Why Sanchez will succeed

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GA Jets, May 23, 2012.

  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    This post is so bad is hilarious. :rofl: Thanks!! Keep 'em coming!! :rofl:
  2. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    He was playing scared in the second half last year, and rightfully so. Needs to speed up his progressions and work on ball security to stop the fumbles, and he'll be good. He's got the raw talent, anybody who can't see that is just a blind hater. He moves well outside the pocket and knows how to extend plays. This is a big year for him, and I personally think he will do well. People harp on his picks last year, but honestly i dont think his picks were that much of an issue. He had only 3 in the redzone, and he had a lot in the last 3 weeks during which he was visibly rattled (an issue, but one he could hopefully move on from). The bigger issue for me was his fumbles. Thats very fixable with better handling of the football and quicker progressions. Lets hope he can do the latter this year, because thats really the only thing holding him back right now.
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Sanchez was stretching the field fine prior to last season. Do you think not having a vertical receiver like Braylon may have effected things?

    Missing receivers on timing patterns isn't always a function of the QB erring. There are 3 moving parts there - the QB, the receiver and the ball. Obviously the ball isn't at fault so it's the QB or the receiver. Maybe when Sparano says things about the distance of routes being run is critical to him he's referring to routes not being run correctly on film from last year? Maybe when Sanchez was talking about receivers "hitting their landmarks" in press conferences last year he was referring to receivers not running precise routes? Maybe Sparano's attention to detail and focus on accountability will get receivers running more precise routes and help timing patterns?

    Rookie WR's are making a bigger impact lately than in the recent past. I don't expect Hill to put up huge numbers, but him being able to block on the outside and take the top off the defense can help change the offense the way Braylon did.

    Of course he has to catch a few deep balls before anyone is really threatened by him but it won't take a 10+ TD season to get the respect we need from d's.
    Again, Jets coaches and players disagree with you. We will take their word instead of yours. The Jets offense has never been great with Schotty and no QB has ever flourished in it. He had been here prior to 2009 as well.

    Do you think the Jets offense was good in '09 and '10?
    The only time Sparano was actually calling plays in his career as the run game coordinator in Dallas, they had a top 5 scoring and overall offense. I'd say that's a "hint" that he could be a good OC.

    First of all you say key positionS but really it's one position.

    Hunter sucks. The rest of the o-line is pretty good and they ran the ball pretty well in the past. If 4/5ths of the o-line done it before I'd say they're fairly well built for running the ball. Hopefully Ducasse can beat out Hunter because he can be a mauler in the run game.

    Greene, who took most of the carries, averaged 4.2 ypc behind what you consider a mediocre o-line not built for running the ball. That's a fine YPC.
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    They had Pitt's D on their heels, they were at HOME, w what some consider the best QB in football running one of the best offenses in football, he was given multiple gifts in that game and FAILED.

    The point is while Sanchez had great FP he still had to make plays to get in chip shot range for a shaky K.

    You give Fitz credit for the defense picking off Brady 4 times including one for a TD?

    Yards, attempts? who cares? he made plays to win games. His best yardage game was probably his worst game at Indy in the '09 title game. Philip Rivers has thrown for a ton of yards, he loses more than he wins in postseason. It's not about yards, it's about making plays.

    You have Chan Gailey as your HC:rofl: We KNOW his offenses have always been mediocre, Tony's only called plays fro one year and his O was top 5.

    No one is saying we got to the title game b/c of Sanchez but he was an important guy, if he doesn't play well we don't make it. If Brad Johnson and Dilfer didn't play well in their SB years those teams don't win it. You don't need a great QB to win it but you need quality QB play in Jan/Feb to win it.

    Posting his career #s are skewed a bit by his rookie season. his TD to INts the last 2 years are 43 to 31 which isn't bad for a QB that is supposedly bad and again he's not a #s guy. He's guy much like a young Eli manning(and even an older one pre '11) that can look bad for 2-3 qtrs but makes plays to win games.

    We are having Tebow work as the up man on Punts, that should end any debate that he was brought here to start. If we had visions of him starting he wouldn't be anywhere near STs.

    EVERY move the Jets made this offseason INCLUDING getting Tebow was made w/ the idea of improving Sanchez.

    a year ago he had 3 new WRs out of his top 4 in a shortened offseason, this year he has 2 of his top 3 WRs returning- that's big.

    Hill is going to contribute, I don't think his #s will be far off from Plax's, I don't expect 8 TDs but I expect he can stretch the field and he's a good blocker which will help. I see him as a younger version of Braylon.

    I liked our last OC, I think he got way too much blame, no OC was going to have success w/ that OL in shambles the way it was. We passed a ton b/c we had to falling behind early and not being able to run it.

    Something does in that the year he called plays his O was top 5 but realistically we don't know exactly what to expect. What we should expect is an emphasis on the OL, pass protection, play action and ball security. If the OL is healthy we'll have a good offense b/c we have good players, I don't think it's about the OC.

    The Jets want to run more than last year but they aren't looking to run as much as 2009, it will be more like 2010 where we passed a little more than we ran.

    Greene averaged 4.2 YPC w/ a poor OL, if the OL is better he'll be better but I would like a complimentary back.
  5. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Jamie Dukes Thinks Sparano is a going to have a huge impact on the Jets running game.

    Marshall Faulk thinks Sanchez is pretty good.
  6. Wolf Brother

    Wolf Brother Banned

    May 10, 2012
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    This is a 3rd year quarterback with over 40 starts in the league!

    In the Vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJnwCzxv8Qs the blitz from the left side is obvious pre-snap (Ed Reed is on the left side of the field and is clearly approaching the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped!) and yet its never even felt or looked at by the quarterback. The free rusher is going to come from that side 9/10 times and yet, the quarterback never even adjusts to it or looks that way! Number one priority and focus should be on where Ed Reed is at all time or whoever lines up on that side near the line of scrimmage! That's poor preparation on the QB's part.

    3 defenders are in underneath zone and yet the quarterback still throws it up for grabs in the redzone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0emD0-jCOkY

    Not acceptable for a 3rd year player.


    You cannot play scared at the quarterback position in the NFL and last. You cannot be looking down at the rush or at the checkdown the second after the ball is snapped. After 3 years you should be aware of underneath coverage in zone! At 1:24 and 1:53 in the REDZONE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rit2db_sulU&feature=fvwrel
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Why do you think the original plan was to bring in Todd Haley to run the passing offense if the Jets were so confident that Sparano could run the whole thing?

    Also this continued insistence that Schotty never succeeded is just horse manure. The Jets had the best team in the conference in 08 at the 8-3 mark and Favre got hurt. They made the Champ game the next two years with a problematic rookie and then second year Qb. And of course in his first year Schotty OC'd Chad to Comeback Player of the Year and the team to the playoffs.

    You can keep this Johnny One Note blaming Schotty for everything nonsense going as long as you want, but it never is any more true than it was at the beginning, which is untrue.

    Scapegoating. That's the word for it.

    It shows a lack of intellectual rigor and an unwillingness to face facts. It shows a lack of football knowledge, and instead a willingness to defend the talent level of mediocre players and other problematic parts of the organization.

    Obviously, if all problems can be blamed on one person, removing that person will lead the team to the land of milk and honey, right?

    It is a comforting thought, even if a self induced illusion.

    Greene is an average back who has not before had to carry the running game all by himself. Talk about McKnight is more wishful thinking. Greene is not enough to carry a Ground and Pound attack.
  8. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    You use the same logic and defense as those that bash Schotty or praise Sanchez to support Schotty and bash Sanchez.

    Favre got hurt Sanchez didn't?

    The fact is Sparano is going back to the running game. The running game is a mentality ask any offensive lineman. You can't do half way. Sparano will make the running better which result in a more efficient passing game. Very few QB's in the is league can do well without a running game. Phillip Rivers threw 20 pics last year and looked awful for most of the year yet he is still considered a top 10 Qb. Brees, Manning, Brady and Rodgers are the only Qbs in the NFL that can be great without a running game. Even then they are much more effective when the running game is working.

    As everybody is saying Mark has shown signs he needs to improve. If he sucks this year every Jets fan will be calling for his head. Hoping he fails so you can be proven right not sure how to even respond to that.
  9. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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  10. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I wish they did bring in Haley too. I never said Sparano WILL be a successful OC, I pointed to his time in dallas as a "hint" that he could be a good OC.

    And Favre complained that the offense was too complex and forced schotty to dumb it down and get rid of all his retarded presnap motions. They were basically running what Favre told them he'd run.

    I'll give him the playoff run, but our offense wasn't much to talk about during the season.

    The first year his system worked fairly well because no one had film on it. That doesn't mean Chad excelled. He had his worst full season.

    I never once blamed schotty for everything but you continue to accuse me of it. Stop making crap up. Your insults attached to a thought I never once conveyed aren't appreciated either.

    I never said he was. I said he averaged 4.2 YPC behind an oline that this guys claims can't run block.

    Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?
  11. Wolf Brother

    Wolf Brother Banned

    May 10, 2012
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    Greene had 1200+ total yards from scrimmage which is pretty good for most NFL standards. McKnight has shown flashes on Special Teams. But I get what you're saying. The ball needs to be pushed down the field more to open up the running game because Greene facing overloaded boxes is not going to keep him upright. A change in philosophy will help, but Shotty shouldn't get all the blame and also, its not like he's unemployed right now: he must have been doing something right. It comes down to players executing and being much much better at the QB position and NOT turning the ball over. Just horrendous in that department and in sacks (39) last year. Blame the O-line as a scapegoat, but missing reads or not being prepared at the QB position is also to blame.
  12. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You are off base on the Ed Reed play. Reed disguised the blitz perfectly.

    You're right about the Oakland play and I called it out immediately after the game.
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I think you protest too much if you are complaining when I say you blame Schotty too much. Here is what you said:

    " The Jets offense has never been great with Schotty and no QB has ever flourished in it. He had been here prior to 2009 as well."

    What are we supposed to take from that, which as I pointed out is factually incorrect? I know of no other way to read this than that Schotty was and has been far and away the major reason why the Jet O has not done better. I should not have said "everything", so I take that back. You just seem to place the majority of the blame on him.

    As for Favre, he came to the Jets with short notice, and he and the OC had to make some adjustments to the O. That is all we know. Why should we be surprised by that? Favre was new to the O, too, and had a very limited amount of time to learn it, and some would say a limited interest in the whole process in the first place. This to you has become an indictment of Schotty's tenure. That is ridiculous.

    I don't appreciate being accused of having poor reading comprehension, either, so we're even.
  14. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    That's the kind of balanced assessment which is all too often lacking around here.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Nothing was factually incorrect in my statement. The only thing factually incorrect was what you added as your own bullshit thoughts that you applied to me.

    Maybe you should stop adding your own delusions to what I say and just read what I actually write?

    Q: What QB has flourished in Schotty's system?
    Q: When was the Jets offense great under Schotty?
    Q: Was Schotty here before 2009?

    Favre basically told Schotty what to run after trying to do what Schotty was telling him to do. If Schotty were the one to come up with the idea of simplifying the offense they would have started that way. Instead he started with his typical over complicated bullshit offense and Favre called him on it.

    Even then, Favre had a down year when compared to the rest of his career. He hardly flourished under Schotty.

    I apologize for slapping you in the face with facts.

    Just because I think Schotty sucks doesn't mean I think he was the only reason the offense struggled. I know that's a difficult concept to master, but give it a try.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez will succeed if the Jets make it a major priority for him to succeed. He'll muddle along if they just keep feeding the defense and treating the offense like a red-headed stepchild.

    He'll fail spectacularly if the Jets go into the season with the same 5 starters on the OL as last year, a rookie with no experience in a pro set playing one WR spot and a pissed off wanna-be superstar at the other, a tight-end who is essentially a glorified slot receiver as his best target, and the Jets pretending they are a ground and pound team despite not having the personnel to pull it off.

    He'll be the easy scapegoat.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Oooh aren't you the nasty one today. I guess I got under your skin.

    AFC Champ Game appearances, one with a rookie Qb, the seceond with a second year QB. FACTS. Schotty was the OC in both appearances. FACTS.

    You don't think Comeback Player of the Year for your Qb is a sign of success with the O. Alrighty then. Nice definition on your part.

    At the 11 game mark in 2008, what would you call an 8-3 record, with a win over NE in NE as well? Sucking wind?

    Oh yea, Schotty was the OC then, too. Like I said, FACTS.

    "Flourish!" Heh. I guess you have a pretty high standard there, at least when it comes to Schotty.
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I already credited schotty for doing well in the playoffs. I understand your reading comprehension sucks, but maybe if I repeat things they will begin to stick. Schotty did well in the playoffs. Schotty did well in the playoffs. Schotty did well in the playoffs.

    BTW, maybe you can give Sanchez credit for playing well in the playoffs too? All I ever read is you shitting on him.
    Pennington had his worst full year as a starter in a new offense that the league hadn't caught onto yet. You think that means he flourished under Schotty?

    The Favre version of the offense looked good at times. Favre still finished the season with a down year in his career sandwiched between two very good seasons. OH BUT HE WAS HURT. Yea and Schotty had him throwing 40000 passes against a team that couldn't defend the run on the road in a snowstorm with the injury. If it was so bad why is the genius passing so much in that scenario? Just like it's never all Schotty's fault, it's not all on Favre's injury that he played through just fine.

    BTW, it was quite funny how his arm only hurt when he fucked up.
    QB's have had down years in their career under Schotty with better years before him and after him. There's a fact for you.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Favre's season long total in 2008 was affected by his injury. He had several years with worse Qb ratings than 08.

    "Schotty was not Great!"

    Never said he was. He was not the main reason why the Jet O has not been better.

    And you are just wrong about Chad and 07, but you don't want to hear any more. Have a nice day.
  20. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    Don't disagree overall, but have to modify the Favre point a bit BB. As I remember it, one of Favre's first actions was to tell Shotty the offense was WAY overcomplicated and would have to be culled down. Favre had Shotty add plays from the GB playbook, and played with a greatly reduced playbook overall. I know there were reasons for all of that, but the point is he didn't run Shotty's offense so much as he and Shotty threw one together and ran it.

    In addition to that, one of the biggest complaints about Shotty was always inconsistent play calling, and I'd bet a year's salary that Favre either had license to call plays on his own when he felt that was needed, or he took it and did it on his own.

    One other point...those two teams were more talented teams, and more unified teams, than the one of 2011.....and that has a lot to do with those results also.

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