Agreed...hes run blocking was fantastic. He went balls out every play whether he was getting the ball or not. Perhaps the thought is you cant really have a ton of money tied up on two WR who are one fuck up away from being gone for a year.
I disagree on the Cro is more important points. This team made it to the AFC Championship game before Cro with Lito Sheppard as the CB opposite Revis. As people pointed out already, the only likely way to get Cro is to overpay for him. I'd rather get Carr, who played in a very similar system, and Braylon, who has the chemistry with Sanchez than Cro and Jones.
We also made it to the AFC Championship without Holmes which I think could be a mistake. Braylon made a ridicolous amount of deep balls, and teams always had to worry about the threat of Sanchez bombing it down the field. Holmes is a bad deep threat type of guy, I hope we can just get someone cuz we are going to need another guy badly.
Aso was also going to get 20 million a year from Dallas. I see you guys haven't learned your lesson from something that happened yesterday, none of these guys have any clue what the fuck they're talking about. Whats the point of freaking out about unsubstantiated rumors?
Not saying that this might turn out to be bullshit (which I hope it does), but Manish usually knows what he's talking about. He's one of the writers who follow the team I actually respect.
I know I'm spouting right now, but we need Braylon back. No FA that's left can bring the dynamic he brought last year. Be it dragging DBs into the end zone, catching a bomb vs. the Texans, making the clutch jump catch in Indy or just run blocking 20 yards away from the line of scrimmage....crap, we REALLY need him back. When he really wants to play, he's a top WR in the league. Motivation is the only thing that worried me about him, but I think he's matured past that. Remember, he's still a fairly young man.
Pissed at Sims-Walker @ Rams for only 3.7 mill... he was the guy to go after in case we couldn't re-sign Edwards. I think Edwards > Cromartie... I'd fucking hate to see Cro here formore money than he's worth.
We fucked us over. We didn't have to wait two days for an answer when our final offer was on the table. We turned away Cro and Edwards, they weren't about to be held hostage by some guy that might not even end up on our team. I don't blame either one of them for walking, especially Edwards who gave it ALL up for this team.