Rex's Plan WILL work

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by rex2009, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I like the optimism of the OP.
  2. tzinc

    tzinc New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    the reality is with a 20th ranked defense in DEN and with Tebow at the helm

    and Tebow running and not turning over the ball and scoring in the red zone and getting off long deep passes

    DEN went very far imagine Tebow with a 5th ranked defense...

    the OC wants to run the ball more and they don't need a QB who throws a lot of ints

    if you run a lot you need a QB who can unleash deep
  3. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    If you choose not to read a thread, guys, don't brag to us about it
  4. rex2009

    rex2009 Banned

    Jul 16, 2010
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    Absolutely. Rex recognizes that fact and his plan is NOT to make Tebow the starter. His vision is that Tebow is a better version of Brad Smith, and if that occurs that WILL make our offense much more dynamic and successful.

    P.S. The Tebow hate/envy prevents certain people from seeing how this could work. If you take an unbiased view of the situation you can definitely see how this could lead us back to the success we had in Rex's first two years with Brad as the "wildcat" QB/RB.
  5. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    That is true. When I 1st heard of the trade I was like what the hell are they doing, but after I thought about it more I love the trade.
  6. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I'm not actually convinced that Tebow is so much better than Smith as a wildcat option. I think he may be a better overall QB, but Smith is a phenomenal athlete.
  7. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Hey, it's all sunshine and light over on the Bills boards with the Bills FO doing a competent job during the off season, which is nice but hardly entertaining.

    Now, here, in Jestsville, it's one episode of Drama Queens of Dirty Jersey after another, the latest being the Invasion of the Tebots. :metal:
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Piss off, Pats fan faker.
  9. jet setter

    jet setter New Member

    Jan 29, 2012
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    Cunt county= son of a motherless goat
  10. jet setter

    jet setter New Member

    Jan 29, 2012
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    Oooo Im famous for buffalo wings oooo it snows a lot here oooo we ar known for choking at sb. Oooo who are we?
  11. BIGREX

    BIGREX Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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  12. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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  13. alwaysthejets

    alwaysthejets New Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I'm still undecided on whether or not I believe this will work, and, full disclosure, a lot of that comes from being very unaware/ignorant in regards to what Tebow is truly capable of, particularly as a passer. I haven't followed his trajectory as closely as some others. I've started paying more attention now, because he's a Jet, but... While I've seen he's a winner, and he's capable of heroics, I still am not familiar with... Can he throw a slant? Can he throw a... I just don't know what his comfort zone is as a passer, etc.

    Some of the things you address in your post, I agree with.

    I think that while all of the Jets' problems for last season get repeatedly blamed on one player, etc., I actually think almost the entire reason things devolved so quickly hinges a great deal on Schotty.

    When Tone, LT, Sanchez, Slauson, and others all implied, in varying degrees, in varying ways, to the media, that we weren't adjusting, that we were predictable, that people could read our plays the moment we lined up, that we... When all of that started happening, and then when near the end of the season Tone all but said his relationship with Schottenheimer was non-existent, it did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that not only had Schotty lost players trust, he'd really stepped all in it...

    When all of those articles popped up half way through the season, and they were discussing how Tone had fewer targets than most teams number twos, some teams number threes, and fewer receiving targets than a slew of running backs and tight ends, including all three (LT, Greene, and Keller) on his team, despite having the highest completion percentage with no drops of all people with receiving targets, so it's not like he was wasting away his opportunities when he did get targets, and it's not like he was unreliable, he was the most reliable. Ha. Until Philadelphia, when the train just totally jumped off the track, and then the Giants game happened, and then Miami.

    Furthermore, the moment the Jets started losing games... and Tone, in particular, had little to no targets in those games, thus was not being given the opportunity to help win the games, see Oakland where he wasn't targeted often, and we were trying to make a comeback... and we lost. See Denver, where he was targeted two/three times in the entire second half, and we lost. See Miami where he couldn't buy a target, and we all know how that ended. See all the games we used him as a clear out receiver and a decoy, and lost, or barely won, and it took late game heroics...

    Manish and others all noted that a lot of that had to do with the fact that Schotty's game plans never focused on making sure certain players were consistently focused on in game plans, and that is the opposite of what most offensive coordinators do with good players. Writing was on the wall for disaster.

    When Slauson noted that the blocking schemes were figured out by everyone, and all the teams knew how they'd be blocking on any given play, again I say... Disaster.

    When LT is saying, things are predictable, that he doesn't know who is going to fix it, if it will ever get fixed... A sign of disaster.

    I truly hope that Sparano, in bringing a freshness to the scheming, game plan, type of concepts he will implement, etc., that a lot of the underlying factors that led to a train wreck will dissipate.

    Having said that, multiple analysts, on ESPN and NFL Network have made good points, the same points, really. That Sparano has his work cut out for him with all/any of the players who Schotty may have lost, and of all of the people who became disenchanted-- The analysts have said, from everything they'd heard-- Santonio quit trusting and didn't trust Schotty, then next he quit trusting Mark, and then by the end he was upset with Rex for not stepping in with Schotty early on, and allowing whatever the offensive issues were, to continue... And the more he got ignored, the more upset he got, because the issues he was going to Rex with were real and legitimate issues and they persisted AND they were costing them wins.

    Sparano can't easily fix damage done to relationships in that tenure, if the players dig in, particularly on the side of players who have proven they don't trust easily, like Santonio.

    All of that to say, I actually think I agree with you about training camp and the isolation being a good idea, too, the more I think about it. Giving everyone a chance to gel, get used to the new coaches, new everything, and let go of issues last season, with no outside escapes/outlets.

    I'm not familiar with this. How was Tebow used more specifically if you don't mind telling? Did he come in, and just run, did he pass, was he running the spread option, was he... running an offense separate to what Leak was running? Just trying to get an idea of how they integrated Tebow that first year.

    I think it was stated that teams had to use "one full day" of preparation time scheming for Brad Smith. If that's how long it took them to scheme for Brad, who they were never going to even sort of give 20 snaps to, I can't even imagine the crunch Tebow puts teams in, from a game plan perspective, particularly if and when they get really creative with him.

    Is Rex implying they're going to be giving Tebow multiple opportunities to throw out of the "wildcat?" So, we are essentially talking about Tebow coming in and running the spread option, then, right?

    Tomlin is not the only coach to say, this can work given Tim's skill set and Mark's skill set, but I think the reverse is that this opens up the potential for a whole slew of other issues, too. Quarterback controversy, stunted development for one or both QBs, media/team meltdown with the "media circus" combined with the tabloid style of the NY media market, etc.
    Interesting, was this the Steelers game?

    Well, I think, the skepticism comes from... At least, I know mine comes from... Seriously, how is Tebow as a passer? And, I'm not being facetious, I didn't really follow Denver, but I watched all of the talking heads and, I mean, from what I can ascertain, his passing is borderline disastrous, is that not accurate? As in, he has strong games as an anomaly, but... Passing is trouble?

    I just keep going back to reports about how Brandon Lloyd was trying to get out because Tebow's passing was so suspect, and then he did... And I sincerely cringe imagining what that would mean for Holmes. If Lloyd wanted out?! Sweet Baby Jes-! That is why I ask... Can Tim... Hit targets like Holmes, Keller, etc.? Does he need super tall receivers, does he need... I mean, I just don't know much about him. So, I'm not insulting him, just going on what I've read/seen reported. It may be inaccurate.

    Agree with these points.

    While skeptical or maybe I'm cautiously optimistic... I just have lots of questions about how it works on lots of levels on and off the field.

    Tim's blind side being protected by Wayne Hunter... Disaster.

    Tim's passing... How is it?

    How does the team practice two different offensive schemes?

    Who is going to be losing practice time? Will they take it from teams, from Mark, from.... Who?

    I have tons more, really. Lol.
  14. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Insults don't change the fact that it was Ryan, not Schottenheimer, who handled the Jets defense that failed to step up when it needed to ... like in the Gnats game when they allowed a 99 yard pass play.
  15. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    ATJ.....some partial answers

    Tim's blind side being protected by Wayne Hunter... Disaster.

    as bad as Hunter was Denvers line was noticably worse. PFF has them ranked 31st in the nfl overall

    Tim's passing... How is it?

    not good, but not as bad as some say. He has accuracy issues, most noticably between 11-20 yds. the rest of his distance comp% compare pretty well to other 2nd year qb's. His low comp% is a combination of lower end accuracy coupled with a high% of drops and being the qb who attempted overall the most deep passes, by alot. assuming his comp% by distance stayed the same if Tebow had attempted the same type passes as sanchez he would have had a 53% comp rate. not great, but not outside the norm for a 2nd year guy

    How does the team practice two different offensive schemes?

    most likely they will take some of the snaps that would have been run plays, and run option plays out of them, Sparano may be looking to implement more spread offense across the board, if so spread option is not too much different

    Who is going to be losing practice time? Will they take it from teams, from Mark, from.... Who?

    if they plan on takin snaps from sanchez in the game to run "wildcat"(technically a misnomer) then he will lose snaps in practice, if they plan on taking them out of the run game then Sanchez shouldnt suffer...ex if they wer 60/40 pass run and they go to 50/50 to add the option then he will lose snaps

    I have tons more, really. Lol.
  16. RevRick

    RevRick New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hey Mods, how bout a sub sub-forum for all the TT haters...LOL...keep em locked away until we win 10 games...:)
  17. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    any one that blatantly isnt a jets fan and is here to troll should just be perma banned. that phinphan, this cunt county dude and any of those pats trolls i forgot
  18. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that I brought up a pertinent fact from last season: that the Jets D wasn't as good as its stats make it appear, and that Schottenheimer had nothing to do with the defensive shortcomings.

    Pretending that that poor play didn't contribute to the Jets not making the playoffs doesn't change that fact.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I didn't insult you. I stated a fact.
  20. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Ya but if you look at the overall picture buddy the offense was even more dismal the past two years giving more turnovers and even worse field position to the defense and the fact that for 3 years we could never eclipse 20th overall offense and that players CAME OUT and shit on Schittys head.... Stop making fucking assumptions when you never even watch a jets game nor know how a jets season goes. FOR ALL THE INJURIES and the LACK OF TC and NO REST offense could never sustain drives ... AND! the Turnovers weather it was on a KR and Joe mcknight fumbled it or it was Holmes TWICE in a game giving the ball to the opponent past midfield The Defense had no chance being constantly on the field and Constant with their Heels on the Endzone

    Which is why i don't mind teebow trade IF one thing and one thing only comes out of it!! SUSTAINING DRIVES PAST 1 set of 3 DOWNS every DRIVE it's needed i cant remember the amount of times we were 3 n out what a disgusting year with all those expectations

    The "Play like a Jet motto" Is about winning games with field position 9-6... Were never gonna be a offensive power house but we'll still win games

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