Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yes he has. He's shown me accuracy. I've seen plenty of accurate, even perfect passes from Tebow.

    What I haven't seen is consistency.

    But what I also haven't seen is Tim Tebow play on an NFL team with a good receiver set and an offense better suited to him. Something Sanchez does have. Could you have even named ONE receiver on Denver's team before Tebow made their names popular last year?

    32nd worse receiving corps in actual DROPPED passes. Sorry but you can't put every part of that on Tebow. I have seen so many passes that literally pelted Eric Decker and DT on the head, chest, shoulder, through their hands, bouncing off their hands, etc and they dropped them.
  2. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    whichfan can you please rank the starting QBs in order from 1-30 based on their skill please?

    *grabs popcorn*
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Your argument is Tebow has shown accuracy? Mark Sanchez has shown accuracy, much better accuracy on short/medium/long throws than Tebow. That is a terrible argument.

    An offense better suited to him?!?! You realize John Fox scrapped the whole playbook and introduced a new one for tim tebow!

    Where did I ever put dropped passes on Tebow? Also where did I ever say he had great receivers? I never said that. Don't know why you bring it up.

    Well I already broke my thing of not responding unless its a good point. Some arguments these days....
  4. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    i'm not saying he can't improve.

    i'm saying his value probably isn't going to increase because he's going from a full time starter to a gadget play guy. how is his value going to go up with LESS playing time? unless sanchez misses a bunch of time, he's not going to get enough time to really show off he's capable of being a franchise qb.

    1 game doesn't mean anything bc unlike kolb or flynn.. we've seen tebow for an extended period of time. and i think the majority of people who don't worship tebow can all agree.. at BEST, he is an experiment at qb. maybe you can win, maybe you can't. but playing behind sanchez for 10 snaps a game isn't going to help anyone determine that. so why would his trade value go up after losing a season of not being a starting qb?

    of course tebow wants to be a starter. everyone wants to be a starter. he's tradeable. he was just traded. but you were saying we were going to make a killing. i don't think that's going to happen.
  5. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hey I'm with you on that. A team with a pure pocket passer and an elite running back >>>>> better than a team with a dual rush QB. I will never disagree with that. It is my belief that's the main reason a dual rush QB will never be as good as a team with both an elite pocket passer and elite running game.

    Two guys, experts in their areas, passing and running will always be better than one guy that's good, but not amazing at both.

    I agree 100%.

    BUT, what about when you have just an OK pocket passer versus a guy that gives you so many options as a scrambling quarterback? Well we saw it with Big Ben.....he won a Super Bowl. Tebow's much better at avoiding interceptions compared to scramblers like Ben and whooped his ass last year.

    So when you look at it from that point of view, sure, why not?

    I also wanna add that there is ONE thing that I saw from Tebow that is different from any other running QB, other than the way he runs.

    He doesn't like to pass on the run. He STOPS. Then actually resets his footwork and passes like a pocket passer. It's what makes it look awkward, but it IS in fact the correct way to do it, if you want to regain accuracy.

    It's a known fact you lose accuracy when you pass on the run. And the biggest mistake scramblers make, like Ben, Bret, Vick, Mcnabb, etc....is they force passes while scrambling which end up in interceptions.

    Tebow doesn't. He's VERY disciplined when it comes to that. He stops, and if he has time to throw it he does, otherwise he throws it away or takes a sack. Personally I feel that's the correct way to do it.
  6. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    tebow, tebow.. tebow tebow tebow.

    bc he throws hot fire
  7. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    In no sentence of this do you address why this proves he has more upside than Sanchez.

    Also, while stopping is the correct way of passing, I think the Steelers can live with Big Ben throwing on the run. QB's are becoming such better athletes where stopping does not make a huge difference unless you are throwing across your body like Favre. Big Ben also is nowhere near the scrambler of Tebow. Tebow has designed options called for him multiple times a game, only maybe Newton and Vick have that.
  8. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    How bout we win football games and worry about the rest of it when we see how things play out?
  9. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Neither is Tebow. He was a first year starter, and might as well have been a rookie. His ability to read defenses is like no other rook who came into the NFL. That IS something you develop and get better at in time.

    Bill's defenses doesn't just stop Tebow. He can stop just about anyone when they click. Bill's D stopped Sanchez just fine too.

    But Tebow was also on a team with a coach who isn't exactly known for adjustments, in John Fox. Tebow went up pretty quick on the Pats during the first game. In the second half and the second game Pats had a better gameplan and Fox did nothing different offensively. He sticks with the same old run, run, pass routine and he didn't do this with just Tebow he's been doing it in Carolina for as long as I have been watching John Fox. And the part that really let Denver down was their defense.

    Patriots didn't put up 45 points on Tebow. They put up 45 points on Denver's defense. So lets separate that aspect of football. Team's don't score on quarterbacks.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The Jets swept the Bills this year, including one where Sanchez had a great comeback drive. Not sure where you got the idea the Bills stopped Sanchez.

    Oh so the 3 and outs and missed passes and fumble had nothing to do with the Pats getting points? But when the Denver defense holds a team to 10 points, Tebow gets all the credit for the win?

    You see how bias you are being, correct?
  11. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Well I dont think were gonna make a killing with anything even remotely close to what the Rams just got.

    But his value will go up from simply getting better.

    The guy had to change his throwing style on the fly, and bounced all around the depth chart.

    Plus if the Jets decide to actively shop him, im sure teams wont have a hard time getting recent footage of him. And im sure that IF trading him is the Jets plan they will make sure that they get him out on the field to do so.

    For example looking at last season there were 8 games that the Jets could of put Tebow in for a SIGNIFICANT amount of time, because the scores were so lobsided.

    Now obviously you wouldnt do that to Sanchez putting in a backup that much (esp when losing big), but 1-2 games assuming Tebow puts in the time and effort to legitimately get better, and teams will be interested I promise you.

    The issue is gonna be can Tebow actually improve though, because giving him an opportunity, isnt gonna be an problem at all
  12. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Bill Belichick, not the Bills.

    And I never said anything about credit. Don't put me in the same group with other Tebow maniacs. But the Denver defense did suck. They had some great games, but overall, they were as inconsistent as Tebow. I don't believe you can have a 4th quarter comeback or win a football game period without both, good defense and good offense.

    There's no such thing as a winning team without BOTH. Both sides of the ball have to win their battles to win a football game.
    #3032 whichfan, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  13. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    :lol: :rofl: :lol:

    His ability to read defenses is like no other rook before?! AYFKM?! :lol:

    Based on the Minnesota game I assume? Fuck it's gonna be one hell of an offseason. Tim Tebow is a fuckin virus and it ain't even his fault.
  14. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Yeah tru, may as well just shut down the forum and don't post until the games start. Maybe have some locked threads that only contain news...
  15. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Not sure what you're laughing about there. One's ability to read defense comes down to watching film, learning, anticipation, experience...basically intelligence and on field experience.

    If you think Tebow's stupid, not sure what to think about you.
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I don't know why Tanny doesn't just scroll these boards before he makes decisions.
  17. MoWilkShakes

    MoWilkShakes Active Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    never said i hated religious people...i don't hate any groups of people (cept maybe the Patriots, their fans, and terrorists)...just individuals. Tebow fans as a whole i dont hate...people who like Tebow for his beliefs and claim that makes him a great player I hate.
  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Are you serious with this bullshit that fox didn't adjust well enough for Tebow to do well? Think about that for a minute and reevaluate because it's beyond ridiculous.
  19. june19

    june19 Active Member

    Oct 24, 2011
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    We still talking about this?let it go!let see what happend when the season start.
  20. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    improve at what though? everyone is already aware of what he can do running the ball. it's just a matter if he's going to be able to throw it on defenses consistently. this isn't something he's going to be able to prove with his role on the jets.

    how many times do you realistically think he's going to throw the ball each game?

    the jets aren't going to put tebow on the field just for the sake of shopping him around. that's ridiculous. they're not going to pull sanchez and let him play 1-2 games because tebow puts in time and effort. they're trying to win games, not shopping around a player for a 3rd round pick.

    teams weren't that interested this offseason. a year of being a gadget guy isn't going to convince them he's capable of being a franchise qb. he hasn't even shown the flashes that kolb/flynn did by having great passing games. he is a complete wildcard in a traditional offense.

    unless some team is enamored by the way he runs the ball and wants to remodel their offense around tebow, he's not going to draw more interest.

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