like the fat guy said, he hopes the wall is high enough. those things will be mighty hungry when they all wake. But if winter is as bad as everyone is saying it will be, then, even the south will be in grave danger. They may need to cross the sea and pass Khal Drogo on the way
The books are complete dialogue... word after word after word. But the words are so good that there is a flurry of action in turning the pages.
On a lark during lunch I ventured over to Martin's blog site and found this about last nights episode (I rarely pay much attention to the credits on these things): Lot of comments later I see this at the bottom from him: And you guys think Sanchez is a dick. :lol:
I have no problem with this week's episode. Sure, it wasn't as intense as the past two, but it certainly had it's share of action and suspense. To me, after the continual improvement with each episode, we as viewers have gotten spoiled. This episode was meant more as a set-up than an explanation of anything. They started explaining a lot over the past few weeks, now it was time to raise more questions. For me, I love the Night's Watch/Jon Snow parts, so this episode was great in that aspect. And Arya is just awesome, so it was great to see her back a bit. And can't go wrong with a little Imp action. Also, the Eunich is really confusing me as to what he's doing/who's side he's on.
My fault, when I say the term "up" I usually just mean "to" but I understand how that would be wrong in the context of the show and the importance of north and south
Those nights that got their asses kicked by the teacher with the wooden sword are going to get sent to the back of the class. Awesome scene.
I rewatched the episode last night when it replayed. There was just so much going on in it that it was easy to miss something, or forget something, which is a problem I have with the books and the fact that the guy takes years between each to release them. The whole "let's retire the lead Knight" moment in the throne room was good, too. You know those guys were pissing their plate-armor when he unsheathed that sword on them. I think its Barrister.. I can't remember every name on these people all the time. Was a good scene though. Naked knight... heh.
Yeah that was a funny scene. Another bit of humour, was when Tyrian thinks his ordeal is over when Shagger son of Shagger, Auntie to Shagger says he wants the half man to fight along side them. The look the Imp gives is priceless
I think I posted it earlier in this thread but if you like audiobooks at all then do look around for the (unabridged) audiobook versions of the Song of Fire and Ice series as they are fantastic. Also if you like graphic novels then the two prequels to this series - Hedge Knight and Sworn Sword - are both very good versions of the novellas they are based on. I am realy enjoying it but as someone that has read the series a couple of times its difficult to get too into it as you know whats going to happen, its not lke the Walking Dead where there are some sizeable departures from the original material.
Emilia Clarke does an AMA on reddit: EDIT: Not her.