2011 New York Jets Free Agency Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mr Electric, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Does Briam Thomas keep the Sabbath holy?
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    already took care of it

    REVIS ISLAND 619 New Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    yay, go jets!
  4. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    What's the story with Richardson? Retiring?

    Think they could use Chauncey as a back up to Terminator?
  5. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    He hasn't officially retired but he hasn't drawn much interest, either. He'll probably be on someone's roster midway through the season.

    It doesn't make much sense for the Jets to bring in another RB on the roster when we're already likely to carry five.
  6. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    It's his main job, but it's not his ONLY job. Just like a QB has to do other things other than throw the ball (move out of the pocket, read defenses, etc,). Coleman did very well in those other areas. I have yet to find any CB statistic that shows me Coleman was in the bottom portion of the league by allowing the most receptions to the people he was covering. So, please enlighten me if you can find that statistic instead of using your subjective opinion.

    Wrong again. I argued with you because your post has little merit. I couldn't give two shits if you had 1 post, or 20,000 posts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on this board, and I'll defend to the death your right to say it, but when you spew such hypocrisy with no credible evidence to support your theory, then you deserve to be lambasted.

    Idc if you want to make fun of me for Schotty. I already said my peace and noted that I am well aware I'm in the minority for liking him. He's far better than the OC we had before him, the Heimerdingers, the Hacketts. People tend to have a short memory for these things. He called a phenomenal game against the Pats and Colts, but of course very few realize this, and will roast him instead for the Pitt game. Again, its the nature of the position.

    Your last sentence is such a straw man I shouldn't even waste my time on it, but I will. No, Chad never had a strong arm, and I think Bryan Thomas is a below avg OLB, so idk what you're trying to prove here.

    Coleman and Smith are both role players, not starters. You should be able to identify this difference. You only knock these guys because of the various plays they give up, you'll sit there and generalize ('o man he ALWAYS gets beat'). But he doesn't. What about all those other plays where you don't mention his name? Why doesn't he get credit to those?

    Coleman put up terrific stats for a #3/4 CB. I don't even see how this is debatable. Name me a nickel/dime CB that had 5 sacks on the season? The guy held his own out there as the #3, considering the amount of targets thrown his way cause of Revis/Cro.
  7. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Im not making fun of you and I just respectfully disagree.I apologize if you felt my conflict with your post was anything but football related.I didnt realize I came off like that.As for me talking about # of posts,I was referring to the fact that because I disagreed with you,out comes the cavalry in your defense.I respect that you came with #s to defend your argument but the others who just came with "you're wrong" or "you're an idiot" was unnecessary.Not to mention the nonsense about my spelling error.Because we all know that spelling on a message board about football is the 1st priority lol
    #3527 Franchize, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Didn't see this whole thing but Eric Smith is starting.
  9. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    I meant Smith isn't a starter, as in not starting material. Regardless, isn't Pool the starting safety now?
  10. PoPo

    PoPo Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Thought they said that Smith will still start.
  11. Donttasemebro

    Donttasemebro Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    You're correct sir.
  12. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    As per Rex on ESPN and according to John Clayton, Smith was named the starter.I like Pool better obviously but hey,one thing I will say about Smith is that he hits pretty damn hard.
  13. Prince of Thieves

    Prince of Thieves New Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Then here's a nice exercise:

    Re-watch the Jets' game against the Vikings, then evaluate the secondary's performance before Coleman suffered a minor injury vs. their performance afterward. Then see what happens when Coleman re-enters the game for the final drive, which resulted in Lowery's game-clinching interception.

    That about says it all with regard to the big overall impact that Coleman's play would sometimes have on the defense. He was one of the best depth corners in the NFL over the past couple years.

    If the tape proves that he sucks, then why did Jacksonville give him:

    (a) A three-year deal
    (b) An incentive structure that could make the deal worth up to $7.4MM total
    (c) A promotion to full-time nickel corner

    Had the Jets not signed Strickland, a guy who proved he could succeed just as well in the same role, then Coleman would've been a bigger loss than you think, like it or not.

    If you expect every single cornerback on the team to be Revis-level lockdown, you're out of your fucking mind. Coleman may have been burnt a few times, as all depth cornerbacks are every now and then, but he was a physical DB with playmaking ability who proved to be a very good fit for the defense.

    If your argument supporting your assessment of Coleman is simply, "Coleman sucks because there were times when he gave up some 10+ yard receptions," then I really don't know what to tell you.
  14. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    You guys are probably right. I saw Rex said Smith was the starter, but that was before Pool signed (unless he said it after, which I missed). So I assumed Pool was the starter once he resigned here, since he did last year.
  15. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Initial depth chart came out today and Smith is STILL the starter :)


    He also has a 3 year contract and Pool has 1. He also gets paid more than Pool by a little. I think the plans are for him to stay the starter but Pool will get plenty of plays too.
    #3535 Don, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  16. Franchize

    Franchize Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    I thought every1 pretty much agreed this argument was over with?

    So I'm supposed to base my opinion on a guy off of one game vs Brett Favre? A turnover machine.Then,I'm supposed to combine that withthe moves of the Jacksonville Jaguars lol Because they are the epitome of what a General Management and talent evaluation is supposed to be.

    Look,if you like the guy,so be it.I beg to differ.I personally,don't care if my CB is making tackles and getting sacks IF he's not covering his man.I've watched plenty of games where Coleman got torched and picked on repeatedly.If you respect his intangibles more than his lack of coverage skills,more power to you.Some ppl like well rounded guys.I like that too, but only if you're doing your main job correctly.It's kind of how I feel about Tebow.He's a great leader.He adds a new dimension to the game with his power running. He has wonderful intangibles. However,his QB skills, are very suspect.I'd take a pure passer over him any day.I'd take Sanchez over him in a heartbeat.Some ppl feel otherwise.So be it.We'll agree to disagree.Let's just not get into name calling and quoting stuff I never said.I never said I expect him to be Revis or even close.I never said he sucks simply because he gives up 10+ yard receptions.I never said Coleman's stats were irrelevant.My argument is: Coleman's coverage sucks and I'll take a coverage guy over a CB who gets sacks and tackles any day.Some ppl feel otherwise.Let's just agree to disagree and drop it.
    #3536 Franchize, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  17. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    ^ could you please hit the spacebar after a period? You do it after every other word you type.

    I'm not a grammar nazi, but it's visually painful to see that, and perhaps people might take your posts more seriously if you do the most fundamental part of writing a thought.
  18. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I agree...
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Just some obvious Drew Coleman stats that I wanted our friend who lost his spacebar to absorb.

    For Cornerbacks, Drew Coleman led the league in Forced Fumbles (5), Sacks (4), and sack yardage (35).

    Those are just the obvious stats and does not include the intangibles. As the season progressed his coverage was significantly better. For what was supposed to be our #4 CB you'd he hard pressed to find a better #4 in the league.

    Out of all the Cornerbacks in the league he had the 8th highest tackling success rate. Try and find that in a CB earning a base salary of $630k.

    If we could have Revis at every CB position that'd be great, sadly that is not an option for anyone.
  20. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Drew Coleman was to the Jets defense what Schotty is to the offense. A convenient scapegoat who takes way more than his share of the blame. Coleman became a solid player for the Jets after a few rough years. He wasn't perfect but nobody expects perfection from a nickel cornerback.

    Telling everyone around here that you know Drew Coleman was and is a terrible player means that you know more about defensive football from watching broadcast camera angles than Rex Ryan and his entire defensive do while watching coaches film. Drew Coleman had a role in the defensive scheme that the coaches believed her performed well enough to warrant more playing time as their time with the team wore on. Usually when a player sucks they lose playing time as the coaches see more and more of their flaws on film.

    Sadly, I believe Kyle Wilson will become the new Drew Coleman on defense. I don't like that because I know his brother occasionally posts on here. Sucks that he will have to read a ton of blind hatred towards his brother this coming year.

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