Dude you should look at Amtrak too, I bet it's half that out of Toronto although with those Canadian taxes who the hell knows.
considered that. $251 for a roundtrip, 13 hours on the train each way. pre-tax, no food, non-sleeper. it's out of hand these canada prices
which airline? I only have Air Canada available to me out of Winnipeg. EDIT: the 800 dollar airfare is with taxes included too.
word. i was able to fit like 400-500 in my budget but the airfare rapes that. thanks air canada! *thumbs down*
Air Canada is a fucking rip-off circus. I hate them. Christ, for $500...even that's a no-brainer....but 8-900?!! fuck me.
Delta can get you from Toronto to Newark for $337 CAD after taxes. Biggest problem is that Canada puts shitloads of taxes on the flight. My flight costs $320 and with fees that goes to $341. The flight out of Toronto is $264 and costs $341.
Flying out of Toronto should be dirt cheap for IATA. My problem is, I have to connect in Toronto...no direct flights to NY. This country needs more airline options....i'm tired of paying out the asshole for flights.
I've flown from Toronto to Ottawa for $99 bucks roundtrip and taxed, I was hoping for maybe $250. I'd have to get game tickets, beer and food money and some place to chill. I've made weekends in Ottawa for the same for 2 people and was hoping for the same. ah well, next year.
Not trying to guilt trip you, but we both know someone else who spent 7 hours driving to see the Jets.
I was on Delta's site before looking at airfare then I remembered I have a 10 minute drive to the Meadowlands