Part of the issue is that people in the Coaches Club seats can either hang out in their bar area, go stand along the sideline behind the Jets bench, or sit in your normal seats. Part of it is people with those tickets may just be sitting elsewhere. It doesn't help that a bunch of those psl seats are still unsold..
I went to the game vs. Dallas. It got loud as fuck during the drive before the blocked punt. It caused the Cowboys to make mistakes that backed them up
I don't like the new stadium. We spent five hundred million dollars more than Jerry Jones did in Dallas and we got something inferior.
yes i notice the between the 30 seats lower level being empty. and for sure non of us will ever know whats sold and what isnt.and who is in the club or behind the bench. if i was the Jets,i would lower the price for those seats and make it a separate charge for behind the bench seats.$350 per game for field pass and $450 for sections 111-115. both get food but its either or.field or u just increased attendence PSL $$ but lowered seat prices.
a lot of people in the lower levels (50 yard line) have the sideline pass as well. Thats why those seats are empty...i think.
Our record in Giants Stadium was better than Shea, our home record wasn't good last year in the new building.
Those are coaches club seats w/ access to the restuarant under the seats so people may be standijng atching behind the bench or watching on TVs from the restaurant. This is the problem w/ the new Stadium(one of them). They attract too many people who don't care about football.
Exactly. Why do the people with the most desirable seats have the option to go hang out inside and watch on a TV? If that's really the case, that's just horrible planning by the FO. Do they not understand the concept of the home field advantage?
Those seats cost much more than reg fans seats, all they care about is money. They don't care about the real fans, it's all about $$$$. That's just the coaches club section I mentioned, the mezz clubs and suites are the same deal. people just go inside when it's cold or rainy, they don't care about making noise or watching the game.
i havent had the same people in the rows around me yet.different fans every will be the pats game too.but us 6 in our row represent.kickoff till end. and i definitely like the shade side much sun in my face and also the sun intensified my hangover. and caused sunburn in december which looks silly.
I find the biggest difference in the 2 places is REX!!!! He makes it a better place because its not the SOJ. They could play in a high school place as long as we win. We are top ten NFL team for 3 years in a row because of Rex and Mr. T. The new stadium has nothing to do with winning. That said, I like the new place since they moved me to the 30 yard line, 8th row and I don't have to pay for a PSL.
Do you think labor is more expensive in the tri-state area or Dallas if this stadium was built in dallas it would be millions of dollars cheaper
Er have to disagree with you since I reviewed all the NYJ history books & can find NO records that the NYJs have won anything since 01/12/69 which is now many, many years ago & yes takes into account the Rex years as well :sad:
Loudest athletic event I have ever attended. The crowd was in 3rd/4th down mode for every single Patriots offensive snap. It was absolutely overwhelming. Totally awesome.
I guess you just don't understand how the world works then. Just take a look at the Metro Area housing market and compare it to homes in the Dallas area. It will teach you that location plays a major role in what you can get for x amount of dollars.
the place is a big grey slab of blah. 17a is right, as i too have different people behind me every game. and they are usually jerkoffs who root for the other team. and the place gets quiet bc it is so big. sound just dies in it. the only good thing is the giant hallways so you can get around without having some dickbag dump his beer on you while hes getting pushed in 95 directions bc everyone is either trying to get to a seat or get to the spiral to smoke.