...nothing wrong with getting your dick sucked. You my friend have a bundle of sticks complex on a web forum. My god complex exists in real life as well. Living well is the best revenge.
It clearly shows some form of mental illness. Based on previous posts in this thread, I also find it extremely funny that you're actually trying to defend the Dolphins/Jets tying argument.
I'm not defending it, I'm saying it was true at the time. I never actually thought it would happen. As for who knows more about football, we'll never know unless I actually talked to you in person. The posters here will side with you because you post a lot here and I don't.
That would require me to set foot in a nursing home and we all know there's no god allowed in places like that.
Explain please? And i hope your getting paid for your god like football knowledge. Anything less would be a waste. I mean if your loading trucks for ups or something it would be a waste of such talents. Ive read alot of your posts and when your not pursueing people to flame with your greatness you clearly know what your talking about but ive been around long enough {life wise} to know people like you eventualy end up making the wrong person feel stupid.
^ Here's a perfect example of a poster that disagreed with me in the past. Also: fuck, cunt, shit, ass
According to dthomas, explaining this method of stick bundling could be illegal on TGG. I get paid at my job...in the real world...what I say on TGG shouldn't really matter all that much. You see, the term "life-wise" doesn't exist here. This is an internet message board. I can say and act however the hell I want (to an extent). The problem is people take this shit way too seriously.
i'm going to regret sticking my nose in here, but some of your posts come off that way too. whether or not that's the case is almost irrelevant. I agree, you're free to act however you wanna act, if i have a problem with your posts i can ignore you- i don't bc well some of your flames are really funny (others not so much - bc they ain't or bc i don't know backstory .. no matter) but mostly bc, you have a shit ton of insight into this game i love. to that point... lol at saying "i don't know who you are, but i have more football knowledge than you. " in all seriousness.. (i prolly glossed over it) what was the point of the bump? flame, retardation awareness, its friday? just curious.
Retardation Awareness mostly. This poster was trying to talk football in another thread and what he was saying made absolutely no sense. "Jets should sign Aso!!!!!!" I looked up his thread creations and found this gem and the other one about the tie.
So because I think the Jets should sign Aso, I'm apparently a retard? So in translation, Mr E's opinion is the only opinion that counts because he's the smartest person on the board. Oh yeah, I also created a thread 3 years ago and created a scenario in which the Jets and Dolphins would benefit from tying.
I settle internet message board disputes like a man...at Applebees, in the parking lot. What happens when you make the wrong person feel stupid anyway?
Thank you i have been waiting for something sig worthy to steal. They ask you to applebees for drinks...