Why don't our O-linemen ever pull to open up holes???, After watching the last couple of games we very rarely pull to open up holes, this game against the steelers we pulled once with DBrick pulling to the outside and it opened up a big run.......... With an O-Line as talented (supposedly) as ours why aren't we looking to cause some confusion using some different blocking schemes. Its looks like we all block left and run left or we all block right and run right,
Faneca was the main-man doing that sort of thing last year...i dont think the CS has complete confidence in Slauson yet. but i do see them doing it every once in a while.
I hope to see more because it gives the lineman better angles, also having guards tee off on Def ends from inside out are great mismatches, couple that with our fullbacks hitting holoes/ LBs and we could just have a more complete running games
for all of you saying we do, watch the games again and you will see how rarely we UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM DO for the last three quarters we did it once and I dont remember seeing it in the earlier games.
I am sorry, I thought you were supposed to watch the ball during the game because the ball is usually right where all the action is. I also thought this was a football discussion forum, where jets fans discuss jets related issues but, my bad
Lots of things happen before the football is handed off or passed... and FYI, if your watching the ball, you will miss the pulling lineman about 8 of 10 times... and don't think, its frowned on here apparently:breakdance:
A lot goes on besides where the ball is. Its amazing how much more of a game you understand when you don't concentrate on the ball the entire time. I don't need to stare at a RB hitting the hole or Sanchez sitting the in the pocket to know where the ball is, I can pick that up peripherally. That allows me to watch the line and the secondary for a brief moment and understand what's going on during a play - like the OL pulling. And yes this is where we discuss Jets football but when you retort like you did, this is the answer you get. Its simple, your missing when they pull and we told you that.
I am well aware of how to watch a football game, that is why I asked the question. I was looking for possible reasons why we are not using our line in different ways. If you watch the game again you will how little we use multiple blocking schemes.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FQsaMec9u4 #75 was lined up at end so he did not pull he blocked down and recovered to get to the outside and lead block great play on his part and a really nicely executed play .......
Turner's assignment was to sell the fake with blocking down, and then pull in case anyone wasn't fooled to protect Sanchez's bootleg. He still pulled. Shall we go find the numerous times Slauson pulls around Mangold? That play is run about 5 times a game.
What!? He did not pull!?!? Do you even know how to read the 'direction of play'? Jesus. I am done talking to this idiot.
like I said in the original post VERY RARELY do we use these techniques, I was looking for a reason maybe our OC or Line Coach is going to something new or we don't trust our guys to pull it off, It just seems like our running game has not been what it has been in the past, I believe our RBs are very talented and I thought our oline was as well but lately we dont seem to be able to move the D-Line or open gaps for the guys to run through.