I wasn't expecting domination, I was expecing him to be a good pass rusher as a situational pass rusher. he's been a major disappointment.
He's just collecting a paycheck and thinking about his post career and using NYC as a stepping stone. I thought he was gonna french kiss Brady after the game. I can't stand this guy, he's sucks and he's still a Dolphin. Stealing Woody's $$$
There are guys on this team stealing a lot more of Woody's money. At least Taylor has been somewhat productive. How about Pace or Thomas? Those guys are making much more then Taylor and have been far less productive.
THIS...... Did you guys expect him to enter a timewarp to 5 years ago? He hasn't been great, but there are ALOT of other guys on the front 7 that deserve much more criticism.
I was expecting him to have less of a season stat-wise than other keys players that haven't. Expecting Jason Taylor to come into this team and be more successful than the starters he's rotating for isn't realistic. When the defense was clicking, Jason Taylor made some plays. That's all I expected of him.
I would have thought that everyone understood that what Rex says about any of his players means nothing - he believes in building them up, and will obviously be wrong when he makes hyperbolic statements much more than he is right. It all means absolutely nothing. As to Taylor, he certainly HAS contributed, and he certainly has NOT played at anything like an elite level. Pretty much exactly what I figured would happen.
As a situational pass rusher not having to get worn down playing every down I expected he would be harrassing QBs all year. I can take a low sack # if he was getting pressure but he is invisible rushing the passer. That has been the most disappointing thing.
Why would anyone be happy with what hes done. That said, he was an aging D lineman that was kicked out by the team that will have a special day for him down the road. Most posters looked at him as trying to catch old lightning in a fresh bottle. Didnt work out that way. I would be more pissed at the front office because they thought they were fixing the front line problem of getting to the qb WITH HIM. There is where your rage should be pointed at.
let's see, nobody is performing well in the system. either that means everybody is terrible, or perhaps the system is flawed. which seems the more likely is everybody is suffering frmo the same lack of performance? the answer here is very obvious, but take your time and think about it because you don't seem to be getting it yet.
There is one good thing to come out of a thread like this. Everytime a poster attacks a player...the player goes on a roll...which allows other posters to keep bumping the thread after every game. If it works this time...might want to make another dozen of these threads. Lets keep an eye on Taylor this weekend.
I hope that is the case but I have been criticizing his lack of pass rushing for weeks now and it hasn't helped.hmy:
hmmm...... I know where you're going with this, I just hope it's not true. They need to employ a bit of flexibilty.... if they can
It has nothing to do.with the system. Pouha has been stout against the run but has not generated any push up the middle against the pass.
A good example of this was on Monday night when Taylor got up the field (which he did a few times) forcing Brady to step up in the pocket (which is something he excels at) and find the open receiver (which often was Welker). If we had the push up the middle Brady would not have been able to step up in the pocket and make the play. It's not just Pouha either. Our inside blitz is NOT getting thru at all.
As much as I like Pouha, I think it's becoming clearer that he's more of a two down end than a two down nose.
So true. It gets embarrassing when you see us send 7 and all of them run into each other at the line and get blocked by 5 lineman and a back.