Can you tell the other fairweather morons to wait until atleast the 3rd quarter to jump to the darkside?
Win or lose, I've seen enough to get on the coaching staff for how they start games!!!! ZERO TDs in the 1st quarter this year - that's a disgrace!
you know Schotty should be reading this over the last few weeks and he is not putting his players into position to make plays. And when they do get in place they make miss-reads on routes and coverage. that's coaching as well as the players. You can not spot other teams points and field position week in and out and expect to win.Schotty's play calling is doing that. Miami is a bad team but we are making them look good why? because Schotty is calling shit plays and other teams have picked up on them. When the play works it is not because it is a brilliant play call but because the receivers o running back just guts it out and out performs the other team
One thing I notice is that Shoetteinheimer is slow to make adjustments. Someone mentioned and correctly so that the fins are jumping every route, how about a designed pump and go to one of the very good deep ball wrs?
this o-line is bad. what happened to the run game this year? I knew this would happen when we let go Faneca.
Fuck Schotty stop calling the fucking wildcat! STOP IT! Did you notice he does it everytime after Sanchez throws a nice completion? Way to kill any confidence the guy is getting.
mu·ti·ny noun \ˈmyü-tə-nē, ˈmyüt-nē\ plural mu·ti·nies Definition of MUTINY 1 obsolete : tumult, strife 2: forcible or passive resistance to lawful authority; especially : concerted revolt (as of a naval crew) against discipline or a superior officer.
so on 4th and short we line up with the f'ing wildcat...this needs to be removed from the play book. SOJ are coming around. There hasn't been 1 positive thing to happen this game. Schotty must go now!
I know, huh? every time Sanchez gets a play like that they throw in predictable Smith. They better score here.
HUH? How about playcalling? They are not establishing the run. Sanchez can't beat anyone right now. Why should teams fear him?
Sanchez is losing confidence every week. And this o-line isn't getting better this year, so that's why I'm pessimistic.