Talk about fans taking it a bit too far....;_ylt=Anclg7gHZnOCXKer.J.WgwtDubYF Some people are just too retarded.
I'm not that surprised really, a lot of people would have been fuming after the game and it would have been a way to vent. Not a first for sports. Once they've calmed, i'm sure they'll regret it. It's sad that it comes to that for athletes at times.
All the classy organizations threaten to kill their players. When the Cmen lost to the eagles Cmen fans were telling dodge he better get into the witness protetion program. Jet fans wouldnt understand, were too classless
I totally agree. Threatening a man because he fumbled a football is beyond stupid. Some sports fans take it far too seriously. ~~~
Have you guys seen some of our game threads? Hell, what about our beloved New York Jets forum? There are a lot of messed up Jets fans and many of them hang out here.
Well,we know its not Allan1 or who ever that guy is,because it would have been threats on his whole family
Anyone listen to Simmons' podcast this week. He made a good point, he and every other public figure gets death threats all the time, idiots are everywhere on the internet.
Yeah, rough tough 12 year olds are everywhere on the internet. When they get a little older and start to realize they can be tracked down if the cops choose to do so they stop.