You're missing my point, it's a dick move by the Giants. You finished the argument for me. They have the entire state of NJ like you said, the Giants had to reason to do this. Where is the Giants practice facility? Pretty close right?
I'm sure other practice facilities have hotels of some sort nearby. Hell, most visiting teams actually stay in Jersey City (not Meadowlands Sheraton)
Did the Giants have to think this through? Or did it just go to an admin that books the facility out? I think the Giants have better things to do than think of ways to stick it to the Jets.
It's really low class of the Giants to do this, and a clear violation of the good will used to build the stadium jointly. What are the Giants thinking?
It's not so much the Giants sitting around having a pow wow on how to screw the Jets, it's a matter of simply having the class to say no. I doubt previous to the the jets would have allowed the Cardinals or a dome team to practice using thier facilities 2 days before the game.
Until I hear otherwise, I would tend to agree with this pov. Coughlin is getting ready for the next game, not sitting around thinking up schemes to hurt the Jets. Miami probably requested use of the facility. Why should the Giants have said no? Paranoia may not mean that people might not really be out to get you, but paranoia standing alone does not provide much in the way of solid analysis.
This- FGF Do you think the VP, owners, etc.., do not know the Dolphins will be in THEIR facility. I'm sure they had plenty of work to do to get it ready for them. make sure nothing private is around stuff like that. How can you argue that this is not a DICK move?
Easy. They responded to Miami's request with a yes. They owe the Jets nothing. How was it a dick move?
Yes. We share facilities with your divisional rival. We cannot in good conscience help you overcome a competitive disadvantage.
Forget it, I don't care this much about this. If it's not news and it's no big deal we would've never known about it.
How???? Are u fucking joking? Home field advantage is huge!! Even more so with cold bs warm weather teams. The dickhead giants just reduced our home field advantage, making it as easy as possible. This is beyond dick!
I can see both sides of this argument. But I still say, if you can't beat this team because they used the new stadium to practice then you don't deserve to win anyway. What is to stop the Dolphins from just using a local HS football field to practice in the same exact elements? The only place that would be different is the wind factor on kicks. Is the weather Friday and Saturday going to be the same as Sunday?
I agree. It's a distraction, not a real issue. Weather Saturday is supposed to be mid 40's. I am sure if the Giants had not made their facilities available, the fish could have found somewhere else. It saves their FO some cost and trouble with logistics, but I don't think it gives the players any real advantage.
See, here I think you are grossly wrong, which is why last year in particular there was such a big deal being made about scheduling, for example, west coast teams to come play on the east coast after a Monday night game, etc. "A few days" before is a rarity, primarily because the team does not have a place to practice once they leave the confines of home.
A recent article out of the many- "NEW YORK (WFAN) – The Miami Dolphins’ Week 14 practice schedule contains an interesting wrinkle – an early trip to the New York area. Ahead of their matchup with the New York Jets, Tony Sparano’s Dolphins will hold their Friday afternoon practice at the Giants’ training facility in East Rutherford, N.J. “It’s despicable that they’ve allowed this to happen,” WFAN’s Craig Carton said about the Giants Wednesday morning. A Giants spokesperson said the Dolphins asked to use the practice facility “about two or three weeks ago.” The Giants have been using the Timex Performance Center for two years, and according to the spokesperson, the center has never hosted an opposing team for practice."
Well obviously an opposing team has never used the center because the Giants are using it. What a stupid quote.