Just out of curiosity, have you posted on the Dolphin & Pats boards to let them know they too will be dealing with the Unstoppable Bills this season?
I told this story here on TGG about 10 yrs ago but it seems to apply again...I'll try to keep it the same. I met...then married...a 5'-0'' 100lb red hair 100% Irish lassie. But before I married her I took her to Rich stadium to see Neil O'Donnell under center...our new savior. Upon arrival at Rich Stadium a parking guard saw our jet gear and directed us to the back corner of some distant parking lot....glad he did. Over 100 rabid jet fans, mostly late teens...dominated the scene (think two jet fans with green wigs ESPN loved to show). First thing we saw was a HUGE homeless buffalo fan/person pushing a shopping cart through the gravel picking up empty beer cans/bottles. His day was going good till he decided to push his cart past the rabid ny fucking football jet fans (at Rich stadium). Some kid painted in green ran up to HUGE BLACK DUDE pushing cart and grabbed the bills hat from his head and dropped it barbie. Flames. Pissed off HUGE bills fan. Came over to small green dude to smash him when 15 other small green dudes ran over and 'took care' of huge bottle collector...he ditched his cart and ran for his worthless life. We hadn't even gotten out of our car yet! During the game some fat bills bitch decided it would be a good idea to dump her beer on my wife-to-be's head. Mistake. HUGE mistake. Wife-to-be jumped over the seat and proceeded to beat the living fuck out of bills bitch. Her hubby (even fatter) cowered away. Security came running down the stairs and provided 'safe escort' for fat couple out of the section. We lost the game but won the battle. Bring it bills fan. Bring it.
"my friends call me psycho any of you guys touch my stuff I'll kill ya ". Okay lighten up Francis. :rofl:
Well shame on the group of 15 guys beating on a homeless man just minding his own business. Those beer fights inside the stadium happen in all 32 stadiums every week.
Don't forget to post a pic of yourself so we know we're kicking the right douchbag's ass. Section, row and seat # as well please.
Check out this site - http://www.hookedonphonics.com/ It will teach you all you need to know about spelling, grammar, etc.
No, you're not "aloud" anything more than what the rules permit. Don't come here and create troll threads challenging people to fights. Are you high?