If Revis holds out again, Jets should refuse to pay his salary in return. He is not honoring his end of the bargain. Why should the Jets? P.S. I wish I could get a job where I could refuse to go to work because my agent thinks I am underpaid - and watch my salary increase. Jesus.
I seriously doubt he holds out again....... If so, the JETS need to play hardball and let him sit the duration. They need to set a precedent of not taking BS. they already gave hm a truckload of change.
perhaps...but after Wilson who do we have that's worth a damn? If you slide Wilson to the #2 we suddenly look horrible from a depth perspective.
I really hope this ends well... Obviously we want the best team possible, and Revis is the best cornerback in the league (if not the history of the league) but I also kind of want Revis to remain a Jet for the sake of the Jets' franchise. The Jets have had a very underwhelming set of Hall of Famers, and most of our HOFers have ended up retiring/entering the HOF with a different team. The Jets may have more future HOFers RIGHT NOW than with any other Jets' team history. (Revis and Mangold makes two...have the Jets ever had more than 1 future HOFer on a team before?) It would be a shame to lose a HOF player, especially since he is just reaching his prime. I know it's kind of selfish since the Hall of Fame doesn't really matter in the end, but the Jets as an organization crucially needs a boost of legitimacy. If not the Superbowl, why not keep our future HOFers and better the name of our team?
Let him hold out. I'd rather see the Jets keep him on contract, holding out through 2017 than I would see them bend-over like they did last time.
This is a misnomer. We don't have Revis for 5 years. His contract only gets extended to 7 if he doesn't participate in OTA's. Which means he could attend all OTA's and then hold out when the season starts... he will then be under contract for only 2 more years. If Revis does pull this though, I'm done with him, let's move on, get some draft picks in a trade and be done with it.
they structured the contract for this time. They didnt crumble to his wishes they got what they needed
Joe Namath and Don Maynard were on the Jets at the same time and went to our only SB. They are both in the Hall of Fame.
Most jobs if you think you are underpaid you can go to a competitor who wants you and get more money from them. Holdouts are the price NFL teams pay for the right to restrain trade.
Stevie Johnson owned Revis last year. He's probably still the best corner in the league, but for whatever reason he wasn't as dominant in 2011.
Not really, the 7 year clause doesn't kick in if he attends all his OTA's. Which means he can hold out at the start of the regular season and it will still be a 4 year deal.
in which case he will be vilified by every player, media outlet and coach in the NFL for attending all offseason work without going to play the games when they matter. I don't know that any team in the league would want to trade for Revis (given the price the Jets would demand, followed by the price Revis would demand) considering he would likely be the most outwardly selfish player in the history of sports.
oh i agree, if he does any sort of hold out whether it is regular season or OTA's the fans will turn on him. see you later revis!
Not to mention he wouldn't get paid at all. He's not going to collect a pay check sitting at home just because he's under contract. It might hurt our cap numbers but he still isn't winning in that situation. Im guessing he wants to play. He is in his prime he is not going to waste time messing around because he has 0 leverage.
Revis is easily the best player on the team. With that said, If he DOES hold out again, Let him sit for the year and trade him before the 2013 draft. Its not worth being held hostage every 2 years. Let it be someone else's problem!
Honestly round 2 of the Mevis houldout, the Jets WILL win it. Last time we did not have a decent #2 option. We had Cromartie and Wilson who was just drafted and struggled a lot. This time we have Cromartie and a much improved Wilson. Balls in our court this time around.