I now have a Raider fan friend with a 15 comment Facebook post. All Raider fans. All celebrating his death because "he was always a drain on the team". How fucking ignorant can you be of your team's history.
What a stupid comment. Why would they release him now that he's contributing to the team? He's playing well right now after his injury.
You were just talking about ignorance about a team's history. What about recent history? If you think one 100 yard effort among a litany of bad drops and lingering injuries will change the fact that Heyward-Bey is a useless player, then you're dumber than you look.
Hate the Raiders but man was he a great football mind back in the day (and wasn't senile, of course). Everything about him can be summed up in three words: Just Win Baby. RIP Al.
It's true... They are now going to become good once his wife/son hire someone else to make the football decisions...
Not always true. Some teams go into the shitter when the family takes over after an owner is gone. Look at the 49ers after Eddie DeBartolo.
Jesus fucking Christ. Now that's what I call shame. P.S. RIP, Al. Without Al Davis, the NFL as we know it doesn't even exist. His crazy (but effective!) picks would drive everyone basically nuts, but from the punter in the 1st round (Guy? I think?) to Bo Jackson, he was never an afraid soul to venture forth. May he find new ways to stay adventurous in his next journey.