Perhaps it's about time...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Zach, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    jumping off the bandwagon now is as pathetic as the tebowers jumping on.
  2. Canadajetsfan

    Canadajetsfan New Member

    Aug 27, 2011
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    3-13 was awful, things have been worse. Get off the bandwagon now please, keep in mind it's going to fill up quick come November, so no asking for your spot back.
  3. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    I'm a loyal guy, so the Jets will always be my team but I have to say, I'm embarassed to be a Jets fan. This is coming from a Mets and Knicks fan. It's one thing to suck. It's another thing for your owner to throw your support under the bus for the sake of casual fans who are clearly only here for Tebow; Fans that will care less about the team the moment Tebow is no longer here. Anybody that believes this move was strictly a football move is naive. It is because of that why I've become embarassed to be a Jets fan. That said, thanks Woody for basically being the tie breaker in my decision to get the NFL package next year. Saved me a c note and change.
  4. UninTY_128

    UninTY_128 New Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    That right there is the best post I've read since this whole backup QB thing started.
  5. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    There will never be a rebuild under Tannenshit and Ryan so both would have to go first..maybe not as long as Revis is hear either so I think any potential rebuild is more than two years away.
    #25 Don, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  6. GATA

    GATA Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    you jump off now but you were still there when we went 4-12... Stop it Stop crying.

    Our team hasn't always been perfect.
  7. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    you darksiders lead miserable lives.

    The Pats are in their age of decline, bye brady, bye franchise. The Bills are getting better, but they have not been able to finish a season in 10+ years. The Phins are probably the most poorly run franchise in football. I heard they have a dance club in their stadium.
  8. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Don't discount the Patriots so easily. Brady has at least one more Super Bowl in him.
  9. GATA

    GATA Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    No way ! LMAO
  10. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    what makes the situation now particularly bad and really an apples and oranges comparison to a situation like the Kotite era is that I don't think the Jet organization has any coherence at all right now. They have some key players, the core of the team in Mangold, Revis, Harris, I guess Ferguson still, and now Cromartie, perhaps Holmes, without whom this team would be a complete failure on the field. But do they have any plan going forward? No coherent one.

    Part of the problem I think is that within the Jet organization there's an evident divergence of opinion on Sanchez. and not just into two sides, either. Some probably are not ready to give up on him, others have, and others don't know what to do with him. This whole business of whether he heeds a fire lit under him is a perfect example. Does he really?

    I don't really think that. I certainly don't think that "lighting a fire" in this case bringing in Tebow will lead to the land of milk and honey with Sanchez. And I certainly don't think Tebow will ever succeed as a pocket passer NFL Qb. So why do that move?

    I think the obvious approach to this off season should have been to improve the four starting positions in need of new players, those being RT, ROLB, safety and #2 WR, and hopefully come up with a plan going forward for OG, second safety, ILB, RB and (perhaps most tricky) TE. And backup Qb. I assumed the Jets were stuck with one more year of figuring out what to do with Sanchez. A tall order, to be sure, and perhaps not doable in one year, but this was what was facing the organization. At least get started.

    Splashy FA signings were not in the cards for the vast majority o these needs, due to cap constraints that Tanny is responsible for.

    This off season called for humility and patience, diligence at finding the right players to upgrade the sore spots to a manageable level of performance, and let the core players carry the team. Meanwhile Sanchez gets another chance hopefully in better surroundings than last year.

    So what do the Jets do?

    First they get rid of Schotty, which I did not mind since he wore out his welcome as a political matter. So be it. But replace him with Sparano?

    They then really make a questionable move in not attempting to rebalance Hunter's contract. Sorry, that still makes no sense to me, and that was the first sign they might not have it in them to successfully navigate this off season.

    Then they decide to get involved in the Manning sweapstakes, and right away they get off the basic strategy, only to get embarrassed when he shows no interest. They then overreact by extending Sanchez's contract, meaning stuck with him for two years, not just one. This also seems to put off the table any shot at getting real competition in here for him. So they sign Stanton, a serviceable backup. And then they sign two FA's to fill two of the four starting position needs, but with players who have durability issues.

    At that point, the Jets were not doing all they needed, but had not totally ruined the off season, either.

    But could they remain patient? Stay within the necessary parameters of this off season?

    Apparently not.

    Instead they went for a splashy publicity move that also contained a football aspect that is at best questionable. I don't think they totally ignored the football side of it. But the appeal of the publicity, of appearing to do something big, was too much for this particular group to maintain their focus.

    In so doing I think those who were not in Sanchez corner, both those who don't know what to do with him and those who have more or less given up on him, supported this move. Not because they are fans of Tebow necessarily. They just don't see the downside, and this buys them some time (they thought) with the fans.

    In that, though, I think they misread the fanbase. The fans have seen too much of this kind of BS from these clowns before. WE KNOW this is not really a viable strategy going forward. WE KNOW this is not what they should have done this off season. WE KNOW this is incoherent.

    All we can do is wait for the rebuild.
    #30 Big Blocker, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  11. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    ^This was posted in the tebow merged 1000x thread by Ryan76? (I should have checked before I copied and pasted but it was ryan something) It is sooo fucking true man. I flip through MSG all the time to watch boxing or the knicks and they always have commercials of boomer and Caratin (or however you spell that fucks name) and these guys just bash the Jets all day long, doesnt matter what the Jets do its always their commercial. Francesca fucking hates us and the list goes on.

    I don't give a fuck though because this is my team and I stand by them regardless. Sure, Tebow is seen as an unnecessary acquisition by the Jets, but the mother fucker is a born winner. he has character and heart and all the leadership intangibles you only find in a few of the players among our current roster. I win and die with my team, I don't give a fuck.

    Please walk away, just like Holmes, because I don't want that shit around my team. And if you stick around its going to get real fucking ugly, I mean they are going to destroy us in the papers and any other media outlet. By now I'm use to it and could careless. This is not your grandmothers team and it never will be!

    Ground 'N Pound!
  12. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    I stopped reading after that sentence. You can disagree with all the moves this season. Firing Schotty, hiring Sparano, bringing in Tebow, bringing back the Wildcat.

    What you can't do is say there isn't a plan. There is one. It's ground and pound. It's control the clock, play good defense, hit them in the mouth, wear out defenses plan. You may not agree with it, but there's a clear plan, a coherence about the whole thing that you can't argue with.
  13. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    And Just like that..... I'm in alignment with Big Blocker - While I don't post here 24/7 and know all the Characters I knew enough to know that Big Blocker and I clashed on a lot of Jets stuff.....

    But, I agree 100% this offseason called for dilligent, patient Builiding of the base and filling holes to allow the players THEY PICKED to succeed...

    I didn't want Sanchez - Never would have drafted Cali-Boy with little experience to run an east coast team - BUT THEY PICKED HIM!!!!!!!

    IMO, my optimism going into this offseason relied on that I thought the offesnse was going to be simplified and the play calling was going to be congruent with the teams goals and not as confusing as the Schotty system while adding OL support and better weapons.. BUT NO - NO additions to the OL and NO better weapons.


    THIS was the year with a full offseason and given better OL play, better weapons and better play calling... THIS was the year that most of us could really judge Sanchez as an NFL QB and TEAM LEADER to see if this was the guy for the next decade.....

    In my opinion, they just killed Sanchez and any hope of finding out if he can be a real NFL QB for the NYJ..... And in turn they Killed any hope for a Super Bowl until the next window of opportunity which will probably be with a new regime.....

    I'll watch but, I HATE the Wild cat - Always have - I mocked Miami fans, never really cared for Denver crap..... I'm going to be watching this season like I ate a Shit sandwich.

    Scap together some garbage wins and Tebow a few teams for kicks but, Damn - Rex DAMN REX!!!!! You really buy into this Crap???????

    Never thought I'd be off the Rex bandwagin - LOVE the guy as a HC but DAMN REX WHAT DID YOU SIGN OFF ON????????????

    YOU CRAPPED ON MY TEAM..... I feel like someone stole Christmas.
  14. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    ^and that's what i don't understand about you darksiders. Shit on Rex, Tanny and anyone else after the season. Hell, I will with you. but not now, right now you at least have to see where it goes.

    I believe we are going to surprise a lot of people this year.

    Ground 'n pound!
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    There's always Islam.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Ryan has been talking about running the ball more since he got here. That is a cliche. It's how you get it done that i was talking about. If you can't understand that, then it's just as well you didn't read the rest of my post. It would have been way over your head.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I did not know that there is some rule that we cannot question management moves as they occur in the off season.

    So, this forum is only suitable for pom pom waving while wearing rose colored glasses? Alrighty then, Mom Tannembaum.
  18. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    All Fine and good..... Except I just can't see a Gimmick Offense Winning a Super Bowl...

    I just long for the Day that MY TEAM can be in the top 1/3rd of the league in Passing and offense......

    Why Me!!!!!

    Why after all I've been thr for 40 years as a Jets fan that I get saddled with this Fucking Tebow Wild Cat.....

    Any fan of any other team deserved this Wild Cat Crap more than ME ME ME ME ME....

    Bullshit - I HATE THE WILDCAT WITH THE PASSION OF 1000 SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fucking Colts get Manning after he stays in school and Screws... ME!!!!!!!!

    Then He leaves and causes TEBLOW to go to MY TEAM.....

    And Fucking Indy gets the next best QB ever to fall right in ther Laps AGAIN!!!!!


    Indy gets a QB AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! And I get WILDCAT??????????????????

    JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    that is nothing but LUCK. What a bunch of CRAP!!!!!

    I'm so Ill thinking about watching this train Wreck Crap.
  19. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Don't believe in the Philosophy of Not filling holes and I HATE THE WILDCAT.

    I know where the Wildcat goes... I HATE watching Gimmick Football.

    Suprise a lot of people??? - Like the whacky miracles Denver pulled off last year?????
    Shit even they ran away from it ASAP!!!!! Where every opponent and player was laughing that they just lost to some Gimmick Crap - Including the Jets last year - Jet Players laughed at this crap.
  20. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I will jump off the wagon if and only if this move causes Sanchez to be traded to a competitor, we keep Tebow, Sanchez flourishes as the new Eli foe years to come and we start all over again looking for a QB. I dont want the Jets to be middle of the road for ever.

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