Sounds like his head is right. Now go get us another big win kid.
He can start by not throw 3-5 retarded passes into triple coverage in every game, not taking sacks in the endzone, and getting rid of the ball quickly when he sees a blitz... That would help the team "work through this."
Probably true. But he may be thinking about being perceived as the biggest D-bag in NY for 9 months if he has a bad game in Miami.
I wonder if he hopes the chicks he bangs don't watch his games.....or maybe he's just able to BS them based on their lack of understanding of sports so somehow they think he's good.
Too little, too late. He played like shit the last two weeks. "Playoff destiny"? Please. Shoulda thought about that shit a month ago. 9-8 or 8-8... both suck if you ask me. What a bunch of cliche bullshit. Rex has taught him well.
I think the biggest knock on him is that he still makes the same bonehead mistakes that a rookie would make in year 3. It's his mental lapses that just kill me!
I know. I guess beggers can be choosers. Two - possibly three - winning seasons with playoff appearances and this guy is acting like this is beneath him.
Sanchez just made the Giants turkey shit defense look like the 85 bears. Fuck him and what he has to say.
Math was never my strong suite. I really thought we'd win the AFC East this year. Instead it's been the Jets falling flat in every important game. Think about it...since the Steelers debacle last year, has this team won one big game since? Raiders, Ravens, Patriots, Broncos, Giants...they shit the bed in all of 'em. At some point the coaches have to take responsibility.
Yeah. No other QB makes mistakes during a game. They are all perfect except Sanchez. Learn the game and watch the game. It is hard to get rid of the ball when pressure comes up the middle (like on the safety) or when the receivers are not looking for the ball on a hot route or when the play called and pass patterns don't work.
It's all up to Sanchez. None of the other 44 players playing this Sunday matter. Only the Jets QB. Brilliant.
THey don't care if he's good. They just like that he's good looking and has money. If being a good qb is what they wanted then Big Ben wouldn't have to rape chicks.