17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I scoff at the insults and consider the source. But there's something rather disturbing about someone who only posts to name-call and comes here with the express intent of denegrating, impugning and castigating. Not very mentally healthy, I'm afraid, and usually a sign of far worse.

    Whether he gets banned or not is not for any of us to say, but one would think moderators on a site would look with jaundiced eye at this kind of behavior. He's not even posting constructive contributions anymore, only hurling insults and profanities at anyone he disagrees with. Quite a bizarre way of trying to make one's point, I have to say.
  2. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I agree with everything said about the Super Bowl unless we get in. Then its gonna be awesome, not that any of us will be able to go. Nope, only the 1%'s will get tickets for that game, imagine some ass hole executive sitting in your seat while the team you have rooted for 40 years and went to 300 home games is playing the Super Bowl 20 miles from your home and you can't go. And forget about a lottery based on seniority, its based on how much your PSL is. Never gonna be able to afford to scalp for that game. Man, if we ever played in that game and I could not go, I would end my association with the Jets for ever. Not one more $ from me. Could not handle it, I would become a bitter middle aged man.... ummmm, more bitter
  3. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    off to Philly to watch the game LIVE at the Linc this Sunday

    bringing back the big W on Sunday night

    GO JETS!
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Very good. Thank you for posting something positive for a change. We await with great expectation your experiences there. Lose the anger and return a more positive Jets fan, as I am sure we will be victorious.

    Your posts are always quite welcome, as long as you don't present yourself the ultimate loser douche-kit you have in the past. You know what I'm talking about, dude. Lose it.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Seriously, try to return, if you must, over and over again, a new person. Envision yourself someone of positive value, capable of contributing something other than negative thoughts and criticisms of those who disagree with you. Lose the Mickey Mouse theme with CBG, because it's getting quite old, don't you think?

    This is a great thread and always has been, started by 17A. It would take hundreds of negative posters like yourself to take this thread down, so stop even trying. Others have tried with no success. So if you want to return here, do so with a positive, factual argument as to why you think the New Mausoleum Stadium is worth a shit. And stop with the personal attacks. You demean yourself with every keystroke.
  6. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    just out of curiousity??

    who appointed you the Direktor of Moderation and Thought Police??

    yeah right.... you definitely are 'Mr Positive" regarding the Jets.

    anyhow.... rather than waste any more time responding to your diatribes and spewing, it's better to just put you back where you belong on ignore with your Mouseketeer pal and just talk football at the rest of TGG

    you can have the "I HATE THE JETS, THE STADIUM AND EVERYTHING" thread all to yourself from now on
    #12886 sg3, Dec 16, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2011
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You'll be back because deep down inside you know what we talk about here is the truth. You can't stand to keep away. You're a moth attracted to the flame.

    When you do return, and I know you will, try something different for a change; leave behind your hatrid and name-calling. One thing that's been great about this thread for many years is, we all discuss the virtues and the calamities of this stadium without personally attacking one another.

    You come on this 4-year old thread a year ago as a newbie, and right away personally attack everyone who disagrees with you. It's no wonder you get no respect here. STFU until you learn to be civil.
  8. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    C'mon kids! To semi-quote Rodney King (Not to be confused with Martin Luther) "Can't we all just get along?"

    Let's get back to having fun pointing out things like advertising stripes on the sides of the video boards, mens room lines, expensive concessions, monsoon conditions when it rains, escalator attempts that cheat death, vomit laden stairs, oxygen tanks for rows 15+, high ticket prices, parking fiascos etc etc.

    You know, all of the things that make me happy :wink:
  9. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    The guy gets banned and the very first thing he puts up when he returns is the above :eek:fftopic:

    Simply amazing. Shill do yourself a favor--- ignore my posts ,,,,,,,,,,,,, reply to none of them, that is fine with me and I am sure it will help keep the thread to what it truely should be about and to what 17A intended when he started it. I will do my best not to reply to the SHILL ( lord knows that would be much easier had he been banned for life ) but if he continues to post assinine garbage, and tells fairy tales about the JETS or the stadium or attempts to smear guys that have decent reps on this board then let me apologize in advance to the rest of you guys as I will have to call him out on it again :breakdance:

    SHILL you had several chances to continue any of these conversations in person ( I won't lie it bothered me that you deprived me the pleasure of laughing in your face but I stray ) instead you were a gutless wonder and decided you were better off sitting behind your keyboard calling people "imbeciles" and other little kid stuff rather than walking over to me in your Bart Scott jersey and talking in person--hell maybe you lied about attending JET games and don't go to any :) I mean you lied about so much other crap that this would in no way shock any of us :lol:

    In keeping with the thread the New Place Blows and it is a shame that after spending all that money they are grasping at straws on how to put bandaides on it---that is simply amazing as well .

    Enjoy your weekends all and the game hopefully we get the " W ' :beer:
    #12889 CBG, Dec 17, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2011
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i cant believe the people that try to bring this thread down.they are like midgets on each leg of andre the giant
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This is, unfortunately, the trend. Everyone should read this post... it explains what is going on and why things are the way they are with this new stadium.

    Sorry you can't post the charts again, Gecko, but I do understand. It must have been a lot of work, and time consuming, I'm sure.

    We're in an age of information, convenience and comfort. If one can sit in the comfort of one's own home in front of a 50" screen that displays even the finest minutia, and see a football play down to the finest detail, it's a ringing endorsement of why not to spend $500 that day, get into horrendous traffic, contend with a parking lot full of drunk drivers, subject your kids/friends/wife to possible assault, insult or injury or have them witness physical assault, insult and injury, one would have to be crazy not to opt for the former.

    Now, had the new stadium been more user friendly to the average attendee, i.e., direct escalators that ascend and descend ala the old Giants Stadium and parking arrangements that actually allow attendees ease of access and egress, that might have helped. But add a horrendous price increase with no real show of increased value to the customer, no value added to the product, and you've got a recipe for declining attendance.

    Wait until next year. This is only the beginning. This stadium is going down. Attendance will be off by 50%.
  12. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    if they DO NOT make the playoffs-----lotsa luck selling uppers or any seat for next year. The SHILL said that all the PSL's were sold so thank goodness that won't be a problem----oh wait---> people were still getting calls recently to purchase those seats :breakdance: maybe all seats will be a problem :eek:hmy:
    Come to think of it after this season and the high expectations ---attendence very well might be off as u say 227 .So much for Hpme Field Advantage :sad:
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I tell you one thing, with the way they played last week and the hassle of going on XMAS Eve, I wish this was a Giant home game. I have no faith in this team. We can't do anything good and the Fat man is pissing me off. If I was to sell my seats, which I have never done for 31 years, this would be the game. That said, I am just going to the game at 11am with a sandwich and hope to be home 5:30. If we lose the next 2, everything Rex says from hear on out will be laughed at and the slide will start, except this time, people without PSL's will be gone so fast the Jets won't know what to do. The Upper deck has no personality anymore, different people ever week in my section. It used to be a family, now, its like a road game every week. Its starting to get to me. I won't stick around for another coach and QB, that's for sure. Not saying these guys will be gone, but if we suck for the next 2 years..... that could be it for me.
    #12893 sec314, Dec 21, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2011
  14. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Jesus! medic! can we get a medic! We have a brother in distress here!!! Someone call 911!

    314 - you need help and encouragement. Seeing who's writing this undoubtably you have read my posts regarding all that's wrong with what has gone on with this stadium "switch-a-roo" disguised as an upgrade for Jets fans. It's been tough for me too - BUT first and foremost, though I've been to well over 200 Jets home games as you have, before that I was a kid in my bedroom listening to home games on the radio because those games were blacked-out back then, and were played at the same time Giants games were televised. The older men in my house preferred watching the Giants than listening to Marty Glickman call a Jets game (a poor decision on their part). I got season tickets to assure that I'd actually SEE the home games. One of the only ones I recall watching on TV was a lone sell-out in '78 against the Pats. And Leahy blew that one for us.

    Surely you remember those 3-11 seasons! Surely you remember Lou Piccone receiving a punt as something to look forward to because he was the 2nd or 3rd best player on the team. Surely you remember Charlie Winner, JJ Jones, and OJ breaking the record against us in the snow. "Kotite" will not even be discussed here. Let's keep that era blacked-out.

    The point I'm making is that things have really changed with the team, and while we're sitting higher in the sky and paying more for it, I urge you to hang in there even if it means attending less games. Any true Jets fans as I know you are, can not turn on Rex and the boys for a season where we are stumbling on the fringe of a playoff spot. I cherish ANY playoff appearance, and despite what the media likes to refer to as "trash talk" by Rex, he's made a huge improvement and is fun to have as our coach if you don't carried away with the things he says to the press. No one can deny that if Rex gets in, he can give us a magic moment or two even if it's not yet THE moment.

    Don't let the poor O-line play of this season and the altitude of the upper deck ruin all that you've put into this. Don't allow the stadium to reduce your fandom. You're better than that! You're a mutant! You're a JETS fan! - You're on this website!
  15. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    The way you phrased this, I don't think that's right. The Jets are still going to be stacked with talent and they weren't THAT bad this year. Fans will easily rationalize that a few changes on the OC, O-Line, safety, and pass rush will make the difference. You will still be able to get some decent money back, but ONLY IF YOU SELL EARLY before the season. If you leave it close to game time, prices will tank as usual. I still would be surprised to see any upper decker get his money back on the whole year. Makes no sense, you should definitely go game to game and sit in the lowers where you don't need a high powered telescope
  16. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Gordon I hear you. Time will tell about next year ,,I guess we all will have to wait and see . This year aint over yet and if the team could make some noise these next few games I think that could go a long way towards next year.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I am becoming ever closer to the fence on this, as to whether or not it's a good idea to be a season ticketholder. And believe me, I never thought I'd say that in a million years.

    But as Gecko points out, if prices close to game time tank as they have been doing, what is wrong with doing what CBG is doing? Cherry pick some select games (with decent game time kickoffs, and not on Christmas Eve or Monday nights, etc.), and buy those tickets in a great row, letting some other poor sucker lose HIS fucking shirt on them. Well, okay, maybe on on them, but let's say he breaks een on that set because it happens to be a good game and a great kickoff time,etc., and he loses his fucking shirt on all the rest that ain't so hot (PLUS the two worthless preseasons).

    I don't know guys, there's a lot to be said for cherry-picking and leaving all the other baggage to someone else to absorb. Again, I never thought it would come to this, because I've been going religiously since 1984, but this is a new ballgame.

    I think ther eason we're seeing prices like this is because THAT IS THE MARKET tellijng us what the tickets are really worth. Woody and the Jets have these seats (and forget about the PSLs) priced WAY over market and they haven't a clue about the real value of them. StubHub is telling us what the real street value is.
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well 1st Happy Holidays

    I was just plain lucky to get those UD front row seats. You may or may not remember that the current owner of the NYJs could not find or the records got lost in the move or something to that effect. So all pre 79ers were lumped into the 79 pool because of the "loss" of the earlier records. Then Woody made the executive decision that people having season tix in the LL or Mezz came AHEAD of those who had UD season tix from the onset so I was doomed to pick from the garbage of the upper prime but & the big but was that the majority of LL & Mezz STH opted for the UD sidelines even if they were higher up.

    That left UD front row sidelines seats available not between the 20s but outside of there so when my turn came they still had UD outside the 20 FR sideline seats available. Albeit not 8 in a block so I had to take 2 blocks of 4 1 on each side of the stadium in the front row. Actually I got screwed royally by Woody as well since my tix went back to 65 & because of Woody exec decision that LL & Mezz STH were far more important to him then UD STHers + the loss of records from 60s to 78 I lost out on getting really primo UD FR prime seats :sad:

  19. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Loge, I lied down on the couch and had my 12 year old read your post to me. Your tough love has brought me back to life. That and its Thursday and I am over the Philly game. I am ready for some football and I have no plans on being anything but a Jet fan, its what we are. I just could not handle Rex talking crap on Monday right after that disgusting display in Philly. Being a STH is my identity..... just keep it quiet.
    #12899 sec314, Dec 22, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2011
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I see your point about them "losing" your original date, but honestly, it may not have helped you much anyway.

    I am more than convinced that within a week or so of them beginning the calls, they were inundated with people wanting the UD Prime Row Ones. I would venture to say that almost every call was to request that, so what did they do? They shut it down, that's what they did.

    The lying started very early on after they realized they weren't moving any PSLs and everybody with seniority was opting for low row sideline Uppers. So the sales meeting on Day 7 went something like this:

    "Okay fellas, we're getting our teeth kicked in from these seniority people... none of the cheap bastards are buying any PSLs, they're all taking low row UD Primes. So effective this morning, we're going to tell them that everything is sold out in the Upper Sidelines from Row 1-15. We'll block them off and sell them later. Woody's pissed that all the low row Uppers are going and that's all we're selling. These PSLs are going to be a bitch to sell, so we've got to stop giving them good Upper seats. Tell them you've only got Row 16 left, unless, of course, they want to buy a PSL, in which case we can definately get them a good seat. If they don't go for that, then fuck 'em. Put them into Row 16 and beyond... fuck their seniority.

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