So it’s the Sanchez and Tebow show is that it? Everything today was centered on the offensive side of the ball as if that is the only side of the ball! What about the defensive side of the ball, specifically the front line? I don’t know who was on it except for Wilkinson, Scott and Bell. I read that Scott and Bell had intercepted Tebow, with Bell getting a would be sack on a quarterback (Tebow?). Oh yeah, Wilson got burned by the Rook!!(smh) I was looking for something on these players Sapp, Maybin, Ellis, and the Rookies. I guess they all took the day off!!!?! Or the media was just trying to stir up some Sanchez vs Tebow drama as usual per the last few weeks.
The Jets signed up for the Sanchez and Tebow show when they traded for Tebow. I don't expect anything else at all to make an impact before the end of camp in August. It would take a Revis holdout for the media to focus elsewhere this year.
Isn't this the first practice that has been open to the media? I am not sure they can report on everybody from just a limited amount of time. I would think the other players just didn't do anything very "reportable".
Let's hope so, b/c this isn't entertaining at all. I'm voting for HardKnocks..Dammit..It can't be anymore distracting the what's already going on! No other team wants it anyway except maybe Dallas.
Everyone should get used to this because it will continue to be this until... actually it wont end. I would love to hear more on Maybin and Sapp and some under the radar players, but we will probably only get little bits and pieces. And as for Wilson getting burned... Hill being a rookie is pretty irrelevant when running a fly route and Hill runs a 4.3 40. Not many CB’s in this league can cover that kind of elite speed.
Still has to be embarrassing though. If I was Hill I would be talking so much smack, they would have to mummify me to the goalpost to shut me up!! I don't play that cold tub stuff!!
it's 7 on 7 no contactso you aren't going to hear about the dl too much. really the only defense you will here about are int's in this type of practice so reporters will write the easy article.mark v tim
Is it possible for the team to have No-access to camps for reporters? If the journalists are going to be unprofessional (seems like they are) and stir up problems, is it allowed as far as league rules to bar them from all practices? Its getting kind of stupid already. Twitter is partly to blame as well.
The hell are you talking about? Hill is a rookie, he made one play in a minicamp in May. Thats not exactly reason to be boasting like an idiot. This kid is not TO he doesn't have his mouth or his attitude. Hill is going to put his head down and do work.
If a reporter has it in his/her head to stir up problems, they're gonna get it done even if they don't get to visit team. They'll simply base the whole article on a "Reliable Anonymous" source.
These are OTAs, we don't really learn anything from them. We live in an era where we get too much info and it is dissected like it means something. Whethe YTebow lit it up or sucked means nothing, Sanchez is the QB. Whether Wilkerson was "dominant" means nothing. We won' begin to learn anything until camp and preseason.
I suppose it also doesn't help that sites like ESPN are a 24 hour business. They beat certain stories to death and report things before they are official and then have to back-pedal when they're wrong. The constant Media attention (eye in the sky) is because the sport is so popular, I get that: but sometimes they suck the fun out of the surprise of what a team will be or what is otherwise, a non-issue. I am not a big fan of all the Twitter stuff that they also use to "validate" or even create stories around. Its like somebody has a off the cuff comment on Twitter and because they're a celebrity or an athlete it becomes a story. Really?
So rookies can't have a little locker room fun @ a vets expense? Wait, I bet rooks don't even share locker rooms with the vets till after TC huh? Anyway relax your looking at this the wrong way..take three deep breaths and read my prior post again.
NFL Network had Ocho on his videoblog crying about someone stealing his "Gold Starbuck's card" I was like, really!?! ....and this is news he got more to worry about than a freaking Starbuck's card. Over/under if he gets cut this summer? ...that's news!!
It was just one media session of one OTA, where the team is running Sparano's plays for the first time. Not much to report. And when actual training camp starts and there are live reps in pads, Tebow won't get nearly the reps that Sanchez gets, so there won't be this ability to make such comparisons. Tebow will be running Tebow package and Sanchez will get most of the reps. But now is the time for those coming new to Tebow to understand he doesn't get great press -- he gets polarized press. His every move is scrutinized and the negative is played up to the max. There have been plenty of negative headlines about Tebow since time began.
The other thing is this -- every year I'm so hungry for OTA information that I kind of forget that it's not as extensive as training camp info. They control access so much during OTA's that it just doesn't compare to training camp. But training camp resets my brain into "MOAR!" mode and then I expect OTA's to be more satisfying than they are.
As annoying as the media has made the Tebow thing...I think the Jets have handled it well from a PR perspective. The controversy isn't going anywhere in terms of the newspaper/internet/twitter..but I don't think the Jets will let the controversy into their meeting rooms.