Jets reportedly unsure if franchise QB is on their roster

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mute, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. ProfJets

    ProfJets Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Peyton Manning being on the market will initiate a bidding war; his upcoming bonus may factor into the price, but it is still going to get very, very steep.
  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm only concerned with the present. I would disagree about our D as well. We're painfully slow at the LB and the S positions. We have Revis, Harris and 9 other guys not named Revis or Harris. That is to say, JAGS.

    I think you might have the Manning of a few seasons ago in mind when you think of him instead of what you might be getting post surgery. Back in his day, he could elevate a mediocre team ie: 2011 NYJ's into something special but now? I dunno about that proposition. We don't know what kind of shape physically and more importantly, MENTALLY, Manning is in. Besides that, do you really wanna trade away all of our DP's for the near future for one year of Manning?

    Long term, Manning would hurt this team alot more than he could help it.
  3. I Am The Stig

    I Am The Stig Active Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Sanchez's biggest mistake was leaving USC too early. Everyone but him agreed.
  4. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    that is the most glaring example of irresponsible reporting i have ever seen. not only are they just reporting on another article and calling it news, they are leaving out the fact that the jets organization has denied it. good job cbs.
  5. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Ok bottom line who would be a better qb starting for the Jets next 3 years Manning or Sanchez? We could also draft a Qb in the 2nd round or and have Manning groom him, something we should of done with Sanchez instead of rushing a 1 year college qb into a starting job in the most pressure city in sports.
  6. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Per the Star Ledger, Ryan said he has, "A huge amount of confidence" in both Sanchez and Shotty.

    More reason to never listen to anything Rex says anymore.

    As far as anyone asking, "What do you expect him to say?" Shit, if he has a huge amount of confidence in Shotty, then I no longer have any in Rex.
  7. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    manning is a better qb than sanchez?

    peyton manning?
  8. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    hes got a season to think about dude. whats he gonna do throw schotty under the bus so he feels even more pressure and calls an even worse game than he already has been? he wants to beat the dolphins then hope and pray his team can make the playoffs. he has not given up yet despite him saying we are out of the playoffs.
  9. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I hear ya, but "huge"?
  10. AJayJay

    AJayJay New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    So many things to say but I think the word hilarious describes this report.

    Sanchez won't be getting cut. He is the QB for 2011-2012 season for the NYJ.
  11. hoobash

    hoobash Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Dont worry mark you still got a big pay check and many hot chicks life is still good even if your not a great qb
  12. ToddtoBarkum

    ToddtoBarkum Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Ridiculous, short sighted, unintelligent reporting.

    What would they have written if.....

    There had not been 7 dropped balls this past Saturday against the Giants?

    If on 3rd and 10 from the 11 we had called a play that allowed AT LEAST ONE of the 4 WR's in on the play past to be past the 1st down marker...meaning in the endzone? (They only ran into the EZ when Sanchez started to scramble)

    If Kerley did not stop on his route resulting in Sanchez's first INT on Saturday.

    They should've have written that Sanchez missed 3 open WR's all day. (McKnight on the wheel play out of the backfield....his overthrow of Kerley down the seam resulting in his 2nd INT....and there was another in the 3rd quarter that I'm forgetting).

    They could also have written about he HORRIFIC play design of the NYJ playbook. Plays that do not allow for WR's and TE's to run thru and clear out zones - or - allow for crossing patterns that call for "unintentional" picks of other DB's when in man coverage.


    Remember Drew Brees got run out of SD after his 3rd year and I would tend to beleive that - even before this year - that at least more than half of the SD fans would want Brees over Rivers..
  13. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    now were just nitpicking. if he had said 'i have some confidence in schotty' then it would sound like a backhanded compliment. he isnt going to put any sort of team controversy out in the open like that...
  14. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    There were also 3 dropped interceptions by the giants your point?
  15. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I am no fan of Sanchez's, and frankly think he pretty much sucks. As much as I would like the Jets to trade up to draft a big-time QB prospect, the team has too many needs on both sides of the ball (OL, pass rusher, safety, RB, possibly WR) for this to make sense, even if some of these needs are met in FA. Best plan would be to give Sanchez one more year
  16. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Manning might not last another 3 years especially behind our OLine as presently manned. I agree that Sanchez would have been better off with a clipboard and perhaps starting next year instead of how they rushed him into play. How much of that was a business decision (Woody, the Latino population of the TriState Area and PSL sales) we'll never know.

    Problem with drafting another QB now is that would be admitting a $50million dollar mistake in judgement. Would you, as a GM, want to own wasting your boss's money on a scale that large thereby putting your job in danger? I'm not that brave I can tell you that for a fact. I have a feeling Tannenbaum will not pull the plug on Sanchez until he absolutely has to.

    Rex's job still, in addition to being head coach and cheerleader, is to float Sanchez's ego no matter what as we know how sensitive Sanchez is to criticism. Drafting Sanchez that high thinking he was NFL ready was an oversight. Pete Carroll tried to warn him and us but in the aftermath of the Bret Farve fiasco, we were as an organization hell bent on drafting a marquee "face of the franchise" and his name is Sanchez until his rookie contract is done.

    Look for nothing on that front to change until either Sanchez gets rocked and McElroy or some other JAG comes in and plays lights out. For better or worse, no Manning is in our future man. It ain't happening and I'm still not convinced that it should.
    #116 Cman68, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  17. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I am no fan of Sanchez's, and frankly think he pretty much sucks. As much as I would like the Jets to trade up to draft a big-time QB prospect, the team has too many needs on both sides of the ball (OL, pass rusher, safety, RB, possibly WR) for this to make sense, even if some of these needs are met in FA. Best plan would be to give Sanchez one more year with a new OC and better talent around him before throwing in the towel. I wouldn't mind them signing a solid QB or drafting one with a lower pick to put some pressure on Sanchez to elevate his game or ride some pine.
  18. ToddtoBarkum

    ToddtoBarkum Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    67 pass plays from an OC and coaching staff that claim to be GROUND AND POUND.

    Know what your players are good at and call plays to their skill set. Exactly what we did when we were successful in the playoffs. Set up the pass by running the ball....and throw it when they do not expect it.....We averaged roughly 5 yards a carry on Saturday. Why pass on 1st down and why be in the shotgun on 2nd and short or 3rd and short?

    Yes there were dropped INT's by the Giants, but I recall only one that was a poor pass when Sanchez was not under pressure or when WR's were running free. More than any QB I can recall, Sanchez's INT's come from deflections or on throws to tightly covered WR's and TE's.

    How about a series of play designs that get WR's open? and then when Sanchez is over throwing open WR's I will start to blame Sanchez more than I do - and by open I mean the standard NFL 1/2 yard separation- Sanchez doesn't need WR's to be 3 yards in the clear like Tebow does.
  19. bobby2times

    bobby2times Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    I hate Sanchez but theres no really other option. Tanny trading away draft picks like they were candy and not drafting well really killed the depth on the team.
    #119 bobby2times, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  20. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    If the Jets do anything with Sanchez and somehow keep Schotty I may take a long break from this team. That would be the 4th QB he has run out of town. At some point the FO needs to realize it's not the QB, it's the OC.

    If we had a good OC and Sanchez was awful I'd be totally on board but Schotty isn't exactly nor has he ever shown to be a good OC.

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