Politics aside, anyone else love those jerseys the other night? Usually they just throw that little "Los" patch in front of the regular jerseys. I'm not sure if it was the blue/orange, but I dig these new ones. I'd own one, but I'm not about to spend $180 on a jersey, sorry, can't afford it. I wish one of those chinese companies would make 'em!
And yours with a case o aids :breakdance: Haha, I think it did, but the gimmicks like "Latin" heritage night and Oktoberfest continue.
I liked those uniforms. I would like them more if it said "The Mets" or just "Mets" on them. I just don't fuckin' understand why "Los" has to be on there. Why the fuck is it needed? Does "Los" appear on uniforms in the Mexican League and in the Dominican Republic and in Cuba and what not?