Can someone explain this to me? Are you telling me that there are no .250 hitting, above-average fielding, playoff choking right-fielder free agents? What a joke this guy is. He was basically resigned to do his stupid fucking salute to the bleacher creatures.
From the NY Daily NEws: Flycatchers are everywhere, so if your favorite team needs help in the outfield, fret not. If the Indians don’t pick up an $8.5 million option on Grady Sizemore and he proves he’s healthy, he’s a dynamic talent. Carlos Beltran, Johnny Damon, Michael Cuddyer, Raul Ibanez, Josh Willingham and Jason Kubel can offer offense. Read more:
Great. Another multi-year contract for an above average player in his mid 30's. That would have been smart. Kemp is a free agent next year. Bringing Swisher back for one more year was the right move.
Fail, Swisher has a higher career wOBA than Cuddyer. Swisher played a great RF this year. Cuddyer is among one the worst.
Just because he was awful in the postseason does not mean he is not worth his money. He was a very productive player for the team this season.
EPIC FAIL - Carer Post Season Batting Statistics: Cuddyer 25 for 74 .338 Ba .372 OBP Swisher 21 for 124 .169 Ba .295 OBP
I just want to point out that Nick Swisher has 3704 career at bats and Michael Cuddyer has 4072 and you are using 74 and 124 at bats to compare them. This does not make sense. That is all.
Those at bats are against post-season quality pitching. Cuddyer managed to have more career post-season hits despite FIFTY less at-bats than Swisher. That means nothing to you?
First, yes that means absolutely nothing to me because past post season performance is not a predictor of future post season performance. Second, what is a predictor of future post season performance is a player's career stats, swisher is a better hitter. Third, the idea of post season pitching season quality pitching is so ridiculous I don't even know hot to argue if you think that's a real thing. Obviously everyone who pitches is the playoffs is pedro martinez.
Forgive me, all of you, for not being elated that the Yankees just settled for a sub-average Right Fielder just so that the Bleacher Creatures can get a hard-on every time Nick Swisher "salutes" them during roll-call.
Yeah, see... you don't get to move the goalposts now. It'd be one thing if someone else started this thread because they actually were elated that Swisher's option was picked up. That's not what happened, though. You started the thread and have more or less called him worthless. And that's just not true. Swisher's provided good value for the team, and if they can pick up that option as a short-term solution for next year, that's a good thing. Yeah yeah yeah, you don't like him, and that's fine. Maybe they should have looked for someone clutch like 1998 Scott Brosius, huh?
Sub-average how? The guy played a good defensive RF last year. He is an above average RF while Cuddyer is below fielder.