Tebow most wins , most TDs best QB rating of the 2010 Draft QB class

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by CowboysFan, May 2, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tell ya what, I'm going to presume for the sake of argument that you actually want to engage in a logical and rational discussion on this one.

    Funny thing is that as I have stated repeatedly here on this forum, I don't think Tebow should be the starter for the Jets. Rather, Sanchez should be.

    So I guess that right there blows a hole in your theory, huh ? I mean, I could hardly be labelled a Tebow hater, now can I ?

    What makes a person a hater in my book is when someone say thats Tebow is an awful, terrible QB who will NEVER be a QB in the NFL, let alone, a starter.

    Such people seem to NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT the fact that Tebow has had less than 16 regular season starts so far. That he has NEVER been in camp as a "starter" and therefore, hasn't really had any "first team reps" in camp.

    Seriously, if he were anyone else, people would look at what he did last year and say "Wow, that was actually pretty good for a young QB with no NFL experience". They'd talk about how young QBs often have trouble with their footwork. Or that young QBs often have trouble getting comfortable in the pocket. Or that young QBs often have trouble with their timing with receivers. Or that young QBs often have trouble getting rid of the ball and not taking sacks.

    MOST of the issues that Tebow had last year are the same issues that MOST young NFL QBs have when they DON'T HAVE NFL EXPERIENCE.

    Tebow was seen as a 3-4 year project when he was drafted. Read that again, a 3-4 year project. He took over as a starter last year, less than 1 1/2 years into that 3-4 year project. Then factor in that he (and others) didn't even have a real TC last year.

    Now, had Tebow gone to a team without an established QB, then yeah, I'd say go ahead and start him. Take the lumps and let the kid continue to learn and develop on the job so to speak.

    But, if he went to a team that already had an established QB, then put him at backup, like Steve Young was in San Fran, and let him continue to develop behind the starter.

    But "haters" don't even see that. They say that without a doubt, the kid will never be an "NFL QB".

    Does that clear things up for you ?
  2. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    All I'm doing is giving my opinion about Tebow the QB. I always think that most if not all GMs in the NFL think the same way I do. It not like when Denver was trading him he had a lot of teams wanting him. I believe it was the Jets,Packers and Jags are the only teams who tryed to get him. I believe the Packers wanted him for the same reason the Jets did. The Jags just wanted him to fill seats.
  3. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Now, take out "QB" and replace with "RT", "taking sacks" with "Giving up sacks", and "Tim Tebow" with "Wayne Hunter". Exact same issue, exact same potential.
    Feel free to take that as Tebow hate or as Wayne Hunter support.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You mean, other than the difference that Wayne Hunter is 30 years old and has been in the NFL for 8 seasons now ?????
  5. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Sure, if you think that's to WFH's advantage!

    My point is, if we're going to have a contingent on here that will support a player who isn't very good at his position, why should we limit it to Tebow? If the guy was the Super team player that he's always made out to be, why hasn't he put his QB aspirations on hold and switched to TE or FB for the good of the team?

    That said--
    He's wearing Green and White now, and I'll support him and hope he's some kind of super Steve Young/Randall Cunningham hybrid. And even if he isn't I honestly want the best for him. BUT, I don't think having us all pretend like his poo--or his ability to play QB--doesn't stink, is helpful to him, or to the team.

    On that note: GO TEBOW, GET BETTER! Be the next Otto Graham! Be assertive, be ambitious, earn the starting job. GO Sanchez, too!
  6. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    There maybe not one person on here that will disagree with u about Hunter.
  7. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Seriously ? You either don't understand or can't accept that there's a huge difference between someone with 8 years in the NFL and someone else just starting their 3rd year ? Hell, this doesn't even get to huge difference between complexities of the respective positions.
  8. TheMoops

    TheMoops New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    When it comes to Tebow. I say give it time. The haters will never give him his due. Terry Bradshaw wasn't even a full-time starter entering his 5th season. Peyton never won a big game in college and tossed 28 picks his rookie year. Staubach was 29 and midway thru his 3rd season before he became the starter.
    Tebow has made the most of his opportunities but no one knows how good he will be. Let's not speculate, rather enjoy the ride.
  9. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    You either can't read or choose not to.

    The point isn't the comparison between Hunter and Tebow, it's between a player who isn't very good and everyone accepts it (except the FO) and a player who isn't very good and has a cult following for no reason.
  10. stephenpe

    stephenpe New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    We have a winner and aint even close. Finally, the voice of reason and
    perspective. great screen name, also.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And you are being daft as you seemingly don't understand that there's a huge difference when one guy is 31 with 8 years in the league while the other is 24 and is going into his third year.

    Someone with at least minimal football sense would know that a guy with 8 years in the NFL has been to a bunch of training camps and should have learned his craft well before now. He's had 8 off seasons to develop.

    Compare that to a guy that has only had one complete offseason and who's second offseason was interrupted by the lockout. A guy who has been to one full training camp, back in his rookie year, followed by a abbreviated camp his second year.

    Do you not understand that young players are judged differently that a VETERAN PLAYERS who has been around the league for 8 years ??

    Let me put it into a perspective that you might understand, since football doesn't seem to be your strong point.

    Say that you graduated from auto mechanic school and have been on the job for 2 years. At work, would you be expected to have the same level of experience, knowledge or ability as another mechanic who has 8 years of freaking experience under his belt ?

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