Not even that. The Cruz 99 yard TD, the Falcons offensive/play-calling ineptitude, the Packers WRs and DBs playing atrocious, and the bullshit that just happened. And they said we were lucky
how long have you been watching the SB? the fassell giants were worst than this the chargers team that got gang banged by the niners was worse than this giants had a ton of injuries and their dline got healthy. they are not a bad team. whip packers at lambeau play niners even at candlestick dont be a bitter hater, save your hate for the man that deserves it: Woody
It hurts the most because the Jets are the reason the Giants are in the Super Bowl. We coulda ended them week 16. 1 play swung everything around.
I kinda agree that they def got lucky... The 49ers were playing like the better team but the score did not indicate that. It has been coming down to turnovers. The giants are getting the t.o's, and the opposing defense have been dropping some easy interceptions from what I have seen. Then you have a k/punt returner giving 2 costly t.o's. His last turnover sealed the game. Like someone said better to be lucky than good.
luckiest NFL team ever. their last superbowl ring was because of luck too put an asterick next to that franchise
am i the onl one who was actually impressed with the giants at the end of the season? eli looked pretty damn good,his recievers are good. Their defense and pass rush were good and the intensity was good.
I'd like the Jets to win a "lucky" Super Bowl. I'd gladly put an asterisk next to it. You can't get through a regular season, numerous playoff games and a Super Bowl with nothing but luck.
Yeah I agree with everything you said. That being said, some of the stuff that happened tonight you're just like...that never happens--only to the Jets.
The 9ers dropped two interceptions by slamming into each other. A retard fumbled the punt return twice to basically give the giants the game, Im surprised Williams isn't on the Jets yet.
Yeah but we didn't play a team with a shit offense and retarded special team players. We played Peyton Manning and The fucking steelers. Only if we could of had a punt returner hand us the game multiple times, Would have been such a great feeling.
The Jets got 'plenty' of breaks a couple of years ago, they just happened to come before the second half of the AFC Championship game. Hell last year they won plenty of ridiculous late games in the regular season and got a break when Caldwell got stupid calling that timeout when Rex was going to settle for a 50+ yard FG attempt.