I think that is true, I think that is why they guaranteed his contract for this year and I think everyone will be surprised when he does.
IMO, we could have drafted not one OFFENSIVE PLAYER, and we would still be better than last year because Brian M.F. Schottenheimer is gone. We got a wildcat QB in Tebow and a tall and fast receiver in Hill. I only see maybe 4-5 more wins for us than last year. 13-3 is not a pipe dream. GO JETS!!!!!
The Jets also guaranteed Bart Scott's contract this year, does that mean he's going to be able to cover TE's? I think people that believe Hunter is going to "thrive" in a man blocking scheme are delusional. Give some realistic reasons why he's supposedly going to thrive other than the Jets guaranteed his salary. Hunter never cracked a starting lineup in the NFL until his 8th season when the guy in front of him retired. After two presidential terms when he finally became a starter he sucked dick. Now he's supposedly going to instantly thrive because of a new blocking scheme? No way, not gonna happen. Hopefully he doesn't suck as much.
agreed. The guy had a bad season like the rest of the OL. Chalk it up. its going to get better! I predict many detractors will be jumping onboard Hunter's wagon by game 16 if he plays as well as Sparano expects. This is going to be a mauling type OL and Hunter is a tough guy! He will survive!
Then what you are really saying is that REX, T and Sparano are incompetant and that you know more about the OL then they do. I think they "might" know a bit about Hunter from information first hand. I'd hope that our FO are really wise to what players can with their talent. If not we are in a bad way. Have you started the dump REX, T and Sprano movement yet?
If you are going to assume that Hunter will get better in a man blocking scheme it is only fair to assume that some players will have trouble in a man blocking scheme
Thanks for the same argument you provide in every thread that requires zero thought or analysis on your part other than to mindlessly agree with every move the Jets make. Are you working for the Jets PR department? BTW, How smart did Rex, T and Schotty look last year when they decided Hunter would be a fine starting RT? A: Pretty fucking stupid.
it's all been said---not only am I pissed that Hunter is still our starting RT but we have zero depth on the off line. If you are counting on a practice squad player to come in or Sporano to work some type of magic I think we are kidding ourselves ......but then again theres still lots of time to address this right ? We need some depth badly and have since early last year----it's really being overlooked or the current talent over estimated badly.
For those wondering about the change in blocking scheme, I don't think the scheme itself is gonna be much different. Matt Slauson said in a recent interview that many of the block fits are the same just the terminology is more simplified, with reads broken down to individual position rather than as a whole unit. What I believe you WILL see is a change in OL Philosophy. Callahan believed in the ground & pound in his own right. But his system is alittle more mechanical in nature. Sparano's is more about firing off the ball & that real initial push.As such Slauson also said in that interview that Sparano asked all the O-ine to lose 5-10 pounds as to get quicker. Likely for that quick release off the snap he preaches.
Hunter thriving is wishful thinking. One person says it because they hope it will be true since we have no other option. Other people pick it up and assume it's based in fact. It's possible that Hunter is better, I wouldn't guarantee it.
I'm not saying it will happen but, Hunter was phenominal two years ago. So he has proven he can do it and the talent is there.
He wasnt phenomenal. He was just good enough to not suck. God, what dont you people get. He is nothing more than a good backup. Thats it. He’s not going to get better, he’s 31. And for someone with only backup skills, thats not good at all... Just LOL at “the talent is there,” thats like saying because Tim Tebow threw that 80 yard TD to Demaryious Thomas, the arm talent is there. I dont know what you people need to realize that Wayne Hunter is ONLY a backup in this league... Do you need him to let an OLB blow past him an injure Sanchez??? Oh wait...
I'm pretty sure the Von Miller hit that injured Sanchez was on Slauson not Hunter. If I remember correctly Miller lined up over Hunter and then cut straight to the weak side behind a stunt and wound up spinning Slauson around before he hit Sanchez head on through the middle of the pocket. I remember thinking at the time that Miller had to feel like a kid in a candy store lining up against the Jets. All those barrels to stick his hands into and they were all full of candy for him.
A: Not pretty fucking stupid. Last year was a tough year. Woody retired maybe a year before he could have. Tremendous depth issues consistent with an up and coming team filling out its core roster. Hunter looked good enough in the playoffs. Shorthanded with draft picks. Hunter was a calculated risk for last year. We had way too many problems to address RT when we had just drafted DuCasse AND Hunter had looked pretty solid in the playoffs besides. The move only looks stupid to people that don't really understand how to accurately analyze a correct decision making process. People that can see the whole picture don't think the decision was stupid at all. Things blow up in your face all the time in this world. Doesn't mean that every explosion directly resulted from some glaring act of stupidity immediately preceding it. You'd have a much better argument that the original drafting of the DuCasse Adventures was the stupid fucking move. Even that is pretty shaky because I'm still betting that DuCasse is our guy before this season is out. To conclude, let's get back to the main point. RT is our one glaring question mark for this season. You're obviously adamant that any gameplan that includes Wayne Hunter starting is a retarded mistake. So what is your better alternative, Tanny Jr?
Maybe you could reread the thread and realize that I am disagreeing with people that say Wayne Hunter is going to thrive. There's really no basis in reality to make a statement like that and no one has made a legit argument as to why Hunter is going to magically "thrive" in a new scheme 9 years into his career when he's only started one year and sucked a fat cock when he did. I'm also disagreeing with the guy who never has anything to say other than to call out people who disagree with the front office as if the FO never make any mistakes. I know reading comprehension isn't your strong point and you like to make up arguments with me that don't exist, but give it a try. You can go look at my post history to see that I have pointed out on several occasions that we wouldn't be able to fill all the holes this year. No shit.
Because the notion that the play of effective blockers will stay the same or improve, and the play of ineffective blockers will improve after a switch in blocking scheme is a little unrealistic? I don't get why it makes sense to ignore the possibility that certain players' skills may have been maximized in the old system just as people are suggesting that Hunter's will be maximized by the new one.
what i dont understand is why we don't just trade for joe thomas, jake long, steve hutchinson, carl nicks, and keep mangold. its possible