freaking mind. But you're not the only one -- his critics resist the notion that he has ever had "doubters" or "haters" along the way. The goalposts get moved every time. No point in arguing it.

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