How good is he at blocking? If he takes Mulligan's spot I'm all for it. Guessing they just brought him in 'cause we play the Bills though... (actually, to be precise, I hope he's taking Cumberland's spot and Mulligan gets cut in favor of Josh Baker).
In before Lets hope they can turn this guy around like they did with Maybin. This might be our white Gronkowski... (<-note intended pun)
Rex said today that he values his pass blocking ability. Take that for what it's worth. EDIT: Should probably mention that ain't my opinion.
im all for someone splitting time with mulligan, but he had some awesome blocks last week ... no way he should be cut for baker
For all the Mully haters... you know Mike Westhoff loves the guy, right? I knows he's had some false starts, but I like who Mike Westhoff tells me to like or else I get the cane again.
imagine that, someone is not ready to be an nfl player, so we are allowing him to practice on the squad. how dare we