Alright, I give. Tebow is already a giant pain in the ass. I think I hate him.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by PolygamyWinsChampionships, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Hade you missed Tone's tweets before the Tebow trade saying Sanchez is our guy, what about Mangold, Keller, Brick etc and etc.

    The players sound confused because Sanchez was the guy then the Jets traded for a backup QB. What does that mean to them? Is Tebow brought in here to push Sanchez, replace him, complement him? The players are in much of a limbo as fans are.
  2. FakeSpike13

    FakeSpike13 Banned

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I think the "Underdog" title he got in HS was because the team that was in his district didn't think he could play QB and wanted him to play LB...Thus the reason he registered under a different address to play at Nease.

    Obviously he ended up garnering a lot of attention, but even the school he was zoned to play for didn't think he could play QB.
  3. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I want Tebow to start, but that's a separate question from whether he should start.

    As of now, Sanchez is the starting QB. Unless he shows a marked slide from even last year's mediocre performance AND that slide continues for several games, perhaps even the majority of the season, AND Tebow shows dramatic improvement as a passer, there's no reason to give Tebow the nod over Sanchez.
  4. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No, I know about his Tweets, before it was announced Tebow would actually come to the Jets. Which is why it's at the very least suspicious that he would tone down his support for Sanchez all of a sudden when asked the question. Almost like he was advised to stop that. You would expect him to change his tune on Tebow, but if Sanchez was the unquestioned starter, you wouldn't expect him to change his unwavering support of Sanchez. And it's pretty clear that's what happened. None of the Jets players are endorsing him like you would expect. They're all very soft about it. Now whether that's because they were told certain things, or because that's how they feel, I don't know. And I'm not sure that it makes a difference.

    You know this whole situation reminds of the 2008 Carolina Panthers decision to re-sign Jake Delhomme to a huge extension up until 2014 after he imploded in the playoffs at home. He got benched mid-way through the following season and was cut that same year, despite his gigantic signing. That decision set everything in motion for the Panthers to wipe the slate clean, get rid of John Fox and start over.

    This feels like a similar situation to that. Delhomme was a great quarterback while he was in Carolina. Got the Panthers to SuperBowl his first year as a starter, NFC Championship afterwards, playoffs at home in the 2008 season...but that year and during that playoff game he lost it upstairs and imploded throwing a whole bunch of pics. Despite his solid resume, everyone started getting impatient. Especially the fans. Sometimes when you deliver like he did early in his career, and not win, the pressure just builds against you. Just like the Jets fan base that fan-base was split as far as wanting to extend him or not. But he was Fox's guy, fans loved him, he had an impeccable character, and unlike Sanchez, was a hell of a leader. Very fiery attitude. So they gave him the extension, but as it turned out, that by no means meant job security.

    In Mark's case, he's missing some of those, but I fear it's a similar situation as far as his confidence level. That is a pretty big and real issue when it comes to QB's in the NFL. It does happen. And with the Giants winning 2 SB in such a short time span, there is no doubt additional pressure on the Jets franchise.

    What I believe happened with the Jets, is they probably did want to go for Manning. The missed. However, no one believed he would oust Tebow out of Denver. A lot of people believed Manning to go anywhere but there.

    So what were the Jets to do? They are in win now mode and the most sure fire QB's were pretty much spoken for. The only FA's initially available would have been Matt Flynn, and maybe, maybe Matt Moore. Would either one of those guys have offered the Jets a significant upgrade over Sanchez even if they could get them? Not at all. So they felt the best thing to do is extend Sanchez, out of fear of losing him to some other team too.

    THEN, Tebow became available. It's hard to pass up on a guy like Tebow that's not only cheap, but has a season like he did, the intangibles as he does, and just got to the playoffs. It makes perfect sense to get him considering the Jets situation. The rest is history. And I'm not so sure they would have extended Sanchez if they knew he would become available. They had no clue Tebow would really be on the trade block. Let alone that he wouldn't end up in a spot like Jacksonville.
    #44 whichfan, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
  5. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Whatever you're smoking, you best share, sweetpea. :lol:
  6. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah you're one of the ones I have a feeling you're going to disappear and never to be heard from again.
  7. Badaxe

    Badaxe Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    I feel your pain Sanchez backers. You want the best for the Jets, and you like Sanchez and want him to be the guy. After three seasons as a starter, and some definite success, you haven't seen enough yet, to feel 100% confident he is your "Joe Namath."

    As a Bronco fan, I liked the physicality and in your grill identity DEN was developing. Tebow to me, was a good fit for that identity. Screw finesse and precision. I want to see my team beat the hell out of the opponent.

    So, point is, Tebow has the equivalent of 1 year as a starter. Elway snuffed him out in one-third the time Sanchez has had. I get it that you want Sanchez "in there ."

    Lets just see how they play, how the team responds and go from there.

    And yes, so many football pundits are ripping Tebow it makes me pull for him to shove it up their butts and break it off.
  8. RevRick

    RevRick New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I have no problem with "invalid". Personally, for me it still has value. As for Jesus, one of the reasons for His rejection/death was His position of, the law says, "eye for an eye" but I say, "love, forgive, pray for, do good to". Religious people (then and now) prefer the judge, condemn, guilt and punishment road. Even today, imho, the religious people "saying" they follow Jesus can be the biggest hindrance to Jesus and His teachings. I have no problem separating the teachings of Jesus from the Old Testament or from most of His followers judgmental, closed minded teachings/actions of today.
    Anyway, back to football. So, you're excited about Tebow being a jet, huh? LOL
  9. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    You don't hate Tebow, you hate the media!
  10. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Guess again. Check my start date. Unlike yourself, I've been here for a while. I will be here after the Tebot Congregation folds its tents and shambles off to follow Timmy on his next stop on the Failed First Round QB Tour.
  11. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Even after Tebow becomes a permanent starter and Fitzpatrick gets run out of the NFL? I'll be looking for you.

    PS: I hope you realize there's more than Griffin and Luck in this draft and the Bills have #10 draft pick. Your GM already stated they are open to drafting a QB. As much as you've been going around touting Fitzy, I hope you haven't become too attached. I have my suspicions that a quarterback who won only 2 games last year when he increased his passing over 30 attempts, is going to get a rookie wide receiver like most are predicting with that #10 pick...
    #51 whichfan, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
  12. FakeSpike13

    FakeSpike13 Banned

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Seeing as how you have less than 500 posts in 7 years, I'm guessing there were long periods of dormancy...

    I'm guessing he's right that you will go into hibernation again by week 7 after Tebow takes over.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I don't think the Jets suddenly started telling the players what to and what not to say. I think the players are genuinely confused with the move so they don't know what to say. The extended Sanchez meaning they have faith in him this year, they signed a backup who can fill in if Sanchez goes down. Solid case Sanchez is the starter.
    Then they trade for Tebow who was just a starter and label him as the backup QB. They say he is only going to be used for wildcat be he jumped to the #2 QB on the depth chart and they traded Stanton. This left the players and many of the fanbase confused. Usually the backup QB is the most popular, but now take the most polarizing NFL figure and put him at backup QB, you have a legitimate QB controversy generated by the media even if there isn't one.
    The players also haven't been allowed to meet with coaches so there isn't a full knowledge of what is expected from Tebow.

    All this would cause confusion. You have a guy that you supported and the FO says they supports, then they trade for a QB who started a year ago and one of the reasons he started is because fans called for it. It makes no sense what the Jets FO did. Even through Tebow became available, they were not forced to make it. They could have used a 4th and 6th on other players or needs. It was choice they decided to make, not a decision they had to make.
  14. packersfan

    packersfan New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I think you are overreacting a bit to this trade, but this is some funny shit.
  15. packersfan

    packersfan New Member

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I totally understand your desire to have a pocket passer as a quarterback. Aaron Rodgers is my quarterback and I wouldn't want Tebow to be the Packers quarterback either. If Tebow is going to be a quarterback in the NFL long term he is going to have to learn to stay in the pocket and throw a good ball.

    You don't think he ever will and I think he might. That is the difference between our opinions. Rodgers was terrible his first two years with the Packers. Many Packer fans were calling for him to be cut.

    My only point is that with his work ethic why couldn't he improve his footwork and mechanics? I don't think he has ever had a coach that could develop those skills at an NFL level.

    Urban Meyer ran the spread and ran it well. From what I understand in Tebow's high school career it was more of the same.

    Maybe just maybe Tebow can retool and become an NFL quarterback only time will tell.
    I am rooting for him because I always root for players that the experts say will never make it.

    I also think Sanchez is a good quarterback who needs to take responsibility for the team and grow as a leader. The question is does he have it in him?
  16. chadedward

    chadedward New Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Best pro/con Tebow Jets arguments I've read anywhere.
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    who cares what old men are saying? who cares what other people say? If anything it unites the locker room in and us versus the world mentality.

    Although I will admit I like your writing style and the way you wrote the post, I think the concerns are unfounded.
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    here is a good stat:

  19. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Here's a stat. Troy Aikman had 2 lossing seasons in a row before winning 3 SB.
  20. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    He was a true freshman behind senior QB Chris Leak; of course he began as a back-up that's the nature of college football. It was Leak's job to lose and he played well enough to keep it throughout the season. Tebow never "overtook" Leak; instead, Tebow won the starting job when Leak graduated and he graduated from backup to starter. Also, he didn't "take over and win two championships". They won his first BCSNC during his freshman year in 2007 with Chris Leak winning the Offensive MVP award for the BCSNCG...

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