Some toughts, some hopes...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by onefanjet, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    Well, at the risk of being repetitive (as I'm almost sure someone has shared these feelings in some way or in different terms), these are my hopes and thoughts for the upcoming season. Not to ignore our defense, But I have enough faith in Rex, to make that work, and adjust on the fly, I'll concentrate on the following areas;

    Special Teams
    O-Line-New offensive Coordinator
    Last but not least the utilization of Tebow, and the implications/role of Sanchez, regarding such.

    Special Teams- The obvious, we have Mike W. , Undoubtedly best special teams coach I have seen, not only understanding the intricacies of his unit's importance and stressing that unit be a game changer, but the way he gets everything out of each of his players. Who's to say he doesn't use Tebow in some surprise packages, could be interesting, and we will need special teams to be a complete unit complimenting, and even saving offense and defense at times.

    O-Line - This is the area I have the most concern question about. Not only from a personnel, and depth perspective but from the addition of Sporano and the play calling philosophy, and the loss of Callahan which I think was a major blow. Having said that, I did think that Sparano was creative, and very heavily offensive minded with the fish, and this will benefit us as well as he has been a HEAD coach, therefore lending a certain sense of command to his role. He was and is a fiery personality, which I think was sorely missing on Shotty's part, and I think those intangibles will factor in to a more confident, and spirited offensive scheme. Again, a key factor here will be the performance of the O-Line which is still a huge question mark in my mind( I'm a student of the subtle nuances and intangibles of football, but not quite the x's and O's kinda guy, so forgive any comments peppered with ignorance/lack of knowledge or understanding).

    Tim Tebow, well this is the most interesting of our topics. Y'know, I live in Fl. and honestly never watched him play here. He was always lambasted by the sports jocks on the Radio, with "oh he'll never succeed, or he's a terrible QB, or he will be a NFL BUST". What we saw in Denver last year is that this is a guy has 2 important Qualities;
    1. A complete set of Foot ball shills, you could plug him in almost anywhere and he would execute... how many nfl player can you say that about, honestly, and when I say execute I mean execute in a complete beneficial, and often high pressure/dramatic fashion. What this means for Sanchez, remains to be seen. I for one think Sanchez is a GOOD QB, who is, and will continue to grow and improve, I don't question his work ethic, nor his desire to win, nor his willingness to work for the common good of the team, but that's me. Will Tebow challenge him? Only inasmuch as Sanchez feels a sense of urgency in terms of proving that without a doubt he is the leader and best qualified to lead and guide this team to victories. Will his confidence be shattered and he collapse in a heap as Tebow starts to become the fans fave(the fickle band wagon fans I mean), I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.
    2. Character - How much more can I say about his character, his devotion to what he believes, his passion for the game, his class off the field, what he gives to the community, and his infectious joy, and the way he carries himself.

    There, those are my thoughts from a Jets Fan who bleeds green. I have suffered with all of you for years, but each season brings hope and I, for one will grasp, claw, and hope that he positives and intangibles will pan out for us. Let's not go into the season bitchin' and cryin. Let's look at the up coming season as what it is, it's own unique animal, that takes it's own shape as the weeks go by... there are no paper champions, and you only win as a team...

  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Agree with your post. I would only add that with any major upheaval/change in personnel, coaching and philosphy, there's gonna be a transition period. It may last longer than several games too and perhaps consume the season. I'm thinking differently about the trade and the changes mainly because I no longer have blind faith in the FO or the CS including the back to back losses in the AFCCG's.

    Tannenbaum and Ryan bought this circus to town and now are on the clock. Moreso Ryan than tannenbaum as the routine of big and brash without the results has pretty much run its course with the local media AND alot of the fan base.

    Outside of those legendary back to back losses, two things really define the Tannenbaum/Ryan Era. First is the drafting of Sanchez. Now the trading for Tebow. Both are now interwined and have major ramifications for the team. This experiment had better not blow up in Ryan's face as there's already discontent in the lockerroom and the fanbase. Woody, being a businessman first, has to be aware of the negative perception surrounding this team be it media driven OR well deserved. This Franchise is now seen as one in disarray just as last season's antics stamped this team as undisciplined and borderline chaotic.

    The depth of the OLine could be blamed on the lack of late round talent due to a lack of late round DP's as they're used more for bargaining chips than depth building.

    ST's are still Westhoff's domain although with the departure of Smith, there was a noticeable drop off in performance.

    This season might be the most important one in the Ryan Era.
  3. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    My HO is RR is done if we do at the least make a SB appearence this upcoming season. If we again go 8-8 or lower like 4-12 then RR surely sealed his own destiny since his contract expires at the end of the 2013 season :sad:
  4. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I don't know about that. The Jets have seen some of their best success in team history under Rex Ryan. They've also had some low points obviously but in general the Jets have spent a lot of time and money changing the environment of the Jets. To get rid of Rex Ryan so soon would require a lot of backtracking
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Ah we had a terrific environment last season right? RR embrassed both himself & the owner with his silliness so actually RR could have been fired for cause after last season was done. What success do U mean when the ONLY success there is is winning SBs & in reviewing the history pages of RR tenure with us I do not seem to find any VLTs that we won while he was HC. It appears that U R one those NYJs fans that will accept non winning SBs as being successful so no use continuing this argument since your track & my track think totally different what NYJ success should be.
  6. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    IMHO there R "varying degrees of success" WRT to the NYJ & NFL IG. U do not seem to think this & U R one of those people who view anything less than a VLT as a failure so I will bid U good day :jets:
    #6 ace_o_spades, Apr 1, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  7. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    That's crazy. Who are these people that think success for this team has been the norm?

    2 back-to-back AFC Championship appearances is more than we as fans have seen since Joe Namath.
  8. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I gotta good feeling... I gotta go into the season this way, instead of criticizing REX/Tanny, lets see what pans out.....
  9. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I'm excited for the season.

    I've watched Rex grow as a head coach, and I think we'll see a 'different' Rex Ryan from here on out. He won't be bragging out his ass, putting a 'C' on some dumb asses jersey, blowing smoke up some rookie's skirt, on and on.

    Rex will be super focused an determined to stay in tight formation with the entire team.

    And i can't wait for the whole Tebow situation to take form and take off!!!
  10. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Can't wait for them fist pumps!
  11. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    My only fear is Sparano's offense is not like it was when he took over the Dolphins. His offenses except for one or two years were anemic and the wild cat was utilized out of necessity . I do hope the Tebow is able to pick up those first downs and extend drives as he was picked up to do. I hope we Get Braylon back (in a healthy state) and I also hope our defense comes back as the 09n unit ready to tear some Heads off.
  12. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    You probably think Dan Marino was a bust for not winning a SB. SB is the ultimate success, but its not the only measure of success. Taking over a rattled post-Favre team and turning it in to a championship caliber team with a rookie QB and HC is a great success. Maintaining that success again the next year showed consistency. A few vital pieces were lost last year in the FA and we ended up having an average year in 2011. If Jets end up having a 10-6 year and get knocked out in WC, RR will be back to at least complete his contract. The 2013 season is where Rex and Tanny will have their jobs on the line for themselves.
  13. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    any media and fans that thinks two AFCCG appearances in three seasons isn't "results" shouldn't be paid attention to to begin with.
  14. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    this is true in a gotta crawl before you walk way...after all 31 teams "fail" every year if you look at it this way

    NJGREEN New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    We going to lead our division this year. Somebody quote me! Watch. It's gonna go:





    Hold me to it!

  16. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Well, not to bring up the well beaten horse of the AFCCG games, it does seem like a lot of Jet Fans hang their hats on those losses. I guess when a franchise has been down as long as the New York Jets, this pov isn't surprising.
  17. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You're on..
  18. NoodleArm

    NoodleArm Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Definitely wrong, Champ, but not far off.

    I think that the staff needs to get the team into the wild card this year and may need more than a quick first round exit. The lamestream media has finally caught onto our team's looming cap situation (something folks on this board have long known about). It suggests that the window for this iteration of the Jets is closing within the next season or two.

    TL;DR: 1 playoff win or bust.
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    U Will learn some day that in sports there are 2 things

    1..... Winning Championships
    2.... Not winning Championships

    So when you win a championship U R successful. When you lose & R not the champion for that season you are a loser. That is for all sports BTW not just FB. You play the regular then the POs to win the CHAMPIONSHIP

    That is EXACTLY what I said that RRs decision will come after this off season since U do not want a lame duck coach coaching your team in 2013

    Ue correct about pretty boy Dannie the "greatest" QB to win nothing. Some day when U have nothing to do check out Dannies Boys record vs the AFCE when it was Miami then nobody else. Also check his PO record when he played vs the big boys not the weaklings like us, NEP, Bills & Colts :sad:
    #19 championjets69, Apr 2, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2012

    NJGREEN New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    NO WILD CARD NEXT SEASON! We are going into the playoffs straight up, not by the skin of our teeth!

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