Big jenks hits the nail on the head again. People can talk all the shit about jenks they want. I know when he was playing he was an unqeustioned leader. You saw it between snaps and on the sidelines and everyone referenced jenks leading by example and keeping ppl in line I don't see how people can still blindly talk as if sanchez has been a great return on our investment I think he has the tools, but one more yr like any of the previous 3 and I want to see them move on. A new OC could be the answer, but he needs another wr to open holmes game up and a rt of course
I am sorry, but how many games did this guy really play for us in three years? Why does he act more of a Jets than a Panthers? Because nobody will listen to stuff about the Panthers? He is milking his short time here big time. Time to STFU.
he is on the Jet postgame on SNY and I personnally think he is on the money. All the stuff he is saying now he said months ago also-----------also he was not a Jag he was a Panther
Re-Sign BE, draft a RT *OR* Sign one via FA, *OR* draft a WR/Sign one via FA. (but my main point is to re-sign BE. :smile: ) Well if that's the case, then the JETS need Rex and his, hopefully, new OC to take charge of the situation if Holmes acts up again....'Cause Schitty certainly didn't do JACK about Holmes and Mark's relationship on the field. For Arena League QB? Hell YEah! :breakdance::breakdance::breakdance:
Jenk is wrong. Sanchez has a pair. He just doesnt have the skills to be an NFL starting qb, and any scout who thought that he did and recommended tha he be a top 5 pick is either blind or incompetent.
Keep on hating, my friend. I hope Sanchez proves you and everyone else wrong next season(of course if Schotty comes back, all bets are off)