this season smells dangerously close to a one and done. WHile im inclined to doubt our chances this season, I would not be surprised if this team kicks it up and plays some inspired football during the post-season. I look for tomlinson to play with same fire he had early in the season... although i would like greene to see the ball more often. Sanchez shows up in big games(lets forget NE), and in the playoffs, every game is big I am a little wary of this underwhelming d tho...
We have high potential. I remember the Cardinals looking dead as dead can get. But then suddenly they played to their potential and everything came easy. Similar to the Steelers in 05. They had a good team, but werent playing to potential. Then the playoffs came and they just dominated even tho they werent expected to at all. It all came easy to. They would build quick leads and then play defense. They basically made their opponents play into their game plan.
This team was kicking ass minus one quarter yesterday. They can handle KC due to how the teams matchup. It will be a very close game though. And I can't wait to see Sanchez in January again.
Agreed, I don't see Sanchez playing like crap in the playoffs. I have a funny feeling he is going to play very well and guide this team.
greene needs to be #1 and the jets need to pull a pass rush out of their ass. Tomlinson always wears down late. if we get to New England somehow,all i want to see is a constant blitz on Brady. It is the ONLY way to have a chance vs them. take a look at the way the packers played them. If Rodgers were playing they would have won and its because they were on Brady constantly. It is and has always been the way to beat the pats. We always give him too much time.
The key to beating the Patriots is by running the ball and killing clock. Blitzing Brady is also needed. We played to much zone and it didnt work. We need blitz blitz and make the Patriots to make mistakes. But lets stick to the Chiefs for now. No need to talk about the Pats.
I have no idea what's gonna happen in the playoffs. I can say with relative confidence tho that if we beat New England we will win the Super Bowl.
Last question about New England, why in the world did we open with a hurry up offense? that was by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen. The key is to keep Brady OFF the field, not get him on quicker...
It was to get the dead offense into a rhythm. It didn't work, but at least they were trying something new. The Packers had the right idea. If Rodgers was available for that game, they would have won it.
correct - i stated this on multiple occassions before the pats game II. schotty screwed that game up from the get go w/a failed gameplan and stupid playcalling.
The key is to build a franchise who can make the playoffs consistently, ala Pitt, Indy, New England. Some years you'll be one and done, but eventually, you'll get there. This franchise's approach is tending to disregard the future somewhat, and that concerns me.
well we are in the playoffs for the 2d yr in a row w/this leadeship team - so that speaks pretty well for the direction we are headed in. I see this as a beginning w/a young developing QB and lots of good young talent and a young HC that is also developing.
the team is quite capable of slugging it out with anyone, if they can get on the same page, cut out the penalties, and play solid defense most of all, i think the offense is good enough to translate into some wins in the playoffs.
You're correct in the sense that they play one score games for the exception of the Pats game. They also win 2/3 one score games they play, so the odds are good. Only a division opponent who was on fire has dominated this team. That does make them very good. What is infuriating is that when this team is firing on all cylinders, they could be the best in the NFL. But there is hope they get it fixed against the Bills. They have time.
rex should blitz brady early and often and tell his men to hit the little fucker HARD even if it draws a late hit flag. LEVEL the asshole 5 straight times to start out the game. sure the score will be 7-0 but it probably would be 7-0 anyway and at least brady will be bloodied. we go on to win the game 45-7.
A one and done playoff season is a pretty good year - better than 20 other teams. By itself, that is an accomplishment to be proud of. As long suffering fans, we should be relishing this opportunity. Once your are in the playoffs, who knows what is going to happen? We have a really good football team with veteran leadership, quality at all of the skill positions, a dominating OLine, and a strong defense. The team plays great on the road. Why not us? Let's not be so goddamn negative and support our fucking team! Bring it!
The playoff formula should be simple.. a steady dose of Shonn Greene followed by more Shonn Greene. He's fresh, and as long as he doesnt fumble he can keep those chains moving. That's going to be important so we can keep the lagging defense off the field against Brady (or any opponent really) for as long as possible and keep them somewhat fresh.
I don't want to be a downer or imply I'm a darksider, but I don't see us winning the SB this year. That being said, we have a good team on the cusp of regular contention for the SB, and if Sanchez progresses some more, the sky is the limit. There's no doubt this team will play with inspiration and motivation in these playoffs, we know RR is capable of getting the most of his players. I could see us going past the first round, though, why not?