How about replacing Cro with Nnamdi? (Merged x67)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Titans, Jan 9, 2011.

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  1. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Call me crazy, but isn't Revis already under contract? Unless you are talking about him restructuring the deal he just signed last year, that's not possible.
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    thats exactly what I am talking about. Which is why its about as unrealistic a possibility as us trading Shonn Greene for Adrian Peterson straightup the day FA opens.
  3. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Oh, OK. Yeah, that's not happening.

    We can't sign Adrian Peterson because his name is too hard to misspell. Adreenanne Pedersen?
  4. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    this X100000000

    Cromartie is severely overrated. He's a name player with huge potential that is way too inconsistent.

    It's mind boggling reading the articles of late saying how the Jets need to keep Cro at all costs. Saw one from Stephen A and another person too. Did you watch this guy play last year? I'm not saying he's bad but he's not close to an elite corner. I'd be stunned if the Jets thought Cro was worthy of a big contract. I'd rather save the money for other places and let Kyle Wilson get a shot.

    My 1st choice is signing Aso. Then look at WR. If we can't keep Holmes, I'd settle for Braylon. We can find a WR in the draft sooo easily. We're not finding Revis or Asomugha.
  5. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Nobody said he can't... but the way i look at it is this... Let's say we are wrong about Mark, and he isn't the type of QB who can make his surrounding cast that much better. Well then we damn sure better have an awesome supporting cast to make him better. What if we are right, and he begins to make everyone else better? Giving him one of the most well rounded receiving corps in the NFL, and then he goes and makes it better? I am pretty much ok with having a fucking super nasty offense.

    I look at it this way, as long as Rex is around, the defense will be great, no matter who is on the field. So then we give the offense the best possible chance for success. If Mark just makes it better? Than we are going to win a fuck-ton of games in the not so distant future... If he doesn't? Than we still are in a position to Dilfer a superbowl thanks to the elite talent surrounding Mark. It's win-win to keep the offense intact. No matter how Mark turns out.
  6. Prince of Thieves

    Prince of Thieves New Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    Anyone who says Cromartie didn't do well last year must've been watching a different football team. I think Revis has spoiled most of you as far as cornerback expectations go. When Revis was gone and/or hurt, the guy held it down like a top corner in the League. Yes, he has flaws. Unlike Revis, most players have flaws. Ryan's schemes worked around them. He has every right to demand a bigtime contract; he performed like a bigtime player.
  7. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    This is absolutely and utterly true. Revis has spoiled every Jets fans opinion of what a CB should be. I am willing to bet money, that if we somehow signed Aso, by week 3, people would be swearing up a storm about how shitty his play is. Nobody compares to Revis. Nobody. Not even Scrabble.

    The only guy people can argue is Deion. Looking at his numbers, and comparing his best season (1994) to Revis' 3rd year (2009) it's not even close. Revis shut people the fuck down better than the consensus best in history ever could. If Revis ever even comes close to duplicating 2009, he will in my eyes be the best corner to have ever played the game.
  8. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Best part.....he's only 26.
  9. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Thats part of it. But despite being injured last year, and more or less having a very down year, he still was considered what the #2 cb in the NFL behind Scrabble? I mean come on, how fucking awesome is that?
  10. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Wow...I'm not even bothering to read through this thread...

    The sooner some of you realize we're not going to have Cromartie and Asomugha, the easier it will be for you to take that news. You cannot tie up more than 15 fucking million dollars into 2 corners with the salary cap constituted as it will. No fucking way will either of these guys sign at a discount to play here or ANYWHERE. They both feel they are top 5 guys in the league at their position (I think only one of them can truthfully make that case, the other might be Top 15) and they are not going to take a discount. Either of them.
    And if anyone really thinks Revis is restructuring his contract, I have one thing to say. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Right....where were you people last Training camp. He signed for less than I expected.
  11. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    1. At least we can agree on that.

    2. I don't worry about the cap. I leave that to Tanny. I base what I say based on what is reported. And, there are people who cover the NFL that seem to think it will be possible to get NA.

    3. I do not, nor will I ever, deny the impact that guys like Ward or Edwards have on a football team. However, neither guy is a top 10 wr, and dont deserve to get paid like one. I am not even saying I dont want Tone or BE back. I am just saying that if the choice is either A. Cro, Tone, BE, 5/6 lesser free agents, or B. NA, Plax (or Moss) and 5/6 lesser free agents, I am going with B 100% of the time, and it's not even close.
  12. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    I was watching the Jets. I was watching when Deion Branch torched Cro. I was watching when the Schaub made Cro look foolish in the 4th quarter. I was watching Cro refuse to touch anyone at the line. I was watching how Cro gave up a million balls that were thrown underneath because he is only good at doing one thing - covering deep balls. The guy is so over-rated that it is amazing. He literally does one thing well, and that is defend the long ball.

    Oh, and one other point on Cro. Anyone think he will be even as good as he has been once he gets a big contract? The chances of him trying to get better when he gets big guaranteed money instead of fathering another litter of kids he should not be fathering is slim to none.

    Please dont mention stats if you dont realize they had those stats because the Steelers were almost never in danger of losing the lead and could run the ball non-stop.
  13. bibigon

    bibigon Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Who has said it would be possible? I've seen stuff like "Nnamdi would love to play for the Jets", but I haven't seen anyone say "The Jets have the cap room to fit Nnamdi" or anything like that.
  14. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    Are you holding out for a Brady or a Peyton Manning? Don't hold your breath, pal. Mark Sanchez is never going to be as good as Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. Get used to that.

    I'm fascinated that you used Drew Brees as an example. I seem to remember Brees being dumped by his first team, the team that didn't bother to supply him with a decent wide receiver and instead focused on stocking the defense with cornerbacks and pass rushers. I don't seem to recall Brees making Eric Parker, Kasim Osgood and Reche Caldwell look like anything other than JAG's.

    Of course, then he started playing for the Saints, who decided it might be smart to build an offense around him. And then he won a Super Bowl.

    Ummm... we found Revis in the draft. We haven't found a superstar receiver in the draft since we had the number 1 pick and used it on Keyshawn Johnson, and even then he wasn't worth the price. Sure, we've picked up Coles and Moss and Cotch and Brad Smith, but none of those guys are or were dominant wide outs.
  15. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    And you're suggesting that if we come at the Steelers in 2011 with a lesser offense, they will be in danger of losing the lead? That makes no sense.

    A million balls, huh? That's quite a bit of hyperbole, guy.

    Also, I'm fascinated that you used the Texans game as an example. I seem to remember Braylon Edwards and Santonio Holmes, those two dime-a-dozen dudes, making back-to-back great catches to win that game.
    #255 JCotchrocket, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  16. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'd suggest that we sign Jonathan Joseph. As a CB he is much more physical then CRO and covers just as well. Further he is a pretty fast guy and covers as well as CRO if not better. He will be a bit cheaper too.

    Then I'd sign EDWARDS to enhance our GROUND & POUND team! Why over-spend ona guy who can not block; drops several passes; and is one arrest away from a year suspension?
  17. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    I completely agree with these comments. "Waaahh, Cromartie got beat for a touchdown! That doesn't happen to Revis! Cromartie let his receiver catch the ball!!! That doesn't happen to Revis!"

    Revis is rare. Phenomenally rare. Good corners, great corners, excellent corners... they get beat. They give up catches. It's part of the game. The only downside to Darrelle Revis being on this team is that the fucking fanbase's perception of quality cornerback play is going to be skewed for decades.
  18. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    1. You are wrong about Brees. The Chargers didn't dump him because he sucked, they had Rivers there, and he was coming off an injury. He was great for 2 years with mediocre wr's as a Charger.

    And if we are being honest, aside from Colston, his wr's in NO have not been great either. No one built anything for him, it's just that NO hired a coach who is an offensive genius (or as I like call him, the anti-Schotty), and who has designed a scheme in which Brees has continued what he started in San Diego.

    2. To be fair, the Jets dont really draft many WR's high in the draft. They have had defensive minded coaches for quite a long time now, and have not sought out great WR's. I have faith that if the Jets go the Moss or Plax route and need a WR next year, they can find one in the draft.
  19. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    If the Jets played that game 10 times last year, they would have won that game 9 times and never lost the lead. It was a bit of a fluke game. But, if you make the Steelers one-dimensional, the chances of them pounding the ball like that again are literally quite low.

    As for BE and Tone. So? That is what WR's are paid to do, catch the ball. Unless you seem to think they are unique in that regard, and that Moss or Plax cant do that, I dont see your point.

    Again, I am not saying I dont like BE and Tone. I actually do, and I hate being the guy that says the Jets should not resign them. However, I think the Jets can easily win without BE, Tone, and Cro if you replace them with Plax, NA and Cotchery.
  20. ResignHCNYJ

    ResignHCNYJ New Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    They won't be able to afford that without about 10 million in savings from restructured contracts and another 7-8 million in additional salary dumps. And even that's cutting it close and is significantly hurting the team's depth.
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