For those who wants Sanchez gone...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RevisIsland18, Dec 28, 2011.

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  1. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    And we all know that we are playing fantasy football here and not the NFL and stats are far more important than wins.

    For years we heard how Pennington, who had great stats, was not the QB to lead the Jets because he could not win the big game. Now we have a kid who wins big games and people like you want him gone because you don't like his "stats."

    I'll take the wins and the youth and the potential over any list of journeymen, has- beens, and never will bes that you appear to be putting together.
  2. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Well don't you think he's been deserving of the criticism this year? I like the kid, but let's be honest he's been underwhelming this year and a huge reason we're going to miss the playoffs.
  3. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    Good analysis. Didn't read the whole thread. I'm okay with that logic, but I don't particularly like the idea of saying "I won't draft this guy in this round because statistically these positions don't work out in his round." I think it's a different mentality in the draft room. Who's the best player available? Or who's the best player for our team? If it's a QB, then it's a QB, whether it's round 1 or round 7.
  4. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    For all the love Alex Smith is getting if he was playing here in the green and white for the first 6 seasons of his career he wouldn't have made it past season 4. GTFO
  5. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    best guess. mangini knows more about football than tanny ever will. mangini was not a great coach because he was a defensive co for only one year before becoming head coach of the jets. i was on record against that move also. sucks so many of you want to prove me wrong but can't. not that i've been perfect, i haven't, but betyter than most!

    now for that list of qb's better than sanchez

    newton = enough said
    dalton = in one year, rookie year shows more promise than sanchez (3 yrs, not one better stats than dalton)
    bradford = injuries and no weapons but still better
    stafford = no question
    freeman = no weapons, lousy coach and team but still better
    ryan = enough sain no question
    vince young = hopefully the jets take a shot at getting hm. instant upgrade
    jay cutler = jets should have tried to get him before drafting sanchez
    arron rogers = LOL
    jason cambell = better game manager, not great but better than sanchez.
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    "I wouldn't completely classify myself as a Jets fan as much as just a football fan."

    Maybe I am giving your understanding words a bit too much credit, but that sentence gives a strong implication of no allegiance. Just. But since you cannot seem to adhere to much of anything, I will just assume that your personal credo is that of a flip flop.

    Go where the wind takes you, I suppose. Not much conviction in that, but I hadn't taken you for someone with high character to begin with.
  7. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Freeman has the same weapons he had last year, no big losses. What's the excuse for his regression? I believe he leads the league in ints.
  8. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    Shitty coach, much tougher schedule, he's been banged up, lots of injuries on defense so he's throwing it more (30 or more so attempts so far in 14 games than he had in 16 games last year) and, subjectively, he's forcing it.
  9. magic77

    magic77 New Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Vince Young can't even hack it as a backup. And backup is a relative term when you play behind Vick and get 3-4 games in.

    Campbell was let go by the REDSKINS and Oakland went out to get another QB and you think he is going to be a better solution then Sanchez?

    Freeman is having a bad year and regressed from last year.

    Cutler has EERILY similar stats to Sanchez.

    Bradford, why on earth do you want a guy on your team who plays every other game because he is made of glass and has more shoulder issues then Chad Pennington? No thanks

    Newton and Dalton both had good rookie years. We will see how they continue to play out, although I do think they both are very promising
  10. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Dalton has had many deep balls rescued by AJ Green and turned into wonderful catches. Stafford also have Calvin Johnson and sucked until this season. Freeman has the same weapons that he had last year. Bradford had a decent rookie season and has sucked this year. Matt Ryan has not won a playoff game in his career and is a pansy. Vince Young is a vagina and does not deserve to be on the Jets. Rodgers and Cutler yes. Jason Cambel sucked until this year in Oakland.
  11. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    the team is really poorly diciplined and coached. they surprised a lot of teams last year inspite of poor coaching and not the best of players. overall talent on that team compared to the jets is laughable.

    if watching freeman, you see a guy that goes thru his progressions and is not spooked so easily as sanchez. better qb and i'll bet he'll still be a starter in 5 years when sanchez isn't even in the nfl, or is holding a clip board!
  12. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    Shitty coach - We Jet fans can say the same about Schotty

    Tougher schedule - So he took advantage of the schedule last season playing the NFC West and looked good vs weaker teams last year.

    Throwing it more - So has Sanchez.
  13. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    In a nutshell, no I don't.

    The 2011 Jets are an inferior team in every aspect and position than they were in 2009-10. The OL, which was the strength of this team, has had a horrible season. There is nothing more important for good QB play than the OL and OL has stunk. Ferguson has had an off year, Mangold has been injure, Moore has been bad, and Hunter is a joke. That is why Sanchez is constantly under pressure and no QB performs well under constant pressure. The poor OL play has also resulted in a decline in the running game. The Jets were one of the top rushing teams in 09 and 10. This year's Jets were average at best. Replacing Hartstock with Mulligan as a blocking TE is a joke. The running backs are underwhelming as a group. LT is a year older and Green has been playing hurt.

    The receivers are not as good as last year. While Burress helped in the red zone, he is not a factor outside the red zone. Holmes was better last year. I have season tickets and I can tell you, the Jets receivers do not get open.

    The defense also declined. The Jets were nowhere near the top of the league against the run when they were just that in 09 and 10. The LBs are getting old and slow. The pass rush has not improved to any great extent. The CBs remain a strength, but the safeties have been completely exposed this year. Any decent tight end rips the Jets d to shreds.

    The Jets special teams have also underperformed this year as compared to the past two years. The kick off returns have remained good (at least until the last few games when someone thought replacing McKnight with Cromartie was a good idea). But 6 fumbles on returns have been a disaster, the kick coverage has not been as good. Folk has been horrible over the 2nd half, and Conley is an awful punter.

    Yet, through all of this deterioration of the team around him, Sanchez is on pace for 3500 yards, has 25 TD passes and 15 picks (up from 12-20 in 09 and 17-13 last year), has rushed for 5 TDs and I think will set a Jets record for TDs by a QB with one more passing or rushing TD, his completion percentage is going up every year. All this, despite being saddled with an OC that refuses to pass on first down and constantly has him throwing in 2nd and 3rd and long, which explains his low completion percentage. An OC that does not play to his strengths and had one of the most poorly designed passing offenses I have ever seen and no ability to call a game.

    I'd say that , when all this is considered, Sanchez showed quite a bit this year and the criticism he is under is not warranted. And, he is tough as nails, getting up and playing despite getting the crap beat out of him this season.
  14. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    You sir, are an idiot.
  15. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    LOL your whole arguement is completely bogus. you see only what you want to see.

    cutler similar to sanchez, that right there shows what a joke you are for talent,

    vince young came in after riding the pine and having little time in the system. i'd still take him over sanchez.

    cambell's a better game manager than sanchez. nothing great, but better than sanchez. which isn't saying much.

    even bradford shows more poise under pressure than sanchez. maybe that's his problem and why he gets injured too much.
  16. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    Cutler had 4500 yards passing and an 86 passer rating his third year in the league. Other than his first year in chicago he's been above 85 in passer rating every year (Sanchez has never been above 80).

    What are you talking about?
  17. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Lets take a look at Alex Smith for an example of how much system is a part of QB succeeding or not. He sucked so fucking bad his first 6 years and then gets a good Qb minded coach like Jim Harbaugh and does a superb job. I applaud Sanchez for putting up the numbers he has this season with this current system and for those who say he can't throw the deep ball Braylon averaged 17 YARDS per catch last season so I beg to differ on that one. He's been shaky in the pocket this season because it has been breaking down pretty quickly this season but he does need to learn to step into the pocket more but thats because he doesn't have a coach that actually teaches him QB footwork or how to go through progession's.
  18. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Its the same quartet of retards trying to argue the same points and being refuted over and over again, yet seemingly ignoring that fact.
  19. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I'll give you Newton, Stafford (although his injury history is not good), and Rodgers.

    Dalton - the jury is still out. Let's see how he does this week and, if they win, in the playoffs.

    Bradford has done nothing to put him above Sanchez except cash in a big pay day in the draft. Freeman has been plain awful this year and was awful in his rookie year. It looks like year 2 was a fluke. He does not belong on this list.

    Ryan has played well in regular season games, but let me know when he wins a big game or a playoff game. Sanchez has shown far far more under the pressure of a big game than Ryan - and Ryan was playing these games at home.

    Putting Vince Young on this list destroys your credibility. Cutler??? When he can stay healthy and win a big game, give me a ring.

    Campbell?? You are joking, right? He may never be an NFL starter again.
  20. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    I'm so sick of people bashing Sanchez and NOT the coordinator. How can people bash Sanchez without bashing the guy who made him throw 68 fucking times when at one point we were only down by 6 points. Can people not see how bad Shotty is simply by looking at the stats of all the other QB's hes worked with. The success of a QB is determined by the system about just as much as his fucking talents which by the way Sanchez has a lot of fucking talent.
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