This is exactly what I was thinking when an Eagle fan friend of mine had a chance to get tickets for us. Now that they're almost totally mathematically eliminated I think they're going to be at the height of their scumbagotry. I'm from central Jersey, a little above where you might draw the line between the NY sports fan/Philly sports fan, it's not worth the trip. I have heard a lot more stories like beating up people in casts than I have heard about the Pats fan being left alone aside from some dirty looks.
i feel like most but not all of the people that get involved in an altercation in a road stadium are antagonistic and obnoxious.
Case and point...
dude the game I was at....Romo ran in a TD...this Cowboy fan near us stood up and clapped...thats it no yelling, cheering, etc. Two full cups of beer got tossed from about 10 rows slammed him in the head the other hit off his arm and soaked his girl. If you go...sit and dont say shit. The knucklehead ratio will be HUGE bc they have been losing. If go....I wish you luck
Be careful, seriously. Don't try to be a hero or die-hard, there's no medals for that. If you go just keep a low profile. It isn't worth it.
That's absurd though. I agree with you. You have to sit there with your mouth and hands duck taped if you don't want trouble but at that point just watch it comfortably somewhere. It's rough enough spending a full day and probably a full wallet. My cousin is a Skins fan who went to a Skins Eagles game in Philly years ago at the Vet. He saw a Skins fan get pummeled in full view of security and stadium personel. He said they literally turned their back to it and let it happen.
Unless you know a lot of people there, Id say be very careful and keep a video camera on you. Knowing a lot of people there - keep you safe. Keep a video camera - to tape the criminals. Get some Ginos after!
yea dude you are going to get 0 help from security. think about it...they are fans too...if they werent wearing their shitty yellow t-shirts they would be out there throwing beers too could just go for broke..... After the Jets go up by 20....stand your jacket off showing your Jets jersey and scream.."ROCKYS A FAG!!!!!"
My guess is that was a long time ago, times have changed. I'm sure it is still bad but at the WS 2 years ago they had troopers in every section. I saw a Phillie fan bump into a Yankee fan(on purspose) and a trooper took the Phillie fan and slammed him to the ground. They weren't messing around, my guess is security at Eagle games is much tighter now too.
As i sit here and read these stories, I kinda laugh. I live in South Jersey and travel in and out of the three states on almost 2-3 times a week. I have been to all sorts of Philly events and have gone there prior with my dad whos a die hard Cowboys fan and not to mention the annual jets v eagles preseason game. We always wear our jerseys, and there is a little smack talk, but nothing that bad nor any fights over opposing team fans wearing other jerseys. I think the fear is a little blown out of reality. To me its just Philly.
My experience wasn't great with them even in our own place. Last time they played, in '07 I guess, Jet home game, I was sitting in my season seats and one doucher squirted mustard on the back of the guys' authentic Vilma jerseys that sit next to us. Somehow these guys didn't fight the Eagle fans that day, and normally they would throw down at the drop of a hat. But anyway, I'd certainly hope Philly stadium security has gotten a clue since then.
By the sounds of it, very different to the "English hooligans". British football violence tended to be the main preserve of organised firms fighting with rival firms; in fact, the best way of avoiding violence at an away game was and is to wear colours. "Scarfers" (people wearing their team's colours) are generally considered to be non-combatants and therefore not of interest to the true hooligans. By contrast, this sounds like it's primarily drunken tools who struggle with managing the combination of beer and testosterone.
Just remind them that their greatest sports hero is fictional character who actually resides in Bayonne, NJ
I've been to Soldier Field to watch the Jets/Bears in my Jets gear w/o issue. I wasn't obnoxious and pretty much was left in peace. I've been to baseball games in Philly when the Mets were playing against them and again, no problems although I did have pricey seats. I work down just outside Philly and wear my Jets gear every friday during the season. I get the occasional commentary but for the most part, since we're not NFC and I make it clear I detest the Giants, its all good. Besides that, we've never beaten Philly during the regular season so there's very little "hate" or ever dislike. I'd wager that alot of them wouldn't mind having Rex replace their coach. Go to the game, root, cheer, just don't get crazy in somebody else's house and you should be OK.
THIS...... go have a good time. Animals sense fear and feed off it. So go have a good time, don't be an obnoxious prick, but don't be intimidated by any a-holes. I've been to opposing teams stadiums, and it's really just luck of the draw if you have jerkoffs sitting next to you or people that are really cool. I've had both..... never been to philly though. Like someone else said, getting there early and becoming friendly / joking with the people in your section will make the game alot more enjoyable. I'm sure negative comments in regards to the Giants will be well received at least........ :eaglessuck:
I recomend going wearing either a Verlon Biggs or a Riggins Redskin Jersey. That way you can still technically be a Jets fan but not piss off the Eagles fans.