WTF ? Just heard on SNY.....apparently you can't imply that the Belicheaters cheated unless you have proof. 'Proof' is defined as Kraft or Belicheat admitting they broke the rules. Seriousley...didn't we have a tape/youtube here of the Pats doing what Westhoff said they did ? I think Westhoff himself showed it. More proof that Kraft controls Goodell going back to Kraft's backing his father during his short Senate tenure before Bill Buckley's brother bounced him.
When did Westhoff ever "imply" cheating?? He said nothing they do is illegal I hope he beats the fuck out of the NFL Hardy Boys with his cane In Foxborough Sunday night for the New England Patriots-Green Bay Packers game, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell confirmed an report from last Thursday, telling the reporters the league is investigating comments made last week by New York Jets special teams coach Mike Westhoff. Westhoff, speaking on a Chicago radio station last Wednesday, accused to Patriots of using players on the sideline to form an illegal wall on punt returns. Westhoff came under fire last week in the aftermath of the Sal Alosi tripping incident. The Jets used a wall on the Alosi trip, with speculation that Westhoff was the mastermind. He denied that. The Jets claim it was Alosi's doing. "It's something that we're looking into, our staff has been looking into and I expect to get a report within the next day or so," Goodell told reporters, according to the Boston Globe. The league has a rule that prohobits team officials and coaches from making public accustions about another team unless they can back it up. Asked if Westhoff could be punished, Goodell said, "If there’s a violation of the policy." League security visited the Jets' facility last Friday to interview officials, including Westhoff, as part of its investigation.
This is Goodell sucking up to Kraft once again.....he went easy on them during Spygate and Tagliabue kissed Krafts ass when the Pats tampered with Belichick in 2000 when he was the HC of the NYJ.
If a Jet didn't say it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Kraft is just trying to punish a division opponent over nothing.
Yup. Because you KNOW Westhoff has film. And at the end of the day..why are we not talking about the cheating that actually spurs this.... One Memo to the officials. 'Any Player...On the opposing sideline not making a 45 degree turn back onto the field shall be penalized from the spot of the foul. This is a reviewable offense' Makes it go away tomorrow.
How quaint that Goodell was chillin with him in his booth during the SNF game.. Anyone in their right mind would probably refrain from this simply from conflict of interest...yet, there they are and it isn't the 1st time so it ain't the last
While I feel for players, and the fact that it's their career... This is the kind of thing that would make me put a bounty on the knee of a center or a nose tackle.
Sure the players didn't just want to get a better view of the return? Holy crap has this turned out to be a big to do about nothing really.
I'd do that only if that player truly deserves it. Haynesworth comes to mind. If you want to stomp on the head of an opponent, I will have my player stomp on your ACL. Its only fair. And I'll take a 15 yard penalty by hitting your QB late with a helmet. Take a swipe at mine, I'll take a swipe at two of yours.
I thought those were supposed to be players getting ready to go on the field. Maybe that's still not allowed but it's seems more plausible then what the Jets did.
You are either confusing 2 different discussions or being conveniently ignorant. What does the tripping have to do w/ the evidence of what is being shown? The discussion here is showing the Pats doing what Westhoff claims that they do.
Standing in a line on the sidelines is legal. Running out of bounds and not immediately returning to the playing field is not legal.