Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    That's part of the problem.

    He comes out 1st Down, I formation. Run up the middle, or long deveolping pass play.

    Then on 3rd and 8, he sounds four guys on 6 yard curls.


    Everyone keeps talking about the myriad quick slants we run.

    We don't. Except on third and long.

    In three successive weeks, I've hear Brian Billick, Chris Collinsworth, and Simms critiques the Jets for never trying to spread teams out

    One week after getting Sanchez pummeled trying to pass out of the I formation, what does Schotty do?

    Same thing. Ihedigbo was a split twat hair from sending him to the IR.
  2. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Just trying to inform the Doom and Gloom Brigade that the troubles with the team go beyond Schotty. Its about time some of you took Reading Comp.101. lol Schotty has a boss. as such if he is not getting the job done, its the boss' job to fix the problem. today at his presser he said Shcotty is doing a good job and he is fortunate to have him. Now please argue with REX.
  3. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    "He" has a boss. The boss approved the game plans. Have you contatced REX yet and tell him that he does not know what he is doing?
  4. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree with every word that you wrote!
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    LOL. Yes. Blame Rex.

    Wasn't Rex the guy that coached one of the most explosive players in the NFL (prior to breaking his leg), yet failed to get him significant touches?

    What's Rex gonna do, he's a stand up guy. I would wonder if James Calvin's point about who hires and fires might not be accurate.

    But please, Rex endorsing Schotty means zilch, what's he gonna do, come out say my OC sucks?

    We don't know who can fire him, but several things are very clear.

    He's married to his system, regardless of the talent fluctuations around him, and that precedes this regime.

    He's also married to an antiquated version of the NFL passing game in spite of the evolving rules changes. (As I pointed out above, Billick, Collinsworth and Simms know far more about that than I do, but it IS obvious to anyone watching)

    The fact of the matter is, the NYDN story IS true. and the reason it's happened now, is because you have 3 veteran voices with better OC experiences.

    Blame Rex.
  6. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    1) There were about four dropped passes (not 6).

    2) Why do you hear the most complaints about Schotty. It's because the "D" has performed well in the past and the "D" coaches have proven themselves capable of putting together a top 5 defense - even though the recent history isn't the best (although last weeks game against the Raven was OK). Schotty's "O" doesn't have that pedigree. That's one of the reasons why they get the benefit of the doubt over Schotty.

    3) Nobody is saying that the lack of "O" production is all Schotty's fault. If you can quote someone saying that the Jets offense would be top 5 with someone else, I'd like to see it. Most everyone ackowledges that there are personnel isues as well. So noone is saying it's all on the OC.
  7. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    EXCELLENT post.

    Shittenheimer's system is stuck in like 2004. Just about every team in the NFL has opened up their offense to take advantage of rule changes and teams having a lack of depth at cornerback, yet Shotty has failed to adjust and update his garbage system. How can so many "experts" on TV who have played QB, or had success in the NFL as a player or coach, watch a Jets game and come out of it with many questions about the offensive design and play-calling before the blame falls on Shittenheimer and not everything else.

    This has been a huge problem for 5+ years now, two regimes, 3 or 4 QB's.. I mean it's getting ridiculous. And anybody who says Shittenheimer is fine because Rex came out and said he's a good coach and is sticking with him is insane. What good would Rex publicly calling out his OC do if he's gonna keep him and not fire him. It's pointless.. it would just cause more problems.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Look if your defense of Schottenheimer is 'He has a boss' that doesn't even rise to the level of weak.

    It is beginning to stir a thought that Rex is SO defensive minded, that Baltimore passed him over because he has the mindset of knowing how to attack a defense, but not appreciate one. Now..even if that's true, he's getting OTJ training right now. I'd take a lost season, for a long fruitful tenure.

    There is No way to watch the NYJ play offense, and not see that they should be far more productive with these tools than they are.

    You've got Holmes and Plax on the outside, which means you've got one of the most productive veterans of all time, on a nickel guy or worse...and you cannot exploit that 5,6 times a game?

    That's the same issue as when Leon was here. Potential, untapped.

    There is no excuse for that, except bad coaching.
  9. babyknight

    babyknight Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    It's just so fucking depressing watching our offense. How is it possible that our pass plays are routinely such garbage, with every receiver running short of the first down? How is it possible that we never go for the deep ball?

    After the fourth straight 3 and out yesterday, you'd think we would try something different e.g. try throwing it deep two consecutive plays if there is one on one coverage, at least TRY to stretch the field and get some of their guys out of the box and help the running game.

    There just seems to be zero ability to adjust to what is going on in a game. And the lack of using the TE as a viable receiving option is also pathetic.

    I agree that ultimately Rex is in charge of this but I don't think Schottenheimer even has the basic ability to adjust his offense, and that's why I have no faith in this guy anymore.
  10. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Don't think for a minute that Woody is going to sit back and rest on 2 trips to the AFC finals. He pulled the trigger on Mangini pretty quick and if things go south it wouldn't surprise me if we saw some radical changes in management.

    This ship either will get righted or it will have a new crew.
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You ignore what you don't want to hear. The reason that it is relevant that BS reports to Ryan is that you fail to acknowledge that if Ryan wants him to run a different O, he can order him to.

    Ryan wants a running game. He doesn't trust Sanchez. He doesn't want deep throws over the middle.

    Sanchez holds on to the ball too long. His receivers do not get good separation. THey drop passes. Greene is not a very good RB.

    This is all Schotty's fault. Right.

    Fire Schotty. How much better will the team get? Perhaps we need a poll.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'm in agreement on this one. Woody Johnson has a lot of skin in the game at the moment with the Jets carrying one of the highest debt loads in the NFL at well over 600 million dollars. He's not going to stand pat on this team until Jets PSL's are selling at a premium and he has a great brand in place to create cash flow moving forward.
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Woody is actually part of the problem here, but that's another story. He should have been skeptical of Tanny after that fiasco with Pete Kendall. But no.
  14. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    If Woody believes he is vastly over paying for Sanchez or they didn't do enough to protect that investment don't be shocked if the management move is 2 steps above the OC's pay grade. In which case the new GM will be deciding on all the coaches. I think there's alot of pressure on this group to get this turned now.
    #3494 Biggs, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  15. Sanpetejets

    Sanpetejets Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Run a different offense? The system is in place. This isn't madden where you get to pick a playbook before the game.

    I see. Well, then I guess your answer to this is, Schotty is not a problem? It's that Rex wants to run the ball? And there is no talent on the offense?


    I disagree. I think Schottenheimer is a huge problem for this team, and will continue to be, as he has been for 5 years. Team has finished in the top 10 in points once (9th) during his tenure. They have never finished in top 10 in yards while he has been OC. The proof is there. He is not very good at his job.

    None of it matters, since he's not getting fired in season. Funny though, how the players have a problem with his play calling and game plans, guys who have been with excellent OC's in the past, not to mention NFL coaches and ex players like Billick Simms and Collinsworth... to name a few. But we shouldn't question it? But hey, what do they know. I am sure it's all about Rex wanting to run the ball.
    #3495 Sanpetejets, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  16. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Not looking like Shotty is going anywhere anytime soon.

    Ryan believes the offense made progress under offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer. “That whole group is an excellent staff and we’ll get this thing righted. We made strides,” he said. “It might not be statistically where you’ll see it because we didn’t do a great job on third down, but we were making strides.”
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Again I'm, right there with you on this one. Woody has made two serious missteps so far in what is otherwise a very effective management strategy so far.

    He kept Terry Bradway on after demoting him from GM, which has caused the problems the Jets had under the Bradway/Herm regime to reverberate down the years. There's a reason Tannenbaum has considered it ok to incessantly trade up and trade away picks to get players: it's what his predecessor did and that guy is still in the building. The thing that drove Bradway out of his position - the collapse of the offensive line seems to be threatening us again.

    He allowed Mike Tannenbaum to choose Rex Ryan's offensive coordinator for him, significantly diluting the accountability on that side of the ball and setting up chains of interlocking dependencies that appear to have held the Jets back in the Ryan era.

    Other than that Woody has been very decisive, sweeping away the Parcells regime (minus Tannenbaum) when he knocked over the apple cart there and then sweeping away Bradway's regime (minus Bradway and Tannenbaum) when he started over there.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If Ryan keeps doubling down on Schotty it will cost him his job eventually.
  19. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    The problem is that there is no easy fix for this team. Unless the Colts get Luck and want to trade Manning, the only option for drastic changes (in the NFL that usually means HC and/or QB) is to tank for Luck or Jones.

    Other than that, you basically have to stay the course at this point, and that means Sanchez has to start playing like a top 5 QB.

    Whether you tweak things with a new OC is up to the coach and gm, and should get done ASAP, but there is going to be nothing dramatic that happens. Rex will be here for years (his personality suits this team and town, and he keeps the Jets relevant with his mouth alone). So, the only other thing is to replace Sanchez. And that will be difficult to do before the 2013 season, unless Manning becomes available and/or this team nosedives and gets a chance at Luck or Jones (highly unlikely).

    So, even though Woody might want to make big changes for financial reasons, it will be really, really hard to do.
  20. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    If you remember when Chrebet was blogging about the games last season he was saying how predictable the offensive playcalling was. It's nothing new.
    I also think this CS/FO greatly under estimated the damage the revolving door at the WR position would do to Sanchez's development,especially with the lockout and abbreviated TC.
    I don't think anyone could have seen the demise of the OL that has been a strength of this team in the past,either.
    Depth along the OL was not addressed and we are paying for that.

    All this being said Schotty HAS TO GO after this season. Like others have said time and again,enough is enough. There's just no excuse for this crap to continue.

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