Demaryius Thomas confirms my anger over Te-Blow(me)!

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Fightin'JetTitan, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    And Tebow is basically a project quarterback who is worshipped out of all proportion to his abilities by a bunch of dreamy eyed fan boys and chicks who want to be the one to break his cherry.
  2. Clovis

    Clovis New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I tell ya what, lets idolize and worship the true gifted athletes like Vic, TO, 85, Ray Lewis, Big Ben, etc... you know, the ones who are the best at what they do, oh yeah, it sucks cheering for A holes.
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    What is with all the paranoia around here? A thousand threads started on who supports who, who the fuck cares who you support? I have no opinion on Tebow one way or the other, none. If he helps us win some games we would otherwise lose then that's great. If he takes Sanchez's job away because it turns out Sanchez sucks more than he does then that's great too, who cares?

    If you are really a Jet fan you would feel the same way, otherwise you are trupeting a hidden agenda which really isn't hidden at all.
  4. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Seriously, amen. Has football started yet?
  5. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Or maybe you could leave the worship and idolization out of the picture entirely and recognize the fact that these guys are athletes playing a game.

    You have pretty much nailed it, though. Tebow's main popularity stems from him being handsome, muscular and white. If he looked like Andy Dalton or, God forbid, Demaryius Thomas, there's no way guys like Cowboy Fan and Demosthenes9 would be trailing him around like a couple of lovesick puppies.
  6. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I agree with you, but I think the fear is that Tebow will be given the job despite being outperformed by Sanchez. Some people seem to think that was what the case was in Denver. For the record Denver was in a completely different situation with the QB spot than the Jets are. Denver needed to figure out what to do in the draft/fa for next year as their QB was not under contract, NYJ doesn't have that issue.
  7. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Ryan wants to keep his does Tannenbaum..Ryan will play whoever he thinks will win the most games and Tannenbaum will look like a complete idiot if Tebow beats out Sanchez after Tannenbaum just gave Sanchez that extension a month ago. Nobody is going to do either of them any favors. They will earn what they get.
  8. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    God how many tebow apostles have flocked here since the trade?

    Whatever cam newton makes tebow look like garbage.

    I love all the criminals UF had under urban meyer and newton got the scapegoat boot over a laptop.

    Was even better to see newton put on such a dominant yr for an sec rival

    As far as thomas, he went from a media circus qb who can't throw consistently to arguably a top 5 qb of all time.

    Good for him.

    Nothing more nothing less

    Although tebow supporters need to open their eyes cause that broncos d carried that team

    I like tebow as a competitor. I do not however expect sanchez to roll over and hand him the position.

    In fact im hoping sanchez refuses anything short of an amazing season and relegates tebow to H back or whatever role they can find aside from talk of franchise qb.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    This is the whole problem in a nutshell. Putting Tebow himself aside, his plusses and minuses, his fans are subject to analysis as you indicate. They are the ones at least too many of who pretend to bolster their rah rah chants with pseudo arguments. Arguments based on selective stats. Ignoring his obvious issues and limitations.

    It is as if they have an agenda that is something other than analyzing a player who plays football.
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually, his popularity comes from the fact that HE JUST WINS and for some reason, that gets under your skin, enough so that you don't follow the Jets at all, and couldn't give a shit how they do, yet you came here and created an account just so you could run around spouting a bunch of negative crap.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Ignoring his obvious issues and limitations ? Really ? MOST of us have categorically stated that Tebow NEEDS TO GET better as a passer. That while he CAN pass, he CAN'T do it CONSISTENTLY.

    Ya know, quite honestly, if you took your damned blinders off and READ what was being said by many of us Tebow supporters, you might just find that you agree with us to some degree.
  12. tzinc

    tzinc New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    You can surmise his IQ level from the way he talks.

    This guy was a BUST until Tebow took over. He played his best ball under Tebow and he STILL WAS FAR FROM a 1st rounder he didn't run routes properly, he didn't separate and worst of all when he did get balls HE DROPPED THEM A LOT OF THE TIME.

    If this guy is focused on the attention Tebow got what does he think is going to happen with Manning there?

    Another SELFISH STUPID player no wonder the Broncos were in such trouble until Tebow took over. Given his priorities watch for this guy to flame out of the NFL and be the bust he was before Tebow revived his career. This guy is more concerned about getting balls then winning playoff games, and he needs to grow a pair as well as a brain.
  13. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Not sure where you get that Thomas was a baby. The guy was injured, but made a sound contribution and was developing nicely once he recovered from his injuries.

    I expect him to be one of the league's top 4 receivers next year.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He referred to Thomas as a "baby TO", i.e. Terrell Owens, i.e. diva receiver who whines if he doesn't get the ball as often as he thinks he should.

    DT got more passes thrown to him by Tebow than he did from Orton and he racked up more yardage with Tebow than with Orton.
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    baby Terrel owens as in a mini version of owens.

    The truth is that he was considered acrap bust up until tebow started. He averaged 7 recepetions for 115 yards from the vikings game forward. Which was his first good game as a Bronco BTW. He did nothihng with orton when he was not injured. He dropped a TD pass against bears and steelers that tebow threw to him . he was in the bottom 10 in drops in the entire NFL.

    This is the last guy that should be spouting off about anything. He was jelaous of the attention tebow got , he is a "baby" (mini" Terrel owens) . He should have said he disliked the media attention Tebow got.
  16. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Your the one bull shitting,I had a standing offer of me using paypal and sending $100 to whomever pulled one post from any tebow fan saying it was all him and it never went collected on the bronco forum. Its a made up thing slap.

    NO one has said its all him and i have epxlained in detail what I think. tebow was 3 pieces of a 3 piece puzzle that led to the denver turn around. Too bad you on the other hand can not give him any credit.
    #36 CowboysFan, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    You are the one that is not objective. There is no pseudo argument. This is relaity, you can rail against it all you want but it wont change reality:

    1. Tebow has never had a losing season as a starter (ever at any level, it still bnoggles my mind how anyone can automatically assume he will lose more games than wins as a Jet when he NEVER has before)

    2. Tebow as a starter went 8-5 on a team that was the worst in the NFL in the previous 2 years worth of games (7-24) this does not imply it was all him. All QBs are judged with wins and losses as starters in the NFL.Only haters inject the infamous and false..."its all him argument"

    3. he had 3835 total yards with 32 TDs in 16 starts ( 2 playoff games count towards the 16 starts) and appearances in other games that amount to less than 50 snaps total. Not bad production for a complete horrible bust not worth a 4th round pick.

    you can say the arguments are pseudo and selective but they are not.

    I am not syaing he is a hall of fame QB , all I have said is that it was a real good trade for a 4th round pick
    #37 CowboysFan, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  18. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Wait a minute.... is he saying Tim Tebow is NOT the next Joe Montana? Shocking.

    Hey look at that, not everyone in that locker room liked Tebow and his stupid fuckin cult following.
    #38 Jake, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  19. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I find it hard to believe a receiver would prefer Peyton Manning to Tebow

    /end sarcasm
  20. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Would you prefer Peyton Manning to Tebow?

    Serious question.

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