So, you would rather give Cuddyer, an inferior player, a multi year deal for the same money Swish is getting per year? Ridiculous. For 10 million and 1 year, he's got a good contract. Yankees can get out of it after the year. Im annoyed at his postseason struggles, but it gives the Yanks a lot more flexibility. They could now either trade him (that contract has some value) or keep him and have a solid rightfielder in a contract year. I like those options.
Who is this "solid" Right Fielder you are speaking of? Swisher ranked 17th among RF's in batting last year.
Are you really going to judge him based on his BA. His wOBA has him 9th in the MLB in qualified RFers, better than Cuddyer. Seriously why do you hate Swisher?
He has a career's worth of post-season futility that began long before he joined the Yankees, yet for some reason, no one seems to care.
It's probably higher than the percentage of people that think giving a multi-year contract to Michael Cuddyer is a good idea.
nick swisher or Michael cuddyer? nick swisher. not to mention the two most valuable things he does are to take pitches and get on base. he is a great fit in the Yankees lineup.
Swish brings a lot of energy to the team, and much-needed personality. I like him. He may not be lighting it up, but he's by no means a detriment.