Rex ryan says schotty is coming back next year

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by S.HOLMES.10, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Id rather have this douche take a higher ranking position somewhere else, the Jets wont fire him I bet.
  2. KingLeonidas

    KingLeonidas New Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    I think they feel if they fire Shotty now That it will hinder the improvement of Sanchez...

    I rather have Keyshawn Johnson as our OC...
  3. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    i bet they don't fire him either... I mean Ryan did say he was coming back...

    But in all honesty, the key to helping mark develop as fast as possible, to the height of his potential is continuity. That means continuity with the players on his offense, continuity on the coaching staff.

    For Mark to become the best he can be, he needs to be surrounded with the best we have for as long as possible.
  4. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    Not true. The Jets have been getting by despite bad coaching for years. They did it during the Herm/Hackett years. Then the Mangini/Schottenheimer years. And now the Schottenheimer offense.

    When you have a great offensive line (which will get better once we get younger at RT since Big Wood is near the end of the line), 2 great wr's, 2 very good HB's, one of the best FB's of all time and a qb who if nothing else is clutch late in games, you are going to win a lot of games despite the plays the OC calls.
  5. FlightBoys

    FlightBoys Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    I hope hes joking , please be joking. And it was only a day after the game so anything can change in the next six months.
  6. WaitAsekent

    WaitAsekent New Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    Throw a blank check at Gruden for a 2 year deal.. the guy loves Sanchez and would probably come to NY and after these 2 years the guy can either choose to stay here or go be a HC somewhere attractive that might have a HC opening. The teams that need a HC right now Gruden wouldnt touch so he can either stay at ESPN or be the OC of the Jets. Jus sayin
  7. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    That is correct. The guy does stupid things in big spots. Getting to the AFC Championship game is not the ulimate goal - winning it is. But Schotty and his father have proven incapable of doing that. Plain and simple. And guess what, Schotty will fail again next year because when the pressure is on, he plays not to lose, and costs his team games.

    And, if Keller catches that ball its 24-17. Even if they stop the Steelers (likely), they would have had to hurry up in case they couldn't score on the nest series. So, even if they somehow did that, the rapist would have probably had enough time to drive again. So, it's not that much of a given. It would have helped, but was not close to a guarantee.
  8. WaitAsekent

    WaitAsekent New Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    Marty Shittenheimer has never won a SB and neither will his son. It runs in the family get the conservative p*ssy the F outta here
  9. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    That was a popular theme from those opposed to the previous coaching regimes. We had the talent to get us as far as we were getting, but not all the way. Winning despite coaching because of our talent. Not sure I buy it lock, stock, and barrel though.

    I think we can win it all with Schott on the team, and the guy makes me mental. But something really needs to change, or they really need to start leaning on this guy to get better, find him some help... something. We can bitch about the play calling selection to no end, but when your offense (given the talent we have) fails to score a 1st quarter touchdown since week 5, you have a problem somewhere. And against some of the teams that we sucked out against, coming from behind, and getting quite a bit of luck.

    Coaching staff in general gets some shit for it as well. We had a lot of games where we only played a half, or even a quarter of football. Or a unit of the team disappeared altogether. We are getting better though. Hard to see it after a heart breaking loss again, being so close. But we are inching forward.
  10. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Losing super bowls runs in the family? Holy shit... its genetic!!!??? :drunk:

    I wouldn't exactly categorize Brian to be a clone of Marty at all. Lot of guys coach in this league, and not a lot of them actually make it to the big dance.
  11. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    Look, I dont buy it 100%, but I buy it to some extent. No matter who the coach is, he has to do certain things to win. Any OC is going to call about 30-50% runs, and it is just up to the O-line, WR's and HB's to execute. So, no matter how bad the call, if the players do their job, you should get yards, and once in awhile break a big run. Passing is more tricky because you need a good qb. But, the Jets have had pretty good qb's in Vinny T, Penny, Favre, and Sanchez. And the Jets have always had at least 1 very good wr. So, dspite the plays, we have always been able to persevere because of the talent on offense.

    And the defense has always been solid. Rex just made it great for a year, and decent this year.

    As for Schotty, you cant give him help after 5 years. If you are keeping him on, you are saying you think he is doing a good job and want to continue with him. That to me is a problem because he is awful. The players will execute again next year. And, we will win at least 11 games again. I have no doubt about that. But, I am also certain that he will lose 3-4 games by himself next year because he will fail to prepare the team and will call an awful game. And, I guarantee that we will be in a tough, close playoff game again next year, and Schotty will something retarded that costs us the game. And that is why he needs to go, because this team will once again be one of the best next year, and he will be the weak link.
  12. Fatman&Robin

    Fatman&Robin Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Schottys got another year to prove himself. If the offense stutters as it did this year and Sanchez continues to show strides in development (it is his 3rd year after all) then its time to kick him to the curb.

    And I do hate him.
  13. WaitAsekent

    WaitAsekent New Member

    Dec 25, 2010
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    It was more intended to be sarcasm but seriously hes terrible. 5 years is enough
  14. supersonic

    supersonic Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2003
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    Can get better? He has been here 5 years and he is yet to sniff a top 10 offense despite his top 5 talent. If we had an OC as good as our DC we would be unstoppable.
  15. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I have to consider that we won 4 out of 6 playoff games on the road, when I think about this as well. That is a pretty damn good run. I can't buy we won entirely despite Schott. He helped make a lot of that possible too. If he's capable of doing that, he's capable of getting us the extra 10 yards to a SB win.

    Six road playoff games. That is a lot to ask of any team, much less the OC. I'm never a subscriber to the idea that someone cannot improve or get better. Some people will fail to because either they resist outside criticism of their true performance, maybe they are just pig-headed. As fan there is much that happens and is said that we will never be witness to. We really can't know for sure how BS sees this, or how his peers and management see it and are reacting. He does seem to have plenty of support from the organization though. It's frustrating, but maybe they see something we don't.
  16. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    You really think that at this point in Sanchez's career the Jets have top 5 offensive talent?
  17. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Not to mention the utter lack of top 5 talent in the other 4 years.
  18. BlueDevil73

    BlueDevil73 New Member

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I can not believe some of what I just read... Lets hope Sanchez gets better so he can audible out of Schottys playcalls. Seriously?! How about just fixing the problem.

    Every year we have added more pieces to this offense and we continue to put out the same inconsistent product year after year. A fish stinks from the head down.

    If the Jets are going to keep Shotty they should let Braylon and Holmes go. He has no clue how to use them so we would be better served spending every possible cent on defense.
    #98 BlueDevil73, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  19. miggymiggs

    miggymiggs New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    guy is talented... but gets too gutsy at times. ie goal line play call against Pitts. Still can't forgive him for not letting S.Green bang it down their throat 4 downs in a row.
  20. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    While I don't like BS and I hope he is replaced, I will only accept his firing if Bill Callahan is his replacement, we cannot fire him just because the fans want him gone.

    He is part of a coaching staff that has taken the team to 2 straight AFCCG.

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