Really lame flag, lead with his shoulder, the receiver happened to lower his head a bit before contact, made it look so much worse than it was.
The NFL is just lucky that I'm not playing. I wold have torn his heart out of his chest and shown it to him while it was still beating. There ref, I mean.
The helmet got blown off BECAUSE THE RECEIVER LOWERED HIS HEAD AT THE TIME OF CONTACT. Not because he took a shot at the head. Watch the footage at the tail end. Pool aims and leads in to the CHEST. Riley lowers his head then the helmet is off his head. It was a hard hit, but in NO FUCKING WAY illegal. P.S. If this keeps up, it will set a bad precedent. Any receiver about to receive a blow to the chest should 'automatically' lower his head so the helmet gets blown off. You get 15 yard for free, no? Whoever threw the flag at that scene should stop officiating the game. He can't even see what a layman can see, and he's on field. He had better be legally blind or something at least.
Exactly this. One of the angles they showed on replay in regular motion was a ref's eye view from Pool's back. In regular speed, at that angle, it looked like a viscious hit. Replay showed the truth, but I totally understood the flag being thrown after seeing that particular angle (which would've been about what the ref saw). The only question is whether the league will dick Pool with a fine, which is completely undeserved.
If there was only one ref behind the QB side, then I might agree. There were refs from the backside - the one at the sideline threw the flag, and the other one in the midfield. That ref on the sideline should have NEVER missed that play. If he can't do that, then he is simply not qualified to do the job.
Wow. I'm glad you're not my boss. The play happened in an instant. They throw the flags when there's even a possiblity of the contact being illegal. They do that by decree, because it's a dangerous game where guys are seriously hurt and they're trying to reasonably curtail it. It was a legitimate flag. Period. Now if Pool were to be fined for it, I'd argue it was ridiculous, since we have video evidence of the truth. But to say that a referee should have seen it in live action when I couldn't see it on replay is ludicrous.
One to the chest. BOOM! I wouldn't expect a fine. This should be reviewable as well. But I'm sure they would get a few of those wrong too. Anyway you look at it NFL players are still gonna hit like they should no matter how you try to enforce it.
Refs don't officiate the plays anymore, they officiate the results. They go by how brutal it looked and not by what actually happened.
Not a vicious hit in slo-mo. Wilson still doesn't seem able or willing to turn his friggin head around.
Definitely with Alio here. At first glance I thought he drilled him in the head, but on the replay you can clearly see that it was shoulder to chest, and the ref didn't have a the proper angle to determine what happened. Not blaming the ref, because I probably would have thrown a flag on that play in live action too
I'll agree this shouldn't be a penalty but it is a shit tackle. I hate when people say that hits like this are just hard tackles. If NFL players knew how to form tackle and used it in games there would be no issue. Here's a perfect big hit (legal and good form):
Definitely should not have been a penalty, but with the viciousness of the hit, and the receiver's helmet going flying, there was no way the officials weren't throwing the flag.
I guess I need defenseless defined. Pool did everything he could to hit him clean but the receiver ducked his head down into Pool. Pool lead with his shoulder and aimed down into his body. But when they duck like that it is impossible for the defender to adjust. It's like the NFL wants the WR to spear because when they do the defender gets called every time.
its obvious why he got flagged. guys helmet came off. if a ref see's that hes throwing the flag, without hesitating. bullshit
All of these plays plays need to be reviewed in the booth. If Goodell wants to bring in all these new rules, they need to be enforced properly. How could anyone expect the ref to be able to analyze all aspects of the hit when it happens so quickly.