An Open Letter To All Tebow Fans

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by abyzmul, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    After a few minutes on google, I could probably post a dozen more but don't want to waste anymore time on it.

    Brian Dawkins
    ‏ @BrianDawkins
    @TimTebow, I wanna thank u, 4 wht u helped us do last year. On the field & off! I have NO doubt that u will B a blessing 4 the Jets!

    Miller said that Denver quarterback Tim Tebow can lift more and weighs more than him. But he swears he can outrun Tebow.

    Miller did say a lot of nice things about Tebow. “I love him to death,” Miller said. “He’s the most consistent person I know.”

    Denver's most discussed player, receiving a lot of praise from the Broncos centerpiece..

    "I said before, I trust him. I trust him with everything," teammate Von Miller said. "No matter how many interceptions he throws, no matter how many touchdowns he scores, that's Tim Tebow and I'm going to ride with him to the end. I hope he shut up a whole bunch of critics today."

    Eric Decker
    Would you rather have better stats with Kyle Orton as QB or have a better team record with Tim Tebow as the QB? If you were being criticized as much as Tim Tebow how would you handle it? Do you prefer being the

    Broncos wide receiver Eric Decker makes a 56-yard touchdown catch during the fourth quarter against the Kansas City Chiefs. (Joe Amon, The Denver Post)
    ---Cameron Powers, Los Angeles
    Eric: My belief when it comes down to it, it's all about wins and losses. There's no better feeling after a win - and consecutive wins - than to have people thinking about the playoffs. I'd definitely take team records over individual records.
    For Tim, it's a lot of pressure for him. But he's a fan guy no matter if he's starting or not starting. He's fine if there's attention or not. He knows who he is, he knows his identity. He works hard either way.

    Brady Quinn
    “The comments attributed to me in a recent magazine article are in NO WAY reflective of my opinion of Tim and the Broncos,” Quinn wrote. “Tim deserves a lot of credit for our success and I’m happy for him and what he accomplished. Most importantly, he is a great teammate.

    Champ Bailey
    “He’s proven he can win some tough games. Now it’s just being consistent. One thing about him, he’s going to work at it. And I’m behind him 100 percent.”

    "It always amazes me. You never know what you're going to get with Tim. He always has the faith."
    ---Demaryius Thomas, Broncos wide receiver


    Pretty good. Now why don't you compile the quotes and tweets of unrestrained rapturous joy from Broncos players after the team acquired Peyton Manning?
  2. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    "Well, Tebow turned me into a Bronco fan and I ended up falling in love with the entire team (minus the FO) it's not just Tebow that I like/liked. lol and I still am one even though he's not on the team.

    As far as the offensive coordinator goes...I think it was just frustrating because the playcalling was SO predictable. That is what annoyed me, at least.

    I'm not sure exactly how many new people signed up once Tebow joined the team, however, not all of us think he can do no wrong. I am not blind to his flaws and don't advocate booing players, etc. I just want to see him get a fair shot, that's all. Hopefully he is more welcomed here than he was in Denver.

    Also, my dad is from New York and I'm a die-hard Yankee fan (not sure if that's a plus or a minus here. lol) ya never know...I could end up being just as big of a Jet fan when this is all said and done."


    You were never a Bronco fan and you'll never be a Jet fan. This is why you and your fellow Tebowites had to be sequestered.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey man. Don't make me put you on notice. My notices are feared throughout the land.
  4. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    "Its a simplistic way to look at it. let's not just repeat what the talking heads like to say on ESPN and let us examine each game.

    I'll go backwards on the last 5 games

    New England blasted the Denver defense when they were down 35-7 at half time it had nothing to do with the offense .

    Pittsburgh certainly did not catch up to it. they were beat down by it.

    Kansas city? sure they did great against it but they also stopped GREEN BAY.

    The Bills game was actually a good game until midway through the 3rd quarter when defense collapsed and Denver had to go to an aerial offense (so they did not stop the "gimmick" like you like to call it).

    New England was down 17-3 until 3 fumbles (1 on special teams) sealed Denver's fate

    Almost no game had anything to do with anyone catching up to anything except the 2nd chiefs game and that is arguable since they were playing much better down the stretch.

    Tebow is not in Denver today because of Manning, nothing else.

    Denver before and after the offense overall

    7-24 WORST TEAM IN THE NFL IN 31 GAMES before Tebow and the new offense

    2-8 2009 (last 10 games of season)

    4-12 2010

    1-4 2011 (first 5 games of season with Von miller and everyone else and the old offense under Orton)

    7-4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Tebow in as QB 2011 NO OTHER PLAYER CHANGE and offense changed

    Playoff win +1"


    Classic Tebowite nonsense and a prime reason why you and you ilk had to be banished to your own little FantasyLand.


    Guess what? That was the direct result of Tim's texting buddy and all around jerkwad Josh McDaniels riding into town and pissing all over everything in sight to assuage his little man's complex. The fool who burned a first round pick on a project quarterback who could only return two second day picks in trade.

    Of course, John Elway was able to right the ship in a single season in charge. As a reward, the Tebowites hated him and told lies about him at every opportunity.

    Keep spreading your revisionist bullshit. You're only preaching to your own self deluded choir.
  5. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I would be jumping for joy as well if my team acquired manning as you did. What exactly are you saying? Not sure I get your point.
    You do realize my repsopsne was to someone who said he had not seen any comments about Tebow from team mates right? I guess you did not have time to read it as you came in here guns blazing.
    #165 CowboysFan, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  6. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I was all for Manning going to Denver, you can check my post at the Denver broncos message boards.

    Your post proves you have a blind hate with no objectivity since you know nothing about me and lash out.

    My point was Denver sucked, whether it was Mcdaniel, ghosts, sky wizards, Orton, the curse of the bambino, drugs etc that was the point.

    Here is what you won't be able to change and for some reason makes you angry:

    7-24 previous 31 games before Tebow took over was Denver's record and Denver sucked donkey balls.

    Think about how much you dislike Tebow that you are actually signing up at other forums , following him around trying to belittle him. Who is living in fantasy land again? Now you are so predictable I know what your next response is (tebow did not do it all by himself )

    Here is my response to that:

    I agree Tebow was not the only reason the Broncos completely turned around that abysmal record and ended 8-5 with a GREAT playoff win and yes the Denver defense and the kicking game had as much to do with it if not more.

    BUT without Tebow the Broncos do not go 8-5 into the playoffs as Tebow is one of the 3 pieces that were neccessary to get that accomplished (Quinn and Orton would not have had that success running the same offense) .

    Therefore Tebow deserves as much credit for the turn around as the defense and the kicking game and if not as much quite a bit (he was one of the 3 pieces) .

    Slap you know who made me a hardcore defender of Tebow? (I am actually not a tebowmaniac as I see all his faults clearly and objectively) , it was guys like you who wanted to water down and reduce anything positive he did for the team to the point that you made it sound like Denver won in spite of him. Talk about revisionist history and the pot calling the kettle!
    #166 CowboysFan, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  7. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    From the short sample of posts I have read from Slap, I have a theory that he is a Broncos fan that for good or bad is obsessed with Tebow.

    Perhaps he hated the Tebow circus while it was in his town and now that it has left and there is clamoring at Tebows new franchise his obsession has led him here to crush the dreams of mindless fools.'

    Wrong or right I have enjoyed his posts so far. Bring on the reality.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I got that same feeling and echo the same sentiment.
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The circus is created by the media and then driven by those who hate everything about Tebow (religion, goody two shoes good deeds, positive attitude etc).

    You are over estimating what a few dozen tebowite fans are really capable of (and that is all there is on the boards so far , if that , maybe half a dozen actually posting). There are literally 3 to 4 times as many people who hate Tebow who have signed up trying to start trouble than there are actual Tebow fans posting meaningless stats etc.

    Take a step back and just observe what I said, hate post will outnumber anything positive about Tebow 3-1 maybe even 4-1. Then there will come a point where it will be taboo to say anything positive about Tebow on these boards without being called a Tebow maniac...just sit back and watch who the real ring leaders of the circus are.....its actually the haters.
    #169 CowboysFan, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  10. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Talking about bringing on the reality! love it. The extremes on both sides are annoying as heck... but the negativity from the Tebow hating crowd is too much for me to take. To come from another board and follow Tebow to another team's thread just to continue hatin? messed up man... messed up.
  11. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Most of the comments I see against Tebow are from people who have been here since before this month. So I'm not sure which people you are pointing to.

    Part of the reason why there's such a dog pile on many of the pro-Tebow comments is because they are either: (1) repeating the same things said every time (e.g. OMG HE IZ A PROVEN WINNAR U CANNOT DENY IT); or (2) it gets inserted into every comment about the offense, even when it's not relevant.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    absolutely, we have a good QB as our starter. The onyl way Tebow should ever be our starter is if Sanchez gets hurt.

    You can give me all the stats you want, I know good defense when I see it and we didn't have a good D in 2011.

    We were top 5 in yards and 20th in pts(actual pts allowed we were probably around 15 which is mediocre). Our O/STs allowed a ton of points which kept the D off the field, we trailed late in games where teams were running out rhe clock which affects yds/pts. In almost every crucial situation during the year our D failed.

    at Oak:
    Jets get w/in a TD w/ 5 1/2 to play, D allows Oak to go on 3 min drive to take 10 pt lead and end the game.

    at NE:
    Jets get w/in 6 w/ 7 mins to play. D allows NE to go on 6 min drive and kick FG to go up 9 and end the game

    vs. NE: after struggling in the 1st half the O scores a TD late in the half to go up 9-6 w/ just over a minute left. NE then goes 80 yds in 1:11 to take 13-9 lead into the half. a few secs into the 4th qtr the Jets score a TD to pull w/in 7, NE then goes on a 7 min drive to score another TD and stretch it back to 14 pts.

    at den: plays great for 55 mins, w/ game on the line up 3 w/ 5 mins to play at the Den 5 they allow a team that can't pass to go 95 yds for the TD, they couldn't even hold them to a FG.

    Buf: we got lucky w/ a dropped pass by Stevie Johnson after a late TD by our O gave us a 28-24 lead.

    NYG: up 7-3 late in 1st half, 3rd and 9 from their 1 they throw 99 yd TD pass to completely change gamne and season for both teams.

    at Mia: up 10-6 they allow Matt Moore to lead a 21 play, 12 1/2 minute TD drive to take their first lead. TWENTY ONE plays, TWELVE and a half minutes to MATT MOORE and the dolphins.

    as for 2010: How does a GREAT D allow minnesota to come back when they were dead? allow Denver to score 20 pts? allow detroit to control that game, allow Colt McCoy to lead Cle to a tying TD in the final minutes of regulation, allow Houston to come back from 24-7 down in the 4th, allow Chi to rip through us, give up 45 to NE then of course kill us in the title game.

    Our D was not bad in 2010 but it was not great either, they were very up and down, played really well the first 2 playoff games and terrible at Pitt to cost us that game.
  13. red 19

    red 19 New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Very true Cowboysfan,
    There is a huge preconceived notion that there are soooo many of these unreasonable "Tebots" out there. In Denver we actually filtered out the worst of it. Right after the draft when Tebow was selected we had a huge influx of 17-25 years olds who lived and breathed Gator football and they were annoying as hell. After Tebow did not start the reality set in for a lot of these people that Tebow was likely to be an efficient player at best. As it sits now, the majority of people see Tebow this wasy. Efficient at best but far from a great QB.

    Unfortunately, there is a large group of people who just cant grasp the middle ground with Tebow. To them its all too clear, hes either the best ever or the worst there could be. Sadly its the handful of loudmouths on either side of the debate that people recognize.

    Hopefully the Jet fan base doesnt put up their guard from day 1 (like the Denver fans did).
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Put up our guards against what? I have seen plenty of Jets fans that have agreed about his football ability, although their belief in him as a QB is not so strong. They have a QB already that has earned more stripes than Tebow has. And he's a better pure passer than Tebow as well.

    I welcome Tebow's passion for the game and his freakish athleticism, but the NFL is turning this into a passer's league, and Tebow would be kryptonite to the Jets' effort to keep up with that effort if he ever started meaningful time under center.

    Can you please define what is 'middle ground' for Tebow?
  15. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The irony is that the "circus" is a more nuanced thing -- it includes people like Slap. The story is not as simple as "crazy fans ruining everybody's lives." There's a weird, polarizing thing going on where the detractors are irrational.
  16. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think he needs the same opportunity that Jake Locker will get, the same opportunity that Plain Garbage is getting in Jacksonville -- the opportunity to improve the things he needs to improve upon.

    If he doesn't, it's not the end of the world.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey, if he can really become a good passer, the sky would be his limit. And I know that I am being inflexible in my opinion about his throwing ability, because he just... treats the pocket differently from QBs whose first instinct is to pass.

    The odds are against him becoming a total package at QB. If he does, I'll denounce anything I've said contrary to that belief. He has a light year of improvement required to do that.

    Maybe he can do it, but I'm a Jets fan and don't have the patience to wait the likely 4 years required to have it happen and Tebow will likely be on another team at that point.

    Sanchez is the Jets' best chance under center.
  18. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I don't know -- there have been flashes of something special underneath it all. Moments that really click.

    I guess Tebow is a walking illustration of bias, both ways -- we tend to filter what we see based on what we want to see. And there's enough material there to go all sorts of directions on Tebow.

    That Chicago game -- some people look at it and see "Luck, and he sucked for most of it." And others look at it and see "What the heck was that -- he finally just settled in and lasered them for an 18-24 finish, with the Bears doing everything in God's green earth to stop it, and just threw again and again, completing them." The "prevent defense" thing is a joke -- they did not do that. He started pulling the trigger and they couldn't stop it.
  19. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    "Think about how much you dislike Tebow that you are actually signing up at other forums , following him around trying to belittle him. Who is living in fantasy land again? Now you are so predictable I know what your next response is (tebow did not do it all by himself )"


    I didn't come here to belittle Tebow. I came here to warn true Jet fans about the impending nonsense and to belittle Tebowites.
  20. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Well, then that makes it sound much less pathetic and lame.

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