Another Pats scumbag in a long line of them going back to HGH Harrison, et. al. Pats should cut him or bench him for a game. Isn't that what people like Father Dungy said about Braylon?
So the patriots now have 2 ass grabbers, 1 sex tape filmographer, and 1 player tweeting photos of him and a porn star, not to mention his candlestick penis prop photo sent to kate upton. Stay classy New England.
what a low life scum bag worthless piece of human filth. i hope the book is thrown at him, and this underachieving scrappy player pays for his vicious crime.
Edelman is just trying to remind people he still exists. Good way to make headlines. What? Ohwow. Edelman ain't Jewish.
How do you know? Did you attend the same Sunday school as him? Did he touch you too? Show me on the doll where he touched you.